Supplhi vendor login. 0 SUPPLHI GUIDA UTENTE FORNITORE, 7.

Supplhi vendor login Discover our solutions & benefits for buyers & vendors! Login Il contenuto di questo documento è di proprietà di SupplHi S. É por Milan, October 2023. 0 supported by the Italian Ministry of suhttps://vendor. com digital ecosystem to client systems. com e clicca su COMPANY DATA «Registrati» o vai direttamente su 5 https://registration. In SupplHi, la sicurezza informatica è una delle nostre massime priorità, per consentire una condivisione sicura di informazioni e SUPPLHI VENDOR USER GUIDE, 7. No SupplHi, a segurança digital é uma das nossas prioridades máximas, para permitir um compartilhamento seguro de informações e documentos entre fornecedores e clientes SUPPLHI VENDOR USER GUIDE, 7. Select the best fitting strategy for your Vendor Management needs and use SupplHi as “Master Data Source” or as “Slave Node” Easily synchronize Vendors information with your ERP GUIDE FOR VENDOR USERS, rev11 4 Create a new account or, in case you already registered on SupplHi for other Customers, use your existing SupplHi credentials to log in 1) LOGIN / REGISTER AS A USER Confirmation email in your inbox 5’ for completion (+ allow up to 10’ for the Confirmation email to arrive) GUIDE FOR VENDOR USERS, rev08 SupplHi is an industry shared tool that facilitates end-to-end Vendor Management in a compliant and efficient way. Grazie a SupplHi, uno strumento industriale dedicato alla gestione dei Vendor, i Fornitori non dovranno inserire più volte le stesse informazioni poiche’ queste potranno poi essere utilizzate anche da altre Organizzazioni di Buyer attive sulla piattaforma. Browser supportati: Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Mozilla Firefox Login The contents of this document are property of SupplHi S. com and click “Forgot Password?” Insert the email address used for registration and click SupplHi is an industry shared tool that facilitates end-to-end Vendor Management in a compliant and efficient way. • In case you have been invited to register on SupplHi by a Customer, the first step you might be requested is to confirm your Vendor Organization. Seleziona la strategia più adatta alle tue esigenze di Vendor Management e usa SupplHi come “Master Data Source” Vendor Partner Portal Tractor Supply is proud to be a part of the "Out Here" lifestyle. Se sei già registrato su SupplHi, vai su https://vendor. Discover our solutions & benefits for buyers & vendors! Vendor Registration, Vendor Questionnaire and an eventual Qualification as well as online support by the SupplHi Team during these phases are all free for Vendor companies. iscr. 1. SupplHi S. USER REGISTRATION LOGIN Use SupplHi as Master Vendor Data for your organization to better manage your Data on Vendors before entering other systems through integration. É por SupplHi is Partner of Bonatti Group in Supplier Qualification and New Vendor Scouting Processes. Milan – May , 2016. Società Unipersonale - Via A The SupplHi platform: cross-checks Vendors’ basic data to avoid any duplicates; understands Vendors’ relationships, company structure and operational status; collects information on destination of Vendors’ locations; tracks provided and missing Vendors’ information; notifies Vendors in case provided information is about to expire. com. supplhi. ACCESSO COME UTENTE A https://vendor. Need assistance? Please contact our Supplier Portal Helpdesk: Vendor helpdesk hotline: +2348039055588 Email: vendorservices@nlng. E. com 1 Se sei già registrato su SupplHi, inserisci le tue credenziali e clicca su "Accedi" 2 Se non ti sei mai registrato su SupplHi, fai clic su «Registrazione» 3 Se hai dimenticato la password, fai clic su «Hai dimenticato la password?» SUGGERIMENTI Browser supportati: Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Utilizza SupplHi come Master Vendor Data per la tua organizzazione per gestire al meglio i dati sui Fornitori prima che – attraverso l’integrazione IT – entrino in altri sistemi. It requires you to provide two verification factors to gain access to the application: username & password together with the use of a third-party authenticator APP (Google Authenticator, FreeOTP, ). Vendor Management is moving from a traditional compliance-driven logic to a real value-added function to the organization. com 1 Se sei già registrato su SupplHi, inserisci le tue credenziali e clicca su "Accedi" 2 Se non ti sei mai registrato su SupplHi, fai clic su «Registrazione» 3 Se hai dimenticato la password, fai clic su «Hai dimenticato la password?» SUGGERIMENTI Browser supportati: Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Login Il contenuto di questo documento è di proprietà di SupplHi S. Please, open a Ticket only after having checked these answers, using the link at the bottom of this page. Invited User Colleagues Industry Profile Application to Customers. No SupplHi, a segurança digital é uma das nossas prioridades máximas, para permitir um compartilhamento seguro de BENVENUTO NUOVO UTENTE: ACCESSO CREA UN ACCOUNT REGISTRAZIONE UTENTE 1 DASHBOARD 1 Per registrarti come nuovo utente Fornitore, vai su https://vendor. v. quali SupplHi fornisce accesso sulla piattaforma le informazioni fornite dal Vendor; • Consentire al Vendor di candidarsi ai processi di Qualifica con le singole organizzazioni Buyer che sfruttano questa funzionalità sulla piattaforma; • Consentire al Vendor di compilare questionari personalizzati per una specifica organizzazione Buyer; ACCESSO COME UTENTE A https://vendor. Tickets Note sui rilasci Usa SupplHi come Cliente Se hai problemi durante la registrazione o al primo accesso alla piattaforma, apri un ticket attraverso l'area esterna The SupplHi Team has identified ~250 local UAE players (mainly SMEs), already mapped on the SupplHi Vendor Management Platform for industrial equipment and services (www. All costs are up to the Buyers that leverage on the SupplHi system. 2. Login The contents of this document are property of SupplHi S. SupplHi is the one-stop-solution Vendor Management platform for industrial equipment and services. com 1 Se sei già registrato su SupplHi, inserisci le tue credenziali e clicca su "Accedi" 2 Se non ti sei mai registrato su SupplHi, fai clic su "Iscriviti" 3 Se hai dimenticato la password, fai clic su «Password dimenticata?" SUGGERIMENTI Browser supportati: Google Chrome Microsoft Edge At SupplHi we leverage on APIs to connect the SupplHi. 000 Vendors on its platform, covering 110 countries. 9. Insert the email and the password used during the registration phase and click "Sign In". ALL Buyer Vendor. FINCANTIERI S. Company Actions Self-Registered User. Login Login Il contenuto di questo documento è di proprietà di SupplHi S. USER REGISTRATION LOGIN the utilization of SupplHi, feel free to contact the SupplHi Team that is at your disposal through the dedicated ticketing system 1 2 SUPPORT LOGIN / REGISTER AS A USER 1 APPLY TO CARBON TRACKER USER REGISTRATION LOGIN DASHBOARD SUPPORT Log of Activities COMPANY DATA Basic Questionnaire My Colleagues Categories of Supply Company Structure SUPPLHI VENDOR USER GUIDE, 7. com Doing Business with NLNG SupplHi simplifies vendor qualification and registration processes for industrial equipment and services. SupplHi takes care of the system and of the constant quality assurance and update of the information from multiple sources. . USER REGISTRATION LOGIN DASHBOARD SUPPLHI VENDOR USER GUIDE, 7. Calabiana, 6 | 20139 Milano | Italy – R. SupplHi is proud to help Bonatti Group in identifying high quality vendors, especially for the New Countries approached by the company. IVA 00629440322 - Cap. Q. com SupplHi©2015-2023 The Vendor Management platform for critical equipment and services Guida per la registrazione come Fornitore in SupplHi Una registrazione, più candidature Revisione #10 – Maggio 2023 You are kindly requested to perform the following steps free-of-charge on SupplHi: Start the vendor Onboarding at https://vendor. Through SupplHi – a standard industry tool for Vendor Management – Vendors save time by not providing multiple times the same information, that can be leveraged on also by other Buyer Organizations active on the platform. USER REGISTRATION LOGIN DASHBOARD Mar 24, 2020 · To apply for becoming a supplier of MET Group, Vendors are required to perform the following steps, free-of-charge, on SupplHi: Start the Vendor Onboarding at https://vendor. Soc. USER REGISTRATION LOGIN DASHBOARD SupplHi collega digitalmente e a livello globale le filiere di fornitura industriali. About SupplHi RESTful APIs & SSO easily integrate SupplHi industry-leading Vendor Management solution with ER, Procure-to-PayDocument Management, Ticketing systems, etc. No subscription fees nor commissions. i. 0 Supporto Se sei già registrato su SupplHi, utilizza le tue credenziali SupplHi per accedere. Apply to Maire Tecnimont Group’s Qualification process SupplHi is a comprehensive Vendor Management platform for industrial equipment and services, offering solutions and benefits for both buyers and vendors. com www. Tickets Note sui rilasci Usa SupplHi come Cliente PROFILO NEYWORK D SupplHi is an industry shared tool that facilitates end-to-end Vendor Management in a compliant and efficient way. RESTful APIs & SSO easily integrate SupplHi industry-leading Vendor Management solution with ER, Procure-to-PayDocument Management, Ticketing systems, etc. IT 09721660968 – info@supplhi. com and click “Forgot Password?” Insert the email address used for registration and click SupplHi isan industry shared tool that facilitates end-to-end Vendor Management in a compliant and efficient way. Tickets Note sui rilasci Usa SupplHi come Cliente Se hai problemi durante la registrazione o al primo accesso alla piattaforma, apri un ticket attraverso l'area esterna SupplHi is an industry shared tool that facilitates end-to-end Vendor Management in a compliant and efficient way. com 3. - Via Genova, 1 34121 - Trieste Registro delle Imprese della Venezia Giulia - n. Know more on how to perform 1 single registration to multiple Customers. 0. 5. MI 2110015 | P. com and click “Forgot Password?” Insert the email address used for registration and click SupplHi collega digitalmente e a livello globale le filiere di fornitura industriali. Vendors create one single profile that can be seen by multiple Buyer Organizations, instead of providing the same information in different systems. Innovo achieves more Qualifications with Buyers through the Assessment Visit of an independent 3rd party Via A. Discover the industrial world from SupplHi's blog. No SupplHi, a segurança digital é uma das nossas prioridades máximas, para permitir um compartilhamento seguro de ACCESSO COME UTENTE A https://vendor. l. 0 2 Invited User Invited User Colleagues Colleagues Industry Profile Industry Profile Application Application to Customers to Customers Support Support Company Company Actions Actions Self-Registered User Self-Registered User Login Login The contents of this document are property SupplHi is an independent one-stop Vendor Management SaaS focused on B2B equipment and services. 00397130584 - P. e C. SupplHi also collects and evaluates the required information in order to qualify Vendors’ “ability of doing Login Login The contents of this document are property of SupplHi S. SUPPLHI GUIDA UTENTE FORNITORE, 7. com Open the authentication app, scan the QR code in the page Type on SupplHi the One-Time code appearing in the app 1. Dec 10, 2019 · SupplHi’s SaaS (Software as a Service) – born in 2015 and rapidly growing – goes beyond any traditional approach, delivering productivity to Vendor Management activities through a digital service rather than just a software. Calabiana, 6 | 20139 Milano SupplHi is an industry shared tool that facilitates end-to-end Vendor Management in a compliant and efficient way. USER REGISTRATION LOGIN Users – both vendor users and buyer users not implementing the Single Sign On integration – are granted access to the SupplHi platform only after they successfully present the two different factors necessary to the authentication mechanism: first they demonstrate their knowledge by inserting their credentials (username and password) on the SupplHi’s B2BEST – the world’s first platform for shared evaluations on performance and ESG Sustainability of B2B and B2G industrial vendors, for Green and Sustainable Procurement- has been awarded twice the Seal of Excellence by the European Commission (EC) and a co-financing grant by SMACT, the Competence Centre for innovation in Industry 4. SupplHi is the Vendor Management SaaS for industrial equipment and services chosen by the most demanding buyer organizations of all sizes to manage their vendor base efficiently and compliantly. The incentive in doing Before creating a Ticket, below you will find answers to the most common questions asked by Vendors on SupplHi. The additional solutions by SupplHi can be subscribed separately, at a standard cost. com I miei colleghi Dasi aziendali di base 2 Compila il modulo di registrazione con i tuoi dati Struttura Aziendale Categorie Merceologiche 3 SupplHi S. com e clicca su «Registrati» o vai direttamente su https://registration. In SupplHi, la sicurezza informatica è una delle nostre massime priorità, per consentire una condivisione sicura di informazioni e Guides for Vendor Users. For the 3rd year in a row, SupplHi Vendor Management SaaS is recognized by SpendMatters as one of the “50 Providers to Watch” in the procurement and supply chain market, at a global level. F. Through the User Registration you will gain access to the SupplHi Vendor Management platform for industrial equipment and services. com/ with the device of your choice, scanning the QR code with your Authenticating App and insert the new code. 4. Support. 7. com MARKETING & SUPPORTO Log delle Attività F. Complete the Vendor Registration, reaching 100%. Società Unipersonale – Via A. p. In SupplHi, la sicurezza informatica è una delle nostre massime priorità, per consentire una condivisione sicura di informazioni e Supplier Portal Helpdesk. Beyond Vendor Qualification and integrated with Vendor Compliance and ESG Sustainability Assessment, the digital boosts productivity. com Subscribe to the Newsletter Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. The contents of this document are property of SupplHi S. com 1 Se sei già registrato su SupplHi, inserisci le tue credenziali e clicca su "Accedi" 2 Se non ti sei mai registrato su SupplHi, fai clic su «Registrazione» 3 Se hai dimenticato la password, fai clic su «Hai dimenticato la password?» SUGGERIMENTI Browser supportati: Google Chrome Microsoft Edge suhttps://vendor. Users – both vendor users and buyer users not implementing the Single Sign On integration – are granted access to the SupplHi platform only after they successfully present the two different factors necessary to the authentication mechanism: first they demonstrate their knowledge by inserting their credentials (username and password) on the SupplHi is the world’s first SaaS platform to digitally collect and provide comparable and verifiable information on the ESG Sustainability of industrial companies of B2B & B2G industrial vendors, covering all types of supplies – ranging from equipment to services. Go to https://vendor. Vi preghiamo di procedere con i seguenti passaggi su SupplHi: SupplHi provides a comprehensive platform for vendor management, offering tools and services to manage vendor data efficiently. Follow the latest news, experience the industry from the eyes of the first Digital Ecosystem. Other relevant information about the Vendor is also collected, summarized and Use SupplHi como Maestro de Datos de Proveedores para su organización para dar un mejor manejo a sus Datos de Proveedores antes de entrar en otros sistemas a través de la integración Seleccione la estrategia que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades de gestión de proveedores y utilice SupplHi como “Fuente de datos maestros” o como “Nodo SupplHi is the Vendor Management SaaS for industrial equipment and services chosen by the most demanding buyer organizations of all sizes to manage their vendor base efficiently and compliantly. SupplHi as of May 2016 has achieved a new milestone by reaching 10. com; Complete the Vendor Registration phase; Apply to MAIRE Group's Qualification process; In case required, complete the Qualification Questionnaire that is specifically designed for your categories of supply Login Login The contents of this document are property of SupplHi S. know more Login Il contenuto di questo documento è di proprietà di SupplHi S. Login. USER REGISTRATION LOGIN SupplHi is an industry shared tool that facilitates end-to-end Vendor Management in a compliant and efficient way. Registration on SupplHi is always free-of-charge for Vendors of any dimension, from any country around the globe. REGISTRAZIONE UTENTE DASHBOARD CANDIDATURE Profilo d’Industria Struttura Aziendale Dati aziendali di base BENVENUTO Azioni di Miglioramento MARKETING & SUPPORTO Log delle Attività F. € By centering the digital platform around the SupplHi Standard Categorization of goods and services, SupplHi is able to accurately allocate Vendors in the right categories and identify their main competences through the information they provide when completing the free-of-charge Vendor Registration process on SupplHi. 0 SUPPLHI VENDOR USER GUIDE, 7. Type the One-Time code and sign in One-Time Code Sign In Username Password Log In SupplHi implements a Multi-Factor Authentication process to ensure Login The contents of this document are property of SupplHi S. SupplHi’s purpose is to allow companies from all over the world to implement their supplier base management processes in the most efficient and compliant way, in accordance with the best international market practices and in a way that move forward the B2B world. Vi preghiamo di procedere con i seguenti passaggi su SupplHi: Have access to a single system to scout, qualify and evaluate vendors of all sizes, globally. r. Login Il contenuto di questo documento è di proprietà di SupplHi S. SupplHi Through the User Registration you will gain access to the SupplHi Vendor Management platform for industrial SupplHi S. Vendors create one single profile that can be seen by multiple Customers, instead of providing the same information in different systems. Discover our solutions & benefits for buyers & vendors! SupplHi platform for Vendors: reach a targeted audience of clients, generate qualified leads and reduce time and costs in providing information. Assessment Visit - Assessment performed at the Vendor's premises, regarding the Vendor's managerial, organizational, technological, productive and logistic capabilities. Save up to: 80% of your Vendor Management costs 60% of the time to have access to information on Vendors. SupplHi is a vendor management platform for industrial equipment and services, streamlining the process of finding and managing suppliers. 0 Supporto Supporto Se sei già registrato su SupplHi, utilizza le tue credenziali SupplHi per accedere. No SupplHi, a segurança digital é uma das nossas prioridades máximas, para permitir um compartilhamento seguro de informações e documentos entre fornecedores e clientes. 0 SUPPLHI GUIDA UTENTE FORNITORE, 7. SupplHi is the Vendor Management SaaS for industrial equipment and services. com and click “Forgot Password?” Insert the email address used for registration and click https://vendor. Insert your credentials on https://vendor. chosen by the most demanding buyer organizations of all sizes to manage their vendor base efficiently and compliantly. USER REGISTRATION LOGIN DASHBOARD GUIDE FOR VENDOR USERS, rev10 www. SupplHi is the entry point for Vendor Qualification of some of the most cutting-edge players of B2B industries. In SupplHi, la sicurezza informatica è una delle nostre massime priorità, per consentire una condivisione sicura di informazioni e Grazie a SupplHi, che ottimizza il processo dedicato alla gestione dei Vendor, i Fornitori non dovranno inserire più volte le stesse informazioni, poiché queste potranno essere utilizzate anche da altre Aziende attive sulla piattaforma. Tickets Note sui rilasci Usa SupplHi come Cliente PROFILO NEYWORK D www. A. Download the user guides you need to navigate the SupplHi platform as a vendor. com), who are centered around the following categories: SupplHi is a vendor management platform for industrial equipment and services, streamlining the process of finding and managing suppliers. No SupplHi, a segurança digital é uma das nossas prioridades máximas, para permitir um compartilhamento seguro de informações e documentos entre fornecedores e clientes Dec 10, 2019 · Vendor Information assurance: access to information provided free-of-charge by Vendors on SupplHi, made visible after the constant quality assurance and expedite by SupplHi. SupplHi is an industry shared tool that facilitates end-to-end Vendor Management in a compliant and efficient way. IVA e C. In particular, this RESTful APIs & SSO easily integrate SupplHi industry-leading Vendor Management solution with ER, Procure-to-PayDocument Management, Ticketing systems, etc. Our mission to work hard, have fun, and make money supports our commitment to giving back to the communities we serve and making a difference. com . SupplHi digitally connects global industrial supply chains. com SupplHi©2015-2024 Guida utente Fornitore Questo breve manuale ti guiderà passo dopo passo nel processo di accesso e utilizzo della piattaforma SupplHi come Utente Fornitore SupplHi is the one-stop-solution Vendor Management platform for industrial equipment and services. com 1 Se sei già registrato su SupplHi, inserisci le tue credenziali e clicca su "Accedi" 2 Se non ti sei mai registrato su SupplHi, fai clic su "Iscriviti" 3 Se hai dimenticato la password, fai clic su «Password dimenticata?" SUGGERIMENTI Browser supportati: üGoogle Chrome üMicrosoft Edge SupplHi is an independent one-stop Vendor Management SaaS focused on B2B equipment and services. Vendor Qualification management: manage and track your Qualification evaluation and approval processes for a Vendor in specific category(ies) of supply and production SupplHi is an independent one-stop Vendor Management SaaS focused on B2B equipment and services. 12. Se hai dimenticato la password, fai clic su «Hai dimenticato la password?» 3. com Se non ti sei mai registrato su SupplHi, fai clic su «Registrazione» e segui questi passaggi. In SupplHi, la sicurezza informatica è una delle nostre massime Login The contents of this document are property of SupplHi S. Caso já tenha se cadastrado no SupplHi, use suas credenciais SupplHi existentes para fazer login. The Vendor base on SupplHi is constantly growing through new Buyer organizations that join the platform and invite their Vendors to the free-of-charge registration, through the self-candidacy of Vendors that learned about SupplHi online, and through the . bgkjq rgqbn rszxu ejgem xvdg lxfgq cuxjy jtiplu wlzc szxip rzwy swd brle bewophbg mttuve