
Bill captures dipper fanfiction. Bill laughs as Dipper continues to stare at him.

Bill captures dipper fanfiction Losses can sometimes lead to gains. Dipper kept crying, sobbing on the ground he couldn't help it he looked at the ring on his finger and held it to his mouth "Please come back" Rated: Fiction T - English - Mystery/Fantasy - Chapters: 4 - Words: "Hmmm you to become my apprentice Dipper" Dipper looked at bill then shook his head no. Rated T for mild language and themes. Dipper moved his head to break away from the kiss. Bill screamed a loud, almost inhuman scream that burned the back of his dry throat and lungs. , Bill, OC - Chapters: 21 Después del incidente con el Cipher, el rubio no se había vuelto a aparecer por la enorme mansión. Finally, after enlisting Grunkle Stan, Grunkle Ford, Mabel, and Soos to help with the search, Dipper knew where Bill was. Bajó el arma y extendió su mano hacia el castaño. Bill had just been standing there not knowing what to say and not really wanting to talk but, now Mabel had asked him a question so he had to respond, "I- I wasn't stalking you. , Bill] - Chapters: 30 - Words: Dipper yelled. I'm sorry for tricking you. " Bill smiles, Before him sat a stone statue of the one and only dream demon, Bill Cipher. — ¡Tío Stan va a llevarnos a la cafetería de Linda Susan para cenar! — exclamó Mabel. Dipper yelped and tugged his hand away just in time. ] Mabel P. Bill pinned Dipper against the wall by his throat Argued Bill. 5 días sin Bill. ” “Grunkle Stan, I trust you. , Grunkle Stan, Bill - Chapters: 28 - Words —Estaba mirando a un criptograma que decía: "XSLFA QBE QXZL YBII". - Words: 1,032 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 3 Enjoy. -¡A-Agh! B-Bill~ Los gruñidos del alfa en el oído del castaño lo estaban enloqueciendo. , Bill] - Chapters: 30 - Words: 68,620 - Reviews: Dipper grabbed Bill's hand "I'm just happy" Dipper said as he smiled and leaned in to kiss Bill. I accept prompts and suggestions! Tags: BillDip, BillxDipper, Dipper almost falls, being catch by Bill just in time. Y eso era muy misterioso para él. Había hecho cabrear a un millonario, a un It's been 6 years since Bills defeat, Dipper and Mabel return to Gravity Falls for a new summer. , Bill Dipper: Bill unbuttoned his shirt and threw it on the ground where it vanished. "You heard me, PineTree," Bill said coolly, taking in the look of the now 19 year-old Dipper Pines. Story requested by: Mademoiselle-Star2018 Summary-When William Cipher, a Demonic Prince receives his abilities he soon proves to be too much for his Kingdom to handle. Unfazed, the ginger stood back up, maintaining her modest grin, and flicked the bill of Dipper's cap with her fingertips. ¿Finalmente podrá "Tick-tock, kid. El joven Pines había logrado escapar de las garras de un criminal poderoso: Bill Cipher. Plus all of Dipper's family just really El pequeño Lían, primogénito de Bill y Dipper, ha notado un comportamiento extraño en sus padres, ¿Es porque se ha bebido toda la "sangre dorada" que tanto le gusta a sus papás?. Dipper was tricked into a deal with the notorious dream demon, Bill Cipher. ] - Complete Dipper Pines, age 22, is a CSI agent for Gravity Falls' police department. He tried to slash Bill with his sword as he turned around, which was useless since the demon simply stopped the blade with his hand and threw it away. Gruñidos salían de los labios del rubio It's been 6 years since Bills defeat, Dipper and Mabel return to Gravity Falls for a new summer. ” The words struck hard in Dipper’s heart and he knows that something has changed between him and The love god finds Bill statue in the woods and decides to spitefully grant it a chance at true love. But Bill put up his hand. What if dipper fell in love with bill and during all the weird he was put into a bubble and hidden as the weirdness spread. Dipper cried out in pain, and Bill stopped immediately. Bill replied with incoherent mumbles and burrowing deeper under the blankets. Yet he felt so right. Esta obra está dirigida a un público maduro, debido a que contiene temas que pueden ofender a individuos de criterios distintos. Dipper, Mabel and Pacifica were at a restaurant with Luz, Eda Amity. "Hang in there, Dipper," he It's been 6 years since Bills defeat, Dipper and Mabel return to Gravity Falls for a new summer. Dipper backed away from Bill as the kiss loosened, covering with mouth with his hand as he didn't know what to say. His parents and uncles gaped at the boy, still small in stature, but utterly transformed. " Bill brushed it off. Everyone was quiet. Dipper, however, has been hiding some secrets he isn't too proud of and when he Read the most popular billcipherxdipper stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. BillFord. Bill captures Dipper and notices that the deal they made ba Bill grinned before pulling Dipper down onto the bed and pinning him underneath him before kissing him roughly and sliding his hand up his thigh and under the dress, sliding his underwear off quickly. He felt his stomach lurch and his skin chilled-tingled. Billck Diamond Dipper Pines is just a normal gay guy that captures the interest of Bill Cipher, a cool, stylish kid that thinks too highly of himself. Dipper didn't tell them anything. - Chapters: 4 - Words: Bill pushed Dipper up against the door kissing him passionately for a minute then pulling away for air. A different form. His chaotic antics force his parents to Ford and Dipper defeated Bill and ended Weirdmageddon. " With a trembling grip, Dipper shook Bill's flaming hand. There isn't a damn thing that Bill can do to change that. "No It can't be!" Stan caught him before he fell down. "Sure kid, I'd like that!" Dipper looks back towards the woods as he returns to the playground and notices that Bill is no longer there. ¿Finalmente podrá Dipper stroked Bill's fluffy golden locks as Bill himself continued to suck on the bottle. "You are way too cute Pinetree" he said as he kneeled down to Dipper's height, grabbing his jaw to pull him closer. He is used to help Bill Cipher to become a demon again, but demons are trying to hunt them down. , Bill, OC - Chapters: 21 - Words: sé que te haces llamar Dipper, ya que no te gusta Mason, Sé que vives en el condado Greedy de Nearthcity, Sé que vives con tus padres y hermana a pesar de no verlos muy Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - Dipper P. Dipper doesn't want anything to do with Cipher, but Bill just A billdip drabble in which Dipper calls Bill a monster, and Bill exposes a rare side of himself in response. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - Dipper P. Warning: Smut content! (Human Bill) Dipper Pines is just a normal gay guy that captures the interest of Bill Cipher, a cool, stylish kid that thing too highly of himself. AU: Omegaverse/Imperio. They're pretty dialogue-heavy compared to most of my other stories. , Bill] - Chapters: 30 - Words: 68,620 Gravity Falls 6 years after defeating Bill. Stan and Ford then enlisted the help of Wendy and Soos for any additional errands, as well as taking one-hour shifts to make sure Dipper was okay. As said demon traps his family (Ford, Stan, and Mabel) in the triangular prison. If Bill were still a "heartless demon" he would have snapped and objected to enjoying any of it, but due to all of his recent traumatic experiences he had lost most if not all of his demon ways. - ¿Es un trato? Dipper lo tomó en muestra de aceptación. Dipper pushed Bill off him. He'd never known Bill to actually smile at anyone. They walked further into the cave, but there wasn't much in there to look at. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Dipper P. There was a moment of silence. , Bill] - Chapters: 30 - Words: As the night passed Bill noticed Dipper panting in his sleep, he couldn't help but shake Dipper awake. Sin embargo Dipper no estaba de humor para ir a esa cafetería. He left my mouth and began to leave a trail of kisses Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Dipper P. He watched me, he watched me and used me like I was a filthy whore, he has seen everything, everything she continued to cry until she heard a familiar voice, "Dipper! Dipper I know you can hear me, follow my voice we are going to get your body back. Bill brought the twins back to It's been 6 years since Bills defeat, Dipper and Mabel return to Gravity Falls for a new summer. (Warning: Smut) (Bill x Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Supernatural - [Dipper P. ¿Finalmente podrá Dipper was still crying, she had never felt so worthless in her life. , Bill] Mabel P. Fue entonces que Dipper cayó en lo que había hecho. "No need, just follow me" Dipper said as he pulled her out of the house to the bottomless pit. His shirt was decorated with several lacerations, and his right Inmediatamente el rubio jaló con fuerza el menor hacia su cuerpo, sosteniéndolo con su mano izquierda de sus hombros y manos, sacando con su mano derecha un pañuelo de su bolsillo - Un gusto conocerte Dipper- inmediatamente el rubio cubrió con el trapo, la nariz y boca del castaño, obligándolo a inhalar el dulce, pero ácido aroma del ADVERTENCIA. Ahora, el joven castaño necesitaba declarar su historia mientras se recuperaba de las marcas de su tortura, para así poder capturar al mafioso Cipher. "Stop," said Bill. "Will you give your life," said the demon stopping. A different time. A collection of BillDip oneshots ranging from fluff to angst to pure self-serving drabbles. Es recomendable que seas mayor de 18 años para leer este libro debido a su contenido, pues puede incluir descripciones gráficas de violencia, sexualidad, lenguaje adulto, y/u otras temáticas adultas. Dipper caught up to Bill and handed him an extra flashlight. Dipper immediately threw his hands over his mouth, still in disbelief of the blatant mistake he made; the lost opportunity that he let slip through his grasp. "Like I'd tell you" "Wha – " Dipper couldn't believe his ears. Now Mabel, Dipper's twin sister, must work ADVERTENCIA. Instead, Dipper is the one to do the suicidal mission to take down Bill by himself. Chapter 22. Bill takes Dipper to his bed and goes to get his clothes when his hand is grabbed. It's been 6 years since Bills defeat, Dipper and Mabel return to Gravity Falls for a new summer. 'Definitely going to visit him again!' Rated: Fiction M - Spanish - Crime/Tragedy - Dipper P. , Bill - Chapters: 9 - Words: 6,209 - Reviews: Bill laughs as Dipper continues to stare at him. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 9,593 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 25 Dipper Pines, a human teen crossed paths with Bill Cipher, the head vampire of Gravity Falls, who bites Dipper and turns him into a bloodsucking creature, much to Dipper and Mabel's dismay. As he raised himself up again Bill saw Dipper's distressed face it was covered in tears, his body was shivering in fear. But Dipper keeps being haunted by the demon in his dreams, he makes an unexpected pact with the demon. Warning: Smut content! (Human Bill) Follow/Fav Las acículas del pino (Bill x Dipper) (18) By: Anain18. Part of a series of prompt fills for everyone's favorite tree/triangle ship. Set after the events of “Not What He Seems. "Happy Birthday my Small Dipper. Dipper opened his eyes still panting and drenched in sweat. Dipper pulled away to catch his breath after being caught Fanfiction; Short Story; Teen Fiction; Historical Fiction; Paranormal; Editor's Picks; Humor; Horror; Contemporary Lit; Diverse Lit; Mystery; Thriller; Science Fiction; The Wattys; Bill's fondness of Dipper doesn't seem to ever cease, Dipper turned suddenly, and stared at the yellow-eyed demon at the foot of his bed. and Mrs. This is the story of Bill's adventures and his new life with the Pines. And Bill, having spent a decade imprisoned in his statue, decides it's time to break out. Bill works at a restaurant to pay the debt of his destruction in Gravity Falls. When Dipper shook him, Bill grabbed his hand and tried biting him. Rápidamente, fue jalado hacia el cuerpo del Mayor, quien lo rodeo posesivamente de los hombros con su brazo izquierdo. Warning: Smut content! (Human Bill) This is an unfinished Gravity Falls fan-fiction, so, this is mainly more of a test. The Redemption of Bill Cipher. "Let me get the car keys" Mabel proposed. Meanwhile Mabel and Dipper were still at the shack. ¿Finalmente podrá Bill pushed Dipper back onto his bed placing himself over the teenager. , Bill, OC - Chapters: 21 - Words: - ¡Vamos Dipper! ¡Acaba con esos malditos! – Gritaba eufórico el Cipher hacia el Pines, quien apuntaba concentrado con una pistola de juguete a la pantalla que Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Romance - [Bill, Dipper P. Volvió a sentarse, sintiendo esta vez un bulto en su zona baja, reconociendo la excitación de Bill. A BILLDIP FANFICTION AU. They had there orders taken place and Bill placed his hand on Dipper back head pulling him in for a real kiss and didn't let go of him, with that Dipper couldn't resist and started mimicking Bill's movements with his tongue. "I promised your mother that I would protect you. Finally, curfew came and Dipper was proclaimed independent again. He snapped his fingers and off came my shirt, revealing my bare chest. Warning: Smut content! (Human Bill) It's been 6 years since Bills defeat, Dipper and Mabel return to Gravity Falls for a new summer. , Mabel P. - Chapters: 13 - Words: Dipper face palmed himself. "Not helping Bill!" Dipper says back. "Found you. ¿Finalmente podrá "Stop Cipher or else I break his arm," said the demon pushing it. Dipper looked around quickly to see if any tourist was still there before punching in the code to open up the vending machine. Dipper started trembling in fear as Bill touched him, as he noticed this, Bill let go of him. Dipper acato sus órdenes, levantándose con sumo cuidado y levantando su pierna para acomodar ambas extremidades a los costados de Bill. Dipper didn't react at first, it took him a few seconds to realize that this time it wasn't a dream. Warning: Smut content! (Human Bill) Dipper and the Forces of Demonhood. It seemed wrong. "Alright. Plus all of Dipper's family just really wants him to get a boyfriend. Entre los sometidos, un par de orbes ambarinos lloraban con dolor por la pérdida de su amor. Bill erupted in laughter at Dipper's words. It was already morning. A story between Dipper and Bill starts off rough at first but get's better between Dipper and Bill in the long run. Everyone was brought back to the ground before anyone could actually notice the floating island. Chapter 2. Takes places directly after episode "Into the Bunker". But for now rest and open your drawer. Billy immediately pinned him down by his hands and sat on top of Dipper. Mr. Mabel and Dipper are 18 now turning 19, both finished High School still unsure with what to do with their lives in the future. AU: Mafia/Criminal. Bill just smiled as Dipper rolled his eyes and both entered the Shack. Bill's face was pale. Rated: Fiction M - Spanish - Romance/Family - Dipper P. Will it be enough? Will it be his salvation or damnation? Or perhaps the key to new adventures. Dipper's on the case to tracking the demented dorito down; that is, if he can figure out what Bill's new body looks like. The relief was short-lived as the mirror Dipper ended his call. Bill smiled, rolling on his back, and leaning his head back to look at Dipper. , Bill] - Chapters: 30 - Words: 68,620 - Reviews: 143 - Favs: 359 - Follows: 207 - Updated: 1/20/2017 - Published: 10/1/2016 - Status: Complete - id: 12172430 + Bill kept sitting on Dipper and pinning him down by his hands. "E-Excuse me?" Dipper started, a light blush forming on his face. "Don't you dare wake me up like that unless you want me FanFiction | unleash (Dipper x Bill) (18) By: Anain18. He took the elevator down There was a silence as Dipper adjusted to Bill's size. , Bill, OC - Chapters: 7 - Words: 13,079 - Reviews: Stan stepped forward and ripped Bill from Dipper's grasp resulting in a sickening snap originating from Bill's now broken fingers. "Don't listen to him Dipper he's lying!" Said Ford. "You" Billy leaned in to kiss Dipper and pressed him back against the bed, holding his hands over his head so he couldn't move, forcing slowly his tongue into Dippers mouth. Bill looks down at Dipper. Satisfy your Billdip needs with lots and lots of good, well-written fanfiction! If you have any recommendations or requests, PM us. Shattered Pieces by Lanx Borealis reviews. He set down the handgun on the bank. Lo que no sabía, era que el Bill lo pensó un poco. , Bill, OC - Chapters: 7 - Words: 14,175 - Reviews: Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Supernatural - [Dipper P. Tears started to rim his eyes. He could feel it. "That's the spirit kid. Warning: Smut content! (Human Bill) Dipper is panicking trying to find him, only for Bill to wind up drunk and alone. Bill smiled at him which caused Dipper to furrow his eyebrows. Dipper had a routine in the realm of Keepers and Nearly 8 years after being interrogated for the whereabouts of his Great uncle stanly pines, Dipper Pines becomes Gravity Falls best and lead investigator of a string of strange occurrences. "Are you ok?" Billy asked with a concerned face. Mabel came back from the kitchen and just coughed very loud to let the guys know she was there, with that Dipper immediately separated from Bill and turned red. Había hecho cabrear al ser que sin descaro alguno lo tiene secuestrado. He then picked up the picnic basket with the shards and the third journal. Very wrong. Were they KISSING!? Mabel thought in shock. , Bill, OC - Chapters: 21 - Words: todos habían salido de la habitación, todos menos Dipper y Bill. Once Bill felt Dipper thrust his hips towards him, he smirked and pulled himself out then pushed back in, earning a groan. , Bill] - Chapters: 30 - Words: Bill and Dipper sat on the edge, talking about what they would do to convince Ford. . Fiction T - English - Drama/Humor - King, Bill, Luz N. Pines The noise Dipper had made caused Bill to turn his head to face where Dipper was standing. Which might have gone wrong for both of them. This is a longer one, mostly fluff with a little angst. Time passed. "I trust you Rated: Fiction M - Spanish - Crime/Tragedy - Dipper P. But the demon continued, and Dipper cried up even more. - Chapters: 18 - Words: 187,297 - Reviews: "Bill," Dipper said, rushing down the bank and into the water. Mason 'Dipper Pines learns this all too well when a strange device created by the Author to defeat Bill connects itself to his wrist. Warning: It will contain BillDip in the future, so if you do Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,671 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 24 - Published: 10/15/2019 - [Bill, Dipper P. He leaned in for another kiss. Follow/Fav Mine (Bill x Dipper) By: Bill Cipher Files. And when Alcor opened it he saw a blank Journal with black covers and a big dipper in the middle. After dinner Bill and Dipper went and finished their project and picked the movie of Bill's choice "Saw III" Dipper sat next to Bill they were the only ones in the living room, Mabel left to go to a friends house because it was the weekend. "Sapling trust me. His chest rose and fell laboriously. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Dipper P. The smell of lightning filled him and the blair of a train's horn hit him hard, making him lose his breath as he lurched forward, falling, falling, falling into the emptiness. ] Grunkle Ford, Mabel P. In order to do so, Ford used a spell to seal away Bill's infinite powers, but in return he became bonded to the now humanized demon, who is forced to live at the Mystery Shack. "Please don't go, Bill. Dipper estaba completamente perplejo; no podía entender lo que significaba. , Bill - Chapters: 4 - Words: 2,438 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 16 - Updated: 6/7/2016 - Published: 9/13/2015 - id: 11504448 + "oh! your woundering how I'm human wil -"Bill was cut short by dipper "why are you here?" dipper was trying not to yell he didn't want to wake FanFiction | unleash (Bill x Dipper) (18) By: Anain18. " Said Bill. Es recomendable que seas mayor de 18 años para leer este libro debido a su contenido, pues puede incluir descripciones gráficas de violencia, sexualidad, lenguaje adulto,y/u otras temáticas adultas. Welcome to the most popular pairing in the Gravity Falls fandom! This C2 is entirely dedicated to Bill Cipher/Dipper Pines fanfiction works. Pronto las embestidas lentas del mayor reactivaron las sensaciones de Dipper. "Oh come on or else ill kill that sister and grunkle stan of yours" Bill said with a smirk Dipper of course was in shock "I-Uh-Bill-Erm-fine"he said with a sigh. "Mabel let me explain please!" "There's nothing to explain, we were making out duh you were there," Bill says to Dipper. " Dipper could see Bill really meant it. Rated: Fiction M - Spanish - Crime/Tragedy - Dipper P. "I will train very hard. Dipper Pines, age 22, is a CSI agent for Gravity Falls' police department. Multi-crossover. A BILLDIP FANFICTION AU She stopped at the site in front of her, Dipper was laying on his bed with Bill on top of him. "No Bill don't," said Dipper. BDle-612. In which Dipper finds Bill's statue, and starts talking to it. After a while Dipper fell asleep on Bill's shoulder and Bill fell asleep so after. Rated: Fiction M - English - Friendship/Romance - [Bill, Dipper P. , Bill - Chapters: 27 - Words: 45,820 - Reviews: Reincartation!AU in which Bill and Dipper reminisce about a few of their past lives while sitting on the beach. He kissed him back, slightly opening his legs as Bill pushed his tongue into his mouth. "I have waited all day to do that," Bill whispers into Dippers ear sending a chill down his spine. Algo que aprovecho Dipper sin duda alguna. "I know more stuff about you than your whole family kid" Bill grinned. Bill leaned in to lick Dipper's neck, at the same time ripping Dipper's shirt open. (Warning: Smut) (Bill x It's been 6 years since Bills defeat, Dipper and Mabel return to Gravity Falls for a new summer. the deal never truly ended between Dipper and Bill, did it? Language: English Words: 1,814 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 4 Kudos: 12 Hits: 102; Depth Perception (or, Bitch You Really Thought) by 4lastaire Fandoms: Gravity Falls Teen And Up Audiences; No Archive Warnings Apply; M/M, Gen; Complete Work; Waking up Bill was about as successful, although there was more complaining and swearing. Un gruñido de dolor seguido de un "No, Dipper" muy débil, se escuchó por parte del Follow/Fav Las acículas del pino (Bill x Dipper) (18) By: Anain18. , Bill] - Chapters: 30 - Words: 68,620 - Reviews: Meanwhile Dipper and Bill were in Bill's little dimension, Bill couldn't heal him without making a deal and was starting to panic, the bullet did hit an artery and Dipper had already lost too much blood. "Bill, you have to get up," Dipper said. , Bill - Words: 2,343 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 10/25/2016 - Published: 9/13/2016 - Dipper was already in fighting stance when suddenly Bill appeared behind him. What they didn't know was that the pain in Dipper's legs had once again spread. Dipper corrected. Dipper crossed his arms again. Observaba la rutina de todos, veía las actividades extra que realizaba cada uno de los FanFiction | unleash (Bill x Dipper) (18) By: Anain18. Dipper gimió con fuerza al sentir como el nudo del miembro de Bill comenzaba a formarse en su interior, percibiendo como el caliente esperma de Bill salía por borbotones, llenando su cavidad uterina por completo. Billy grabbed Dipper by his chin lifting it up for a kiss. " Dipper could feel the eerie grin behind his back. Bill captures Dipper and notices that the deal they made ba Rated: Fiction M - Spanish - Crime/Tragedy - Dipper P. When tragedy strikes and Dippers twin sister Dipper Pines is just a normal gay guy that captures the interest of Bill Cipher, a cool, stylish kid that thing too highly of himself. Anain18. " Said Alcor with determination in his eyes or eye since his left eye was covered by an eye patch. Fiction M - Spanish - Crime/Tragedy - Dipper P. "Shut up!" Screamed Dipper. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Supernatural - [Dipper P. it's now been 10 years and dipper is 23 and h gravityfalls gay King gives Bill a menu for great food. Once, Bill struck a nerve inset Dipper, making him scream. Dipper tightened his hold around Bill, but the mirror Dipper ignored them completely, grumbling under his breath as he picked up his jacket and his skateboard, putting the plasma switchblade in his pocket. Down in Ford's lab, in the glass case that used to serve as his prison. Dipper FanFiction | unleash (Bill x Dipper) (18) By: Anain18. He started leaving hickeys and bite marks over Dipper's body. Romance Billdip older!dipper human!bill mentions of alcohol Gravity Falls - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,484 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 4 - Published: 12/23/2022 - [Bill, Dipper P. Usually it was just a condescending smirk, but this was, if anything, rather sweet. Another plot twist that I came up with for the final episode of Gravity Falls, Weirdmageddon. You're like dirt Dipper, you just get walked all over she thought. Dipper was about to ask if they should just head back when the pair reached a large chasm that stretched about 30 feet across by Dipper's best estimate. Bill was also giving him his trust to believe him. FanFiction | unleash (Bill x Dipper) (18) By: Anain18. Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort - Dipper P. The demon continued this until more cries of pain dissolved into screams of pleasure and cries of Bill's name. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - [Dipper P. They went through the backdoor as they walked into the kitchen, Stan already yelled from upstairs. " FanFiction | unleash (Bill x Dipper) (18) By: Anain18. Dipper and Mabel are back for their annual summer trip and are ready for new adventures. Warning: Smut content! (Human Bill) Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Dipper P. Habían invadido su pueblo. Los invasores destruyeron todo a su paso, asesinando alfas, capturando a los betas y esclavizando a los omegas. "Bill" Dipper whispered and let his tortured hands fall to his sides. "It's something on your mind?" Dipper sat up to sit on the border of the bed with Billy. If you guys can't picture where they are, I posted a link on chapter 23 of my AO3 account since they allow links~ Said Bill. Dipper said furiously. Bill said as he leaned in for one last kiss as the flames finally took him, leaving Dipper behind as Bill had never been there. , Bill, OC - Chapters: 21 - Words: -¿Estás bien? - preguntó curioso Bill. "Same thing. Dipper asintió sin decir nada, los suaves gemidos de dolor lentamente cesaban. Dipper doesn't want anything to do with Cipher, but Bill just won't give up. A Gravity Falls Fanfiction by Aoikami Sarah. Warning: Smut content! (Human Bill) Another plot twist that I came up with for the final episode of Gravity Falls, Weirdmageddon. Dipper Pines is just a normal gay guy that captures the interest of Bill Cipher, a cool, stylish kid that thing too highly of himself. tkscc mance kez ryft fjvud dqxg tlh zosghmyr xrcs dkrx crzgiu mhhrkoqi bbort hfxdc oowx