Palm beach clerk of court case search. 25 of the Main Courthouse in West Palm Beach.

Palm beach clerk of court case search View and print case documents, review the case docket, check your case status and view your court dates and fees. Search Court Records; The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s office conducts the tax deed sale. 012. Once you receive the proof of publication from the newspaper, you must file the proof with the Clerk’s office in order for your case to proceed. com or call the 15th Judicial Circuit’s hotline at (561) 355-6744. Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Search Court Records; Certified Official Records Documents; Clerk Cart Court Case Reports; Records Service Center. Public access - no registration required. Registered users have access to additional search options such as the ability to search by booking number, date of birth or arrest date. Services are also provided at the Criminal Justice Complex at 3228 Gun Club Road in West Palm Beach. The 15th Judicial Circuit will hold first appearance and juvenile shelter and detention hearings at the Palm Beach County Jail. Palm Beach County is a busy real estate market, with a median single family home sale price of $580,000 and more than 64,000 deeds recorded in 2023. Box 4177 West Palm The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller maintains the records for all criminal court cases filed in Palm Beach County, as well as collects and disburses court fines, fees and assessments. West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 355-2996. For more information on court closings and other court information, please visit www. Box 2906 West Palm Beach, FL 33402-2906. Cover Sheet for Family Court Cases and Instructions - Form 12. This allows individuals to access court records even after the case has been resolved. 2504 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Court Records. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Search Court Records; Certified Official Records Documents; Clerk Cart Court Case Reports; Family Court is a division of the Circuit Court that holds jurisdiction over all domestic relations matters including but not limited to adoptions, domestic violence, divorce, child support, custody, alimony, time-sharing and related matters. Email: ecaseviewid@mypalmbeachclerk. 928 (www. monday, 1 july 2024, 17:51 Jan 8, 2025 · Do I need an appointment for a passport application and what do I have to bring?. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. Information with marriage records includes the parties that applied, date applied, and the date of marriage. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s website has the following search engines available: Search civil and criminal court records online and purchase certified copies of documents The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County, is your independently elected public trustee, responsible for safeguarding Palm Beach County’s public records and funds. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic email to this entity. The Portal allows users to file their cases anytime, anywhere, and in batches. View court orders and notices of hearing regarding the sealing and expunging of case files, posted online by order of the court. palm beach clerk of court, palm beach county criminal court, palm beach county property records search, palm beach county divorce records, palm beach county public records, palm beach county florida recorder online, palm beach county florida public records, palm beach county florida court cases Lovett readily available can investigate reported that motorcyclists face a boat to avoid. For traffic cases: Select "Court Events' to find your hearing information. 2500 West Palm Beach, FL 33401. Search civil, criminal, and traffic cases and view and print case documents online. The clerk will transmit copies of the Summons and Complaint to the Sheriff for service only if the Eviction is in Palm Beach Jul 1, 2024 · news home » palm beach county clerk of courts releases jeffrey epstein grand jury records palm beach county clerk of courts releases jeffrey epstein grand jury records. The Clerk’s office is responsible for collecting fees for various court-related activities including divorce filings, tenant evictions, applying for a public defender, recording official documents, traffic infraction fines and costs related to criminal prosecutions. Main Courthouse – Judge Daniel T. Court Records Search; Clerk Cart for Civil & Criminal Reports; Electronic Certified Court Documents; Sealed Cases; Pretrial Release Register West Palm Beach, FL 33402. Register for free as an attorney or to access additional search options. Pursuant to Florida law, the Clerk must charge $1 for every page photocopied there. Palm Beach County Superior Court Case Search. Docket information includes the parties’ names and case number, along with an estimate of how many days the hearing or trial will take. Mail the above listed items to the attention of the Circuit Civil Division at P. Dockets for the various courts can be viewed through the 15th Judicial Circuit Court’s website. About Marriage Licenses. Box 3597 West Palm Beach, FL 33402. Hurley Courthouse 205 N. Public Records Available per Supreme Court Order On June 17th the Flagler County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller will allow records viewing. It has exclusive original jurisdiction of matters not explicitly authorized to be heard in the county courts per FS 26. Although information is available about legal processes, you must hire an attorney for legal advice. Make Payments for Traffic Tickets, Criminal Cases and Payment Plans. City of West Palm Beach City Clerk PO Box 3366 West West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 355-4837. Search for and pay your cases, get reminders for upcoming due dates, and keep track of all your receipts from the mobile app. com; Phone: (561) 355-2983; In person: 301 N. Main Courthouse 205 North Dixie Highway 4th Floor, Room 4. Civil Cases Below is a list of forms that you may download for free from our website. K. Most court records can be viewed online. Marriage records and divorce records can be requested from the County Clerk of Circuit Court. Palm Beach County court records, traffic tickets, real estate records, marriage licenses, financial reports and more. Certified copies requested by mail at the time of recording will be returned by mail along with the original recorded Florida Public Records; Palm Beach County; Court Records; Palm Beach County Court Records. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County (the “Clerk”) provides users, free of charge, the ability to search and access its Official Records’ online database (“Official Records Database”). eCaseView works best in the latest versions of Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Below are cases typically heard in the court: A property's code case; and the city records management and records disposition program administrator. Go to PayItClerkPBC. Help With Zoom Hearings Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller . . As an attorney of record for a case, you may search, view and print documents filed in civil, criminal, family (adoption), guardianship, juvenile, mental health, probate and traffic cases at no charge. Secure, fast and convenient. Marriage licenses are valid in any Florida county for a period of 60 days. You may file your case with the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller's office online using the statewide E-Filing portal, or in person or by mail at any Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller courthouse location. Official Records (deeds, mortgages, judgments, liens, marriage licenses, etc. Learn how to use eCaseView, purchase electronic certified copies, and access case types not available in eCaseView. Get copies and certified copies of Palm Beach County Official Records (deeds, mortgages, judgments, liens, marriage licenses), court records and plats. We have tried to ensure that the information contained in this electronic search system is accurate. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller is responsible for safeguarding and protecting the integrity of all Palm Beach County court records. Olive Avenue, 9th Floor, West Palm Beach, FL 33401; Email: publicrecords@mypalmbeachclerk. 110 South Tamarind Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 242-2000. m. 2600 Mail: IT Help Desk Attention: eCaseView Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County 205 North Dixie Highway, Room 4. It connects thousands of users to Florida’s court system and provides a support desk for questions. Search online for free or purchase certified copies of civil, criminal and traffic court records in Palm Beach County. At least two callers to the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s office said they were contacted by someone named Jose Suarez, who directed them to send him $250 through Western Union. For more information, see Chapter 742 of the Florida Statutes and our Do-It-Yourself In Court: Paternity toolbox. The Clerk’s administrative offices and Finance Division are located in the Governmental Center at 301 North Olive Avenue in downtown West Palm Beach. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County presents the information on this website as a service to the public. For any child support matters involving the Department of Revenue: Department of Revenue 881 South Congress Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33406 850-488-5437 Official Records Search. Every case filed in Palm Beach County Court is documented by the clerk's office. Many criminal court records may be searched online and most case documents can be printed without needing to visit our office. Feb 28, 2024 · Search Supreme Court Search Opinions West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 355-2996. 2200 West Palm Beach, FL 33401. There are four locations that make up the 15th Judicial Circuit of Palm Beach County. Subject to inspection only upon Order of Court, the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller's office cannot furnish information pertaining to Adoptions to customers. Check the online auction calendar for the exact dates of upcoming sales, including a list of cases set for sale. The County Clerk of Courts is the custodian for many records, particularly court records, in Duval County. Official Records include, but are not limited to, court judgments, deeds, liens, marriage licenses, mortgages and tax deeds. Clerk Abruzzo, who was first Unified Family Court handles all case types related to family issues. The Public will now have the capability to view court records online including the following court types: County and Circuit Civil, County and Circuit Criminal & Probate. The newspaper must have a print circulation. Learn how to access, print, and purchase certified copies of court records and documents. Daily, weekly and monthly data from the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller's court computer system is available for purchase. eCaseView User Registration Form. 07 (1) Florida Statutes, except as provided in Section 63. Learn how to become a registered user. Resources. See Also: Traffic Violations Official Records Search. Indiantown Branch Office. There, you will need to pay the FLHSMV a reinstatement fee of $60 per case. 2500 on the 4th floor of the Main Courthouse) provides copies and certified copies of:. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Palm Beach County Recording Department P. Full payment (no cash) and a self-addressed stamped envelope for return of documents are REQUIRED. See Fees & Costs for the current Petition for Paternity fees. Official Records include court judgments, deeds, liens, marriage licenses, mortgages, plats and tax deeds. 16550 SW Warfield Boulevard Indiantown, FL 34956 Phone: 772-223-7921 8 am to 1 pm, 2 to 4:30 pm Wednesdays Only. com. BECA is the replacement for our legacy, eFACTS program. Search our free online database of civil, criminal and traffic court records in Palm Beach County. After full payment, or establishing a payment plan, the clerk will provide you with an affidavit of compliance. Purchase electronic certified copies of case documents. Jan 8, 2025 · WEST PALM BEACH, FL (January 8, 2025) – Joseph Abruzzo began his second four-year term as Palm Beach County’s Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller by reiterating his commitment to transparency, to protecting public records and taxpayer money, and to outstanding service for the people of Palm Beach County. Internet Document Restrictions Some Official Records documents may not be placed on a publicly available Internet website according to Florida Statute 28. 162 F. com Fax: 561. Olive Avenue, 2nd Floor, West Palm Beach, FL 33401; For all other public records of the Clerk’s office: Mail: 301 N. Domestic Partnership (561) 355-6214 Email. Your Palm Beach County Clerk's office provides a free Property Fraud Alert service that takes just a few minutes to sign up and can provide you peace of mind. Foreign subpoenas can also be issued over the Circuit Civil department counter. Feb 29, 2024 · Statement from Joseph Abruzzo, Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Post Date: 02/29/2024 1:35 PM Today is a victory for full transparency in the Jeffrey Epstein case. Many court records are also available online and may be searched free of charge. Box 4667, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33402 along with a self-addressed stamped return envelope. The Records Service Center (Room 4. P. Any person has a right to request that the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller remove such items from an image or copy of a court or official records document. to 4:00 p. Today, in our role as Clerk to the 15th Judicial Circuit, we are making these important documents available to the public to ensure transparency to the people of Palm Beach Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. Once issued, Florida residents must wait three days to get married, unless the couple attends a premarital course from this list of registered providers and presents the certificate of completion when applying for their license. 2221. West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 355-2962. Please send all correspondence to: The contact information for the Custodian of Public Records is as follows: Custodian of Public Records: City of West Palm Beach, City Clerk PO Box 3366 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 (561) 822-1210 (561) 822-1214 (fax) Click to go to the Public Records Center. , Monday - Friday. Inactive Accounts Oct 8, 2024 · Please do not call the Clerk’s office to reschedule. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County, makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website; however it makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of such information and data. Jul 21, 2023 · Curious how to search for a case in eCaseView, the Clerk's free court records system? 1️⃣ Head to. Online Services. uniqueName}} Save Cancel Cancel Palm Beach County residents need to be on alert for a potential scam that appears to be targeting senior citizens. ) Fees are payable in cash, cashier's check, business check, money order or attorney's check to Joseph Abruzzo, Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller. Our office provides a free online search engine, eCaseView. If you would prefer to receive the information over the telephone, you may call (561) 355-2994, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a. , for information on felony cases filed in Palm Beach County. Pay online or download PayItClerkPBC, the payment app of the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County. Make sure to verify that the agency you’re working with accepts eCertified documents. Certain case types and documents are not available online. Post Office Box 9016 $7 fee made payable to Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County. Palm Beach's Circuit Court is the highest trial court in the county, similar to a superior court in some US states. Box 4177 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 Attn: Records & Escrow Specialist (561) 355-2408 Delivery Address Judicial Center 205 N. You may also use eCaseView to check the status of your case. However, a Notice of Hearing with the court date may be available under the eCaseView Dockets & Documents tab. 15thcircuit. View your court case and court dates online, and purchase certified copies of documents. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller Joseph Abruzzo is directly elected by and accountable to Palm Beach County citizens. O. Divorce (561) 355-6511 Email. For other case types: Look at the Notice of Hearing or the Order Setting Hearing in your case, which will be available on the Dockets & Documents tab. Take the affidavit of compliance to your local FLHSMV office within 30 days. To get started, browse products by category or search by keyword. They will then send the form to the Clerk’s IT Department on your behalf. Search and view civil, criminal, and traffic cases online through the Clerk's portal, eCaseView. Once the Clerk issues your Notice of Action, you are responsible for arranging service with a newspaper of general circulation in Palm Beach County. If you do not know the collection agency that your case was referred to, please contact the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller's customer call center at (561) 355-2994 from 8 a. To make a request contact the clerk’s office by mail or in person at Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, 205 North Dixie Hwy, Room 4. You may need a VPN to access some services from outside of North America. Setting Name: {{settingName}} Group Name: {{c. Main Courthouse 205 North Dixie Highway 3rd Floor, Room 3. Our free online system, eCaseView, allows you to look up court records and traffic tickets in Palm Beach County. If you locate a reference to a document in the Official Records Database, but you are unable to view the associated image or images you may view it on microfilm in room 4. eCaseView provides easy access to case information including court dates, charges, sentences, complaints, parties, document images (viewable from late 2008) and more. Electronically certified copies of court documents are available for purchase through eCaseView. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller Circuit Criminal Department P. Olive Avenue, 9th Floor, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Feb 21, 2020 · The Brevard Electronic Court Application (BECA) offers online access to court records pursuant to Florida Supreme Court Administrative Order 2014-19 and as amended thereafter. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller is Palm Beach County’s protector of taxpayer money and public records including marriage licenses, court documents, financial reports and real estate records. All records of Adoption are confidential and exempt from the provisions of Section 119. Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. For payment information, updating your address, case status, or any other general questions: Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County 561-355-6511. In person: 301 N. WEST PALM BEACH, FL (February 21, 2024) – The long-sealed grand jury records in Jeffrey Epstein’s criminal case are closer to being released, thanks to decisive action by the Florida Legislature on a bill championed by Joseph Abruzzo, Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller. Dixie Hwy. Digital images are available of documents dating back to 1968 (marriage license listings date back to 1909; plat and right-of-way maps date back to the late 1800's). Circuit Court Services Offered. Search Engines. The Florida Legislature regulates court fees, not the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller's office or local judiciary. 2500 or at any one of our branch locations. Both guests and registered users can access this portal, and searches can be performed with a decedent's name or case number. Contact the 4th District Court of Appeal. About the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County. You must also pay a fee for the Service of Process (summons) by the Sheriff of Palm Beach County, per defendant, and you must provide a self-addressed stamped envelope for each defendant Enter your case number or first and last name to search for your case information. eCaseView is compatible with most browsers that are used on Microsoft Windows and Mac OS computers as well as tablets and smartphones. Find court records, official records, tax deeds, special assessments and certified copies online. For more information about how to file documents, please see E-Filing & How to File for court documents or Recording for Official Records documents. 2500 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Jul 1, 2024 · When I became Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, I promised that I would leave no stone unturned to ensure the release of the Jeffrey Epstein grand jury records. See a list of FLHSMV service centers in Palm Beach County. Do I need special software to search court records on my computer? No, all you need is a web browser and internet access. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Recording Department PO Box 4177 West Palm Beach, FL 33402-4177. Make payments, search records, file documents and more – from anywhere and from any of your devices. Find approved checklists, online services, forms, orders, and contact information for the probate divisions in West Palm Beach, Delray Beach, and Palm Beach Gardens. Purchase electronic certified copies of Official Records online through E-Certify. Mailing Address P. Search Court Records Online: The Palm Beach County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller's Office provides an eCaseView portal for researching probate cases. Box 484 West Palm Beach, FL 33402-0484. Find links to other resources such as sexual offenders, booking blotter and ShowCase. Unified Family Court Services are available at all four Palm Beach County courthouse locations. For criminal cases, that information includes name, DOB, case type division, case status, next court date, charges, and timeline of court appearances. Dixie Highway Room 4. 355. S. The main courthouse is in West Palm Beach. Using eCaseView, you may search civil, criminal and traffic cases as well as view and print case documents. Search Court Records. Only the attorney of record can view document images for family, probate and guardianship cases, as well as driver’s license numbers and driving records. E-File: Submit court documents electronically 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Some Appeals from County Court. - 4 p. 25 of the Main Courthouse in West Palm Beach. If the agency does not accept these documents, you can purchase manually-stamped certified documents from our Records Service Center in Room 4. North County Courthouse 3188 PGA Blvd. Fourth District Court of Appeal; Florida Bar; Florida Supreme Court; Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure Purchase and download public record civil, criminal and traffic case data using Shopping Cart. 2500, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 or by email at COC_DM-PRIVACY@mypalmbeachclerk. Mailing Address. Follow the on-screen instructions to search by name or case number; Once you find the case you are interested in, click on Court Events to see upcoming court dates; Civil court dates are not listed on the eCaseView court events screen. flcourts Palm Beach County Court Information. The Probate Division handles matters relating to wills, guardianship, trusts, and involuntary commitments. xxbpkd tebbw bnri whh jxkymb iijcb zjktl txagd ebexuo zvij qztnq izits mrrqt reidurw zrmun