
Nsw court lists online. Courts and Tribunals.

Nsw court lists online nsw. Nov 28, 2024 · Section: Previous version: Current version: 2 “Online Registry” or “ORW” means the online registry website, being that part of the DCJ's website operating under the registered domain of 'www. If your case is being held elsewhere, check the court lists published by each court or tribunal. Please note all appearances are in person. LawAccess NSW. The most recently published judgments and decisions are listed on the NSW Caselaw homepage . 30 pm each Thursday before the List as listing times may change. Please note the Daily Court List is current as at 3:30pm on the day of publication (the day prior to the listings). You can search for your local court house, using an A to Z list of court houses. What is the NSW Online Court Online Court is a digital service provided by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice. View the court lists published by NSW courts and tribunals Each court with the exception of the NSW Children's Court publishes a daily schedule of cases called a court list. The Land and Environment Court of NSW is a specialist court that deals with specific types of legal problems arising under planning, environmental and mining laws. Mar 5, 2025 · The Land and Environment Court of NSW is a specialist court that deals with specific types of legal problems arising under planning, environmental and mining laws. Find the time and place of your court appearance or check the status of cases in the NSW courts and tribunals. close Close search. The List is conducted on the first Friday of each month except for the months of February and December when it is conducted on the second Friday of those months. Recommended What information can court staff give? NSW Caselaw publishes selected judgments and decisions of all New South Wales courts and tribunals administered by the Department of Communities and Justice. Historical records, dating back 99 years in some states, are able to be disclosed. Search for a case. Courts and Tribunals. Court listing and sitting arrangements. Find the details of your court appearance by using the interactive court list launch or the daily court list launch. The online court list allows media representatives to search for a case name, case number, location, date, jurisdiction, presiding officer and type of listing (such as trial, arraignment, judgment, etc). Mar 18, 2024 · The interactive court list, at the NSW Online Registry, allows you to search for a particular case by name, case number, location, date, jurisdiction, title of presiding officer and type of listing (for example, directions, hearing, judgment and so on). It allows legal practitioners, litigants & decision makers to manage cases without needing to enter the courtroom. au/ Mar 10, 2025 · Search for a listing using the interactive court list NSW Online Registry. NSW Courts Online Registry. Online Court - BAR October 2018 Page 5 of 70 Version 1. Online Court may now be used for all civil matters listed in the Land and Environment Court. To access the Online Court, click the Online Court tab [The user clicks the Online Court tab] The Online Court dashboard will display. The interactive court list allows you to type in search criteria to find the details of your court appearance. Trees and hedges Residential development 6 hours ago · At present, only certain list types are available for the Online Court service, including certain lists from the Local and Supreme Court, and all lists from the Land and Environment Court. Vale the Honourable Roger Gyles AO KC. Please confirm you are a person to continue to 5 days ago · Appointment of new Chief Justice and Justice of the High Court Admissions Ceremonies - Friday, 13 October 2023 - Live stream links Reissued Practice Note SC EQ 04 - Corporations List The NSW Online Registry provides quick access to all your case information, file documents and allows you to manage your profile. You can check the online court list if your case is in the Supreme, District or Local Court. Menu. If you can’t find the court lists, speak to the registry. 20 District Court Matters listed in the General List Sydney Civil Matters where the plaintiff is legally represented, and that representation is registered for Select the location name to see the contact details for that courthouse. John Citizen). LawAccess NSW is a free government service that provides legal information, referrals and in some cases, advice for people who have a legal problem in NSW. NSW Online Registry. Enter search terms: search Submit search. Once a case is in the Online Court list you can proceed with your case online, just as you would in court. You should still check the court lists at the courthouse on the morning Many recent court files and documents are available for public viewing and contain a high level of detail. You can search for an NCAT case using the case file number (e. keyboard_arrow_right Court lists; Court lists. justice. For more information on Online Court Protocol for the Local Court Civil Jurisdiction, see the Practice Note. Access is available through the following link. Aug 16, 2020 · NSW Caselaw publishes selected judgments and decisions of all New South Wales courts and tribunals administered by the Department of Communities and Justice. You can search for listings up to three weeks in advance or for historical listings in the last seven days. Trees and hedges Residential development Search for a listing using the interactive court list NSW Online Registry. The service allows you to: Request an adjournment, or future listing, of the following: Aboriginal Land Claims List Class 3, 4 or 8 Directions Hearing Land Valuation and Compensation List Registrar Directions Hearing Return of Subpoena Tree Directions Conference Request a listing of the following: * Practitioners and litigants should check the Court List after 3. Chief Magistrate Office's calendar About Court Lists. With NCAT Online you can lodge and pay for your application on the internet for most matters in the NCAT's Consumer and Commercial Division. Sittings for 2024 resume on Monday 29 January 2024. Search the online court list by name, case number, date, court, jurisdiction and more, or download PDF versions of the daily court lists. English; Previously, registered users were asked to log in separately to access Online Court lists or file forms in the Online Registry. Opening hours for local courts in NSW are kept up-to-date on the Local Court New South Wales website. Jan 23, 2025 · Daily Court Lists - Sydney Civil. You can search Feb 5, 2025 · submit and download court documents and forms; search for case details, information and documents; publish probate notices; request copies of court sealed documents, including judgements and orders; find details of proceedings; search court listings and appearances. To order a transcript for NCAT or DDT jurisdictions, please visit the relevant The NSW Court List Search web application now lists all cases that are listed in Online Court up to 3 weeks in advance. au The Local Court and District Court sit in the same courthouses in outer Sydney and regional New South Wales, and contact details are the same for both courts. Visit the NSW Online Registry Court and Tribunal Lists and use the instructions below to find your NCAT case. Urgent referrals to the Duty Judge for listed matters may be sought at the beginning of the List each day. au' and 'www. Call 1300 888 529 for more information or visit LawAccess NSW. The free official app from NSW Courts will allow users to quickly find individual court sittings by searching by case number or party name. With Court Lists you can: Find listings for the Supreme Court, Land and Environment Court, District Court, Local Court, Coroner’s Court, Industrial Relations Commission, Industrial Court, Dust Diseases Tribunal, and the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal’s Administrative and Equal Opportunity Division, Consumer and Commercial Division, Occupational Division, Appeal View the court lists published by NSW courts and tribunals Each court with the exception of the NSW Children's Court publishes a daily schedule of cases called a court list. General Case Management List Directions hearings, Registrar Hedge. You can search by name, case number, location, date, jurisdiction, title of presiding officer and type of listing. All matters that are The Law and Justice Foundation of NSW does not provide legal advice or referrals. Search for a listing using the interactive court list. Civil cases keyboard_arrow_right. g. The Local Court home page has links to all the primary content on the Local Court website. eServices is an online service for people currently resolving their dispute in NCAT's Consumer and Commercial The new Court List Search mobile app allows users to search courts lists for the New South Wales Supreme, District, Local and Coroners Courts up to two weeks in advance and one week previously. 2014/00001234) or party name (e. Footer menu Contact Us Sep 10, 2024 · By checking this app before your court appearance, you’ll keep abreast of any last minute changes to the court list. No Arraignment List is conducted in January since is Court Vacation. Order, track and receive court transcripts online. Each court house listing includes opening times, sittings View the court lists published by NSW courts and tribunals Each court with the exception of the NSW Children's Court publishes a daily schedule of cases called a court list. Use the Online Registry, the Search NSW Court List app, the daily court list, or the duty judge roster. The Supreme Court is the highest court in New South Wales Sittings Court lists. 20 District Court Matters listed in the General List Sydney Civil Matters where the plaintiff is legally represented, and that representation is registered for Parties should conduct themselves in Online Court in a manner equivalent to that in an actual courtroom. You can search for cases listed up to two weeks in advance, and for previous listings that Search for a listing using the NSW Court List Search. News. Practitioners & clients should not be attending the court in person unless their matter has been listed to occur in-person. Use the home page to navigate your way through the website. Once a case is in the list you can proceed with your case online, just as you would in court. languageLanguage expand_more. Parties should list ALL available dates and confine their requests to the indicative range (published on the daily court list). Mar 11, 2025 · The Land and Environment Court of NSW is a specialist court that deals with specific types of legal problems arising under planning, environmental and mining laws. Now a single login point gives access to file forms as well as entry to the following lists from the navigation menu: General Defence Call-over and Small Claims Pre-Trial Review lists in the Sydney Local Court, Current court lists and sitting dates for all the District Courts across NSW. You can check the Daily Court Lists online on the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia website the day before the hearing. Filter by date, jurisdiction, presiding officer, listing type, location and court room. 1 day ago · Court lists published every week with names of inmates scheduled for parole hearings at Court 1A of the South West Sydney Trial Courts Each court publishes a daily list of the cases due to be heard. All cases that are available to be conducted, or are live, in Online Court are flagged. Legal representatives and their nominated support staff can also access online court. 9 Criminal and civil cases heard by NSW Local Court include bail applications, AVOs, some family law, RMS appeals. MAJOR NSW COURTS AND TRIBUNAL COVERED Supreme Court Land and Environment Court District Court Local Court Coroner’s Court Industrial Relations Commission Local Court; District Court; Supreme Court; Land and Environment Court; Industrial Relations Commission; Children's Court; Coroner's Court; Through this online service you can request transcripts for Civil, Criminal or Care matters with future or past hearing dates. The service includes requests to seek case management orders (including, but not limited to, timetables for the preparation of the matter for trial, referral to mediation, adjournment, referral to the List Judge, and scheduling a listing date). Please note - with the exception of Sydney, these links will take you to pages on the Local Court website. It allows legal practitioners, litigants and decision makers to manage cases without needing to enter the courtroom. 1 day ago · Find case details and court listings for NSW courts and tribunals by entering case number or party name. Nov 12, 2024 · Announcement 12 Nov 2024 - NCAT’s online hearing lists are now available on the ‘Search NSW Court Lists’ App available on Google Play or the Apple Store. NSW courts online registry; NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Trees and hedges Residential development ‎Search courts lists for the courts and tribunal , up to three weeks in advance and one week in the past. Call 1300 888 529 for more information or visit LawAccess NSW . The Local Court and District Court sit in the same courthouses in outer Sydney and regional New South Wales, and contact details are the same for both courts. Mar 10, 2025 · The interactive court list, at the NSW Online Registry, allows you to search for a particular case by name, case number, location, date, jurisdiction, title of presiding officer and type of listing (for example, directions, hearing, judgment and so on). Requests and orders that can be made for Defence Call-overs and Pre-Trial Reviews:. Dust Diseases Tribunal New South Wales. Use the court listing and sittings information to find out when a local court sits and when different types of cases can be heard at that court. To create an account, you’ll need: your personal and contact details LawAccess NSW is a free government service that provides legal information, referrals and in some cases, advice for people who have a legal problem in NSW. Online court lists. 1 day ago · NSW Online Registry. Cases are generally visible on the list, unless suppressed, for one week after and two weeks before the court date. Current court lists and sitting dates for all the District Courts across NSW. Please note, online court lists are not available for Children’s Court proceedings. NSW Online Registry Courts and Tribunals. The attached, Return of Subpoena report incorporates case details and schedule of items produced, if any: Appearing virtually in a Registrar List. Listen. Online Court is an online forum which allows judicial officers and legal representatives in a case to exchange written messages about NSW Supreme, District or Local Court matters, instead of attending court to have the same exchange in person. Interactive court list; Daily court list; Medical Tribunal and Residual jurisdiction lists Return of subpoenas list; Telephone callover list How to search our hearing lists. Please note: The Online Transcripts Ordering service is not yet available to customers from specialist Courts and Tribunals (NCAT, Dust Diseases Tribunal, Drug Court, Children's Court) If you are not a party to a case and are requesting a transcript, please ensure you follow the particular court's non party request process. Search for a listing using the NSW Court List Search. 4 KB) Note: Read in conjunction with calendar attached below. With this free official app from NSW Courts, you can quickly find individual court listings by searching by case number or party name. Find the time and place of a court appearance, check what is happening in the court on a particular date, and access other information about cases. A new feature has been added to identify cases available in Online Court. The NSW Online Registry has a Search Court NSW Lists tab that allows you to search for a particular case by nam e, case number, location, date, jurisdiction, title of presiding officer and type of listing (for example, directions, hearing, judgment and so on). Forms to start or defend a case Online Court Probate Apply for a refund NSW Subpoena Response service open_in_new Available forms Access Court Lists from your mobile Getting started with Online Registry Most criminal and civil cases first enter the New South Wales court system via the local court. Hearing dates. The interactive court list, at the NSW Online Registry, allows you to search for a particular case by name, case number, location, date, jurisdiction, title of presiding officer and type of listing (for example, directions, hearing, judgment and so on). Monday to Friday at 9:00 am The Supreme Court Arraignment List is held in Sydney. Katoomba, Kempsey, Kiama, Kogarah, Kurri Kurri, Kyogle. Search by name, case number, location, date, jurisdiction and more using the interactive court list. For privacy reasons the majority are judgments and decisions. There is no need to check the daily list when you can chec… Legal representatives and their nominated support staff can also access online court. Searches are possible by name, case number, location, date, jurisdiction, title of presiding officer and type of listing. Courts and tribunals including the High Court, Federal Court, Family Court of Australia New South Wales (Austlii) Courts and tribunals including the Supreme Court, District Court Street Address: Lionel Bowen Building, 97-99 Goulburn Street Sydney NSW 2000 Hearings may be proceeding in-person or electronically. https://onlineregistry. Overview of the Online Court What is the NSW Online Court? Online Court is a digital service provided by the NSW Justice Department. menu Open Menu. May 8, 2023 · Online Court is now available for use in the District Court Judicial Registrar's General List at Sydney. Most criminal and civil cases first enter the New South Wales court system via the local court. Help NSW Online Registry cater for the increased demand for online services. Find cases by various criteria using the NSW Court List Search tool or the mobile app. search Show Search. au ' that contains the homepage, webpages, files and documents relating to the online registry that may, from time to time, be provided or made To find your courtroom, look for the court lists in the foyer of the courthouse. Before you commence using OnLine Court, you should familiarise yourself with this guide and the relevant parts of: • Electronic Transactions Act 2000 s 14l • For OnLine Courts initiated in the Supreme Court - Practice Note SC Gen 12 • Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 (UCPR) • Supreme Court of NSW Fact Sheets r3. Trees and hedges Residential development You can see a full demonstration of Online Court for the Defence Call-over list or Pre-Trial Review (Motor Vehicle) list on YouTube. Use the court lists to find the time and place of your court appearance or to find out what is happening in the courtrooms on a particular date. Find the time and place of a court appearance or view listing information about specific cases online. 1 day ago · Court Listings from the last 7 days can be obtained through the NSW Online Registry launch. Feb 16, 2025 · Supreme Court of New South Wales. NSW Online Registry - Supreme, District & Local Courts. legalaid. We pay respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of NSW, and acknowledge their continued connection to their country and culture. 20 District Court Matters listed in the General List Sydney Civil Matters where the plaintiff is legally represented, and that representation is registered for Search for a listing using the interactive court list NSW Online Registry. Local and Children's Court Sitting Arrangements (PDF, 698. Interactive court list. Login. If you need legal information, advice or assistance, please contact Legal Aid on 1300 888 529, or visit www. Parties should ensure they give an accurate time estimate for the hearing. gov. lawlink. On this page you'll find all court locations throughout New South Wales, that start with the letter K. dmbiw gatix tdnvgp vwwcf lswrmc iarvjz oougn ulz lubwgv rlry fqlryj lfiela llsit uorw htlkeq