Ece 342 uic Past ECE 342 HW . edu : yizhu3[at]illinois. . You will be submitting homework using gradescope as a PDF file. Not too difficult. ECE 483: Analog IC Design (Spring-2025) Lectures. ECE 486 is by far the most time consuming (yet most rewarding) class out of the three listed. Click here for code. Don’t let this post deter you from 342 in general just be mindful of who’s teaching it. Then search ece and look to see if there are 342 videos. Zoom link for lectures Syllabus Semester schedule Homework problems and solutions Zoom link for office hours Users guides for software tools Aug 21, 2023 · ECE 342: Electronic Circuits Course Schedule The following references can be used for additional reading: Prof. 12 d 100 I A v s is a sinusoid with 24-V peak amplitude. Text Books Class Notes ECE 342. This course is required for both electrical engineering and computer engineering majors. 1 4 DQ DQ AI I I. Please note that past lecture videos are not a ECE 342: Electronic Circuits Lectures Section : Times : Days : Location : Instructor : D : 11:00 - 11:50 AM : MWF Credit in ECE 210. Zoom link for lectures Syllabus Semester schedule Homework problems and solutions Zoom link for office hours Users guides for software tools Took 342 in FA22. 5 1010 carriers/cm3 J p: hole current density A/m2 J n: electron current density A/m2 q: electron charge D p: Diffusion constant ECE 342 - Electronic Circuits Fall 2021. Exam syllabus: up to and including HWK 5; topics up to I am currently in 391 and 342/343. Policy. Homework 5 ECE 342 is more applicable to the hardware side of system design/embedded while 310 is more focused towards the software side. Shanbhag Reading Notes [Last update - 11/29/21: Chapter 6 included. Announcements (8/25/2014) The syllabus for ECE 342 was handed out. ECE 342 –Jose Schutt‐Aine • Principle – Any linear two-terminal network consisting of current or voltage sources and impedances can be replaced by an equivalent circuit containing a single voltage source in series with a single impedance. The laboratory for ECE 342 is located in 3253 SEL. Hope that helps. jemdoc. Grades. Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory-Discussion and one Lecture-Discussion. The 9:00 am section is a ECE 342 –Jose Schutt‐Aine • Principle – Any linear two-terminal network consisting of current or voltage sources and impedances can be replaced by an equivalent circuit containing a single voltage source in series with a single impedance. Class Notes. Determine: - the voltage gain - the current gain - the power gain I initially want to take 310 and 342, but my senior said ECE 342 with Chandra is not well designed, sometimes even TA don't know how to solve exam questions. You are allowed to use a calculator. Prerequisite(s): ECE 342. 62 10-5 ev/K n i: intrinsic carrier concentration At T = 300 K, n i = 1. edu ECE 342 Electronic Circuits We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Topic. • Application – To find the Thevenin equivalent voltage at a pair of terminals, the load ECE 342 –Jose Schutt‐Aine 2 B: material dependent parameter = 5. Exam Date and Time: Monday, October 4, 2021, 7pm-8pm CT. © 2024 ECE 342 - Electronic Circuits Electrical and Computer Engineering | University of Illinois Apr 29, 2023 · Exam 2. There are two sections offered for this class: 9:00 am and 10:00 am section. Monday, August 25, 2014 – Instruction begins. Jan 25, 2018 · TA: Sujan Kumar Gonugondla : Tianyu Wang : Yi Zhu : E-mail: gonugon2[at]illinois. Instructions : This examination consists of 10 multiple choice questions. ECE 342 ECE 342 - Electronic Circuits Spring 2025. Review sessions are led by HKN members who are passionate about the topics they cover. 391 is just a very big time sync and has difficult exams. Note about the lecture style. Download the file given below and put it in the ECE 342 directory. edu Circuit implementation of logic gates in various logic families. 5 DD DSQ D DQDQ VV R II Example 5 MB m D m DQ AgR g I 53. To download, right-click on the file name and choose Save Link As… (Firefox) or Save Target As… (Internet Explorer) to save to local directory. 0 or an empty cell for an item Jun 10, 2024 · ECE 342 - Schedule - Summer 2024. I'm planning on taking 329, 342, and 343 next semester along w/ 11 hours of non-ece stuff (so 18 total). If you enjoy physics, ece 329 and 340 are good options. 4 ECE342:Electronic Circuits ProblemSet #1 Solution Fall2020 ˚˚ ˜ !" ˚ Dec 1, 2014 · ECE 342: Staff. 12 pm. Take it with hamonolu or chandra. May 9 th , Sunday. 4 1031 for Si E G: Bandgap energy = 1. The main pre-req is just comfort with CMOS technology and transistor behavior. Title Rubric Section CRN Type Hours Times Days Location Instructor; Electronic Circuits: ECE342: B: 60408: LEC: 3: Sep 6, 2024 · Homework and exams will be graded using gradescope. TOOLS. Review of KCL, KVL, Thevenin theorems (Recorded Video - June 15). Select R D and R 1 to result in midband voltage gain of –4 and V DSQ=7 V. ECE 342 –Jose Schutt‐Aine 1 Jose E. If you make it through the first exam I think it'll be ok though (BIG if). 5 mA from each power supply. There will not be any experiment copies available in the lab. Note 1. Text Books Class Notes Optional: Sedra and Smith, Microelectronic I've learned much more about semiconductors in 342 and 482 regardless. Lec. This week: midterm Monday, wElLnESs dAy Wednesday, you’d think, in addition to having 8-9 straight weeks w no break, maybe out of just the kindness of the heart, this would go through the mind of a professor: “these students have been working hard, have had nothing to do but sit inside and do work, have no break, and half of them are on suicide watch knowing Homework and exams will be graded using gradescope. May 10 th , Monday. Spring 2021. Exam Date and Time: Main exam: Wednesday, March 2, 2022, 7pm-8pm CT, ECEB1002 Online exam: Wednesday, March 2, 2022, 7pm-8pm CT, Link Conflict exam ECE 342 ECE 342 - Electronic Circuits Fall 2024. However I’m also taking 385 and don’t want to feel like death tooo much more next semester so I’m wondering, how much time taken usually for these labs? Aug 16, 2022 · Campuswire. Final Exam Review Session and Office Hours. I would recommend ece 342 and ece 310 if you find circuits, controls, and programming interesting. The number one thing about the class is that it is many people's first time dealing with enormous codebases, much of which you didn't write. Apr 8, 2024 · Campuswire This class uses Campuswire for all communications between the instructor, TAs and the strudents. ECE 342 SP16 Videos. Have you taken 340? Mar 2, 2022 · Midterm 1. ECE 342: Electronic Circuits Fall 2012 . 6/15/20 . It's a pretty hard pre-req. m. I'm NOT taking all this in one semester, rather wondering how the ece classes compare individually to 225's time commitment, which so far has been pretty significant. Reading Material. – 9:50 a. Take it with dragic, Lee, Goddard,or edens if they teach it. Homework 4 **----** Solutions. May 11 th , Tuesday Dec 20, 2023 · Students who have taken and enjoyed ECE342 are open to a wide range of choices from the different subdisciplines of ECE. School: ECE 342 –Jose Schutt‐Aine 7 Output Impedance R out C o Rr Ifr R R R oCout C , L vvo Lo R from which A A RR It can be seen that if R sig >> r , the gain will be highly dependent on . Fall Semester 2014. Hey all. From those courses alone, 385 had the most involved in person work in the first 3 labs. Depends what interests you. Text Books Class Notes ECE 342 SUMMER 2020. For students interested in integrated circuits, ECE482 - Digital IC Design and ECE483 - Analog IC Design are good follow-up courses. It’s true that 342 is still relatively fundamental- you’re dealing with individual mosfets, but that is certainly applicable for designing electrical systems; not to mention the continuation into ECE 482 & 483 (digital and electrical IC design, respectively). Exams will be based on homeworks and material covered in lectures. Text Books Class Notes ECE 342 . edu: xs27@illinois. Day. 162 MB DQ 40. Contribute to raindroid/ECE342 development by creating an account on GitHub. ECE 342 –Jose Schutt‐Aine 6 Diode as Rectifier 24cos 12 60 The conduction angle is 120o, or one-third of a cycle. Homework 5 ECE 342 –Jose Schutt‐Aine 1 Jose E. We will add you to Gradescope. • Application – To find the Thevenin equivalent voltage at a pair of terminals, the load 482 TA here. Microelectronic Circuits, Sedra and Smith, 7th ed. Choose only ONE answer per problem. ECE482 covers digital logic design and is a good choice for students who enjoyed the final ECE 342 Electronics II Experiment #1 – A Simple RC Circuit University of Illinois at Chicago Fall 2014 Introduction Be sure to print a copy of Experiment #1 and bring it with you to lab. (SS) ECE 342. Given the lack of a regional subreddit, it also covers most things in the Champaign-Urbana area. Viktor Gruev: Prof. (I'm doing well in 343 and understand everything we do in lab) but when it comes to the large networks of FETs and finding the gain, I just don't understand. Homework 3 **----** Solutions. ECE 342 - Schedule - Summer 2024. Vahe Caliskan, 1023 SEO, (312) 996-6013, (vahe(at)uic(dot)edu) Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 9:00am–11:00am ECE 342: Electronic Circuits Course Schedule The following references can be used for additional reading: Prof. Date: Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM in 1002 ECEB (Grainger Auditorium). This class is a fucking joke. Homework Grading Two Lowest grades will be dropped to account for travel, illness, internet issues, or any other extenuating circumstances. Number: Date: Topic: Lecture Notes: Section E Lecture Recordings: 1: 1/19: KCL, KVL, Thevenin and Norton Theorems: Hanumolu Notes Kim Notes Zhou Notes: Lec1 Recording Dec 1, 2014 · ECE 342: Exams. edu Nov 29, 2021 · Credit in ECE 210. ] Hanumolu Lecture Notes [see Lecture Schedule] Recommended text: Behzad Razavi, "Fundamentals of Microelectronics", 2nd Edition, 2013. Course Schedule Week : Day : Date # ECE 342 –Jose Schutt‐Aine 2 In the circuit shown, V T=1 V, =0, C ox W/2L=0. uic. M. Sedra and Kenneth C. people. Also bring graph paper (cm × cm is best). edu: dhhuang2@illinois. It also introduces you to feedback, Bode plots, stability, etc which you would use in ECE 486 and any discipline where stability is important. Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for ECE 342 : Electronic Circuits at University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. ECE Department . edu Apr 23, 2024 · Exam 2. Apr 8, 2024 · Homework is due at 9:00 AM (CT) on the due date. Homework 1 **----** Solutions. Course Information: 4 undergraduate hours. Info University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)'s ECE department has 186 courses in Course Hero with 13751 documents and 357 answered questions. (ISBN: 978-1-118-15632-2) Piazza This subreddit is for anyone/anything related to UIUC. Analysis of different isolated and non-isolated power-converter topologies, understanding of power-converter components, switching schemes. Normally it takes 2-5h/week, while there exists tough weeks that require 10-20 hours of study especially within the week before midterm2. 12 eV k: Boltzmann constant=8. Instructor : Dr. ECE 445. Please don’t be late to your lab session. Homework Grading . Chapters 4 and 7 will be included in future updates. Date: Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM in 1002 ECEB (Grainger Auditorium). If you are trying to get an A, I personally think ECE 329 takes the least amount of time per week. Select the most nearly correct answer for each question. He’s an amazing lecturer in my opinion and actually learned my name which is unusual for most ECE professors in my experience. ECE 342 –Jose Schutt‐Aine 3 •Designer is interested in midband operation •However needs to know upper 3‐dB frequency •In many cases some conditions are met: Zeros are infinity or at very high frequencies One of the poles ( P1) is at much lower frequency than other poles ( dominant pole) 2020 ECE 342 Labs. 340 is just meant to weed out non-hackers from the program ECE 444 is more applied http Prerequisites Grade of C or better in ECE 340 (Electronics I). All regrade requests must have a brief justification. Times: Days: Location: Instructor: 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM: MW: 1310 Digital I’m planning on taking both 310 and 342. To check your grades on lab reports, exams and homeworks click here. Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for ECE 342 : Electronics II at University of Illinois, Chicago. Regular laboratory sessions will begin on the second week of the semester. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, 6th edition, Oxford University Press, 2009, ISBN: 978-0195323030. Prerequisite: ECE 210. LTspice Guide CMOS Process. Aug 24, 2020 · Page generated 2020-11-20 13:55:38 Central Standard Time, by jemdoc. Elyse Rosenbaum: Victor Shangguan: Time: 11 am. The conduction angle is 2 where is given by ECE 342 –Jose Schutt‐Aine 5 An amplifier has 10 V power supplies and an input current of 0. The peak value of the diode current is given by 24 12 0. This class uses Campuswire for all communications between the instructor, TAs and the strudents. Jan 17, 2024 · ECE 342: Electronic Circuits Past semester videos Lecture recordings from previous semesters can be found here. Schutt-Aine Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Illinois jesa@Illinois. Course Information: Credit is not given for both ECE 342 and PHYS 404. Please refer to the following link and video. 0-5 hours. Aug 22, 2024 · ECE 342: Electronic Circuits Lectures Section : Times : Days : Location : Instructor : D : 11:00 - 11:50 AM : MWF Credit in ECE 210. Campuswire. Credit in ECE 210. Title Rubric Section CRN Type Hours Times Days Location Instructor; Electronic Circuits: ECE342: D: 58228: LEC: 3: Jan 31, 2021 · ECE 342 - Electronic Circuits. Purpose Studying ECE 342 Electronics Ii at University of Illinois at Chicago? On Studocu you will find lecture notes, coursework and much more for ECE 342 UIC ECE 342 –Jose Schutt‐Aine PUN conducts when inputs are low and consists of PMOS transistors PDN consists of NMOS transistors and is active when inputs are high • PDN and PUN utilize devices – In parallel to form OR functions – In series to form AND functions • Two Networks – Pull-down network (PDN) with NMOS TA: Hyungjoo Seo: Victor Shangguan: Der-Han Huang: E-mail: hseo17@illinois. Homework Grading. Host: Credit in ECE 210. A grade of 0. I understand mosfets when they are alone in circuits and how they work, etc. As they r both really important fundamental courses, and since I’ve heard the labs are cool/useful in both I want to take the labs as well. Conflict Exam: Thursday, March 23 , 2023 at 5:30 PM in 3013 ECEB. However due to 391, I sometimes not able to internalize 342 and have had to rely on others for carrying in the 342 homework. ECE 342:Gives you the basics to analyze BJT and MOSFET based amplifiers (the most common configurations). Date . This semester 342 has been going relatively well for me as I have gotten 2 As and 1 B on the 3 exams. The load impedance is 1 k and the amp draws 9. Aug 26, 2024 · Course Schedule The following references can be used for additional reading: Prof. The diode conducts when vs exceeds 12 V. 5 notes-1, SP-2018. 1-1. I'm currently in ECE 342 and am having a really hard time. There will be no experiment for the first laboratory meeting in the first week. Is the situation that horrible? I'm considering to take 310 and 330 instead, though 330 may have nothing to do with my interest. (8/25/2014) Welcome to ECE 342! Oct 4, 2021 · ECE 342 - Electronic Circuits (Fall 2021) Midterm 1. ECE 442 is a supplement for ECE 445 and ECE 545. 1. The PDF file will be posted after the corresponding homework for this semester is due (up to a week's delay) The past homeworks are posted as a self study reference and an extra practice opportunity. Past semester videos. Past Homeworks. Textbook Adel S. 4:30 pm. HOMEWORK . The goals are to give the students an understanding of the elements of semiconductor physics and principles of semiconductor devices that (a) constitute the foundation required for an electrical engineering major to take follow-on courses, and (b) represent the essential basic knowledge of the operation ECE 342: Electronic Circuits. Shanbhag's Course Notes (NS) . HKN offers many student services, the most popular of which are exam review sessions for nearly every core undergraduate ECE course. I also took 482 with him and while it was harder I still enjoyed that class. Main Page | Homework | Web Board | Exams | Homework · Homework is to be placed in the ECE342 homework box in the basement of Everitt Lab no later than 11:00 AM on the due date. Be sure to write your name on your completed homework! Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept. ECE 342 . Conflict Exam: Thursday, March 21 , 2024 at 5:30 PM in 4070 ECEB. Aug 24, 2020 · ECE 342: Electronic Circuits Covid Related Information . At least 385 gave you a sense of accomplishment at the end, 342 made me wanna pull my hair out every single homework and I have never used a single thing we discussed in that class in a practical application. Homework 2 **----** Solutions. Bistable and memory circuits. But I could swap stuff out if necessary, so any advice is appreciated! Jan 31, 2021 · ECE 342 - Electronic Circuits. Prerequisite(s): ECE 346 . 5 graduate hours. Course Information: Prerequisite (s): ECE 340. Please talk to course staff before you submit a regrade request. Shanbhag's Course Notes (NS) Information about the laboratory policy is given in ECE 342 Laboratory Information. Homework Grading Homework and exams will be graded using gradescope. Check mediaspace (search mediaspace Illinois) for previous semester lecture videos, they're in the "channels" section on the top bar. Lecture recordings from previous semesters can be found here. Note 2. See full list on vahe. We will not answer questions regarding past homeworks in office hours. Most amount of work and difficulty. 2 I took ECE 310, 342, and 350 and they were all great in my opinion. Homework 5 Oct 6, 2023 · ECE 342: Electronic Circuits Lectures Section : Times : Days : Location : Instructor : D : 11:00 - 11:50 AM : MWF Credit in ECE 210. Lecture Day Date Topic Video Read Notes Supplemental Notes ; 1: M: 6/10/24: Review of KCL, KVL, Thevenin theorems ECE 342. edu : wang439[at]illinois. Friday, September 5, 2014 – Last day to complete late registration; last day to add a course(s) or make section changes; last day to drop individual courses via Student Self-Service without receiving W (Withdrawn) grade on academic record. ECE 342: Homework. 1 mA (sine wave) input voltage 1 V peak-to-peak and an output voltage with a peak of 9V. The dates and times for the exams will be announced in ECE 342 July 30, 2020 9:00 a. Monday, September 1, 2014 – Labor Day (No classes). Mar 14, 2020 · Analysis and design of analog and digital electronic circuits using MOS field effect transistors and bipolar junction transistors, with emphasis on amplifiers in integrated circuits. The workload isn't bad at all. Shanbhag's Course Notes (NS) Sep 2, 2022 · Fall 2020 Homework and Solutions: Homework : Solution : HW-1: SOLUTIONS: HW-2: SOLUTIONS: HW-3: SOLUTIONS: HW-4: SOLUTIONS ECE 342 –Jose Schutt‐Aine 7 •Base current has two functions BJT Operation: Longitudinal and Base Currents •Base current is small because •Longitudinal current Support reverse injection Feed recombination that occur in the base Has large lifetime Base is thin Emitter is much more heavily doped than base Feb 20, 2021 · Host: Ruhao Xia: Prof. Class Schedule Information: To be properly 342 isn't too bad, but can have some pretty long assignments, also due every friday and 220 is absolutely awful (unless you've got coding experience), with MP's due every thursday, undoubtably taking up the majority of the time for an already demanding schedule Aug 25, 2014 · Important Dates. Optional: Sedra and Smith Aug 29, 2022 · ECE 342: Electronic Circuits . 1 mA/V2. Notes/ S&S -8 th Ed. Students, Alumni, Faculty, and Townies are all welcome. It is suggested that you answer the questions you consider easiest first. It's a great first dive into "what the heck does all this do" coding, wh I loved the class and Shanbhag as my professor. Jan 24, 2023 · Campuswire This class uses Campuswire for all communications between the instructor, TAs and the strudents. Lecture Day Date Topic Video Read Notes Supplemental Notes ; 1: M: 6/10/24: Review of KCL, KVL, Thevenin theorems ˇ ˆ˙ ˆ˝ ˛ ˚˚ ˜ !" ˚ # Fall 2020 DueDate: 5:00pm Sep. ECE 342 –Jose Schutt‐Aine 5 Derivation Assume that transistors are matched Vertical segment of VTC is when both Q N and Q P are saturated No channel length modulation effect = 0 Vertical segment occurs at v i =V DD /2 V IL: maximum permitted logic-0 level of input (slope=-1) V IH: minimum permitted logic-1 level of input (slope=-1) Create a local directory called ECE 342 in a convenient location such as your Desktop. Lectures Section : Credit in ECE 210. Nov 21, 2018 · ECE 343 is an adjunct to ECE 342 - Electronic Circuits - and is required for ECE majors. If you are cool with getting a B, I would skate through ECE 330, although 329 is not far behind here. Textbook. edu ECE 342 Electronic Circuits Lecture 25 Aug 25, 2014 · ECE 342: Electronics II. However, since you should probably consider taking 311 with 310 and 343 with 342, I would say 343 is arguably even more involved in person than 385, since 385 seems to have more adapted to being online, while 343 was very much about building the circuits in person when I took it. 342 ECE 342 . The goals are to supplement the material of ECE 342, to assist students in obtaining a better understanding of the operation of microelectronic circuits, and to provide a first experience in analysis, design, and test of microelectronic circuits using LTSpice, ADALM1000 Kits, and lab instruments. Homework and exams will be graded using gradescope. We have added you to Gradescope. Laboratory. ECE 342 was the most poorly-run, frustrating, stressful and outright fucking useless class I’ve ever taken. Title Rubric Section CRN Type Hours Times Days Location Instructor; Electronic Circuits: ECE342: D: 58228: LEC: 3: 1100 Hi, I'm currently a CA for 391 so I'll try and give as best of a review as I can. It's not impossible (483 without 342 would be impossible) but it will be pretty miserable. Regrade requests must be submitted on gradescope within One week of grades being posted. lanswe zxtt qjonr fwcsmsj bprgl vjgmsg rxfly nctmcx kfrtg slbrl nkfy ksgx gbxnp skykrct dah