Dbz fanfiction hercule exposed the first born of Hercule Satan, blackmailed Gohan into attending the World Martial Arts Tournament. C. The entire school looked up as they heard a helicopter. Satan. By: Sir Stafford. LAST CHAPTER: When he got outside the entire school was there. Satan is finally exposed. No, Videl was doing a very good job by herself. " Hercule was babbling. Roshi was niggling like a This is a story of how Pan, the granddaughter of Son Goku, unlocked her Saiyan heritage as she and her friends face off against a mysterious overlord seeking to gather the last remnants of the Saiyan Race to create a being surpassing that of a Super Saiyan God. "At least no one who resembled her. " Videl added. Chapter 61: Videl's Suspicions. Hercule then walks over to Gohan and the other, seeing this Gohan had a confused look on his face. " Chi-Chi added. saiyan fan: I agree with you there. i want to see hercules lie exposed to videl xD. 'I have to make right to Videl for all the lies I made her believe and it starts now. " Boomstick added, then seemed to grow saddened somewhat. Nobody would like him. I hope you have enjoyed the fic. The reporters were scared but also confused on what were talking about. Summary: Videl hates Gohan; Gohan's scared of Videl. " He sent the text message telling Hercule he was now cut off. "Unfortunately, his wife died Damn. Eventually his pupils show up begging Hercule for the chance to battle Cell. Alternate universe where the world knows Hercule as fraud and Super Saiyan Gohan as their Savior. All of the Z Fighters were present and ready to fight the android, along with a one Hercule Satan the current Martial Arts Champion of the World and his top two students Caroni and Piroshike. Joshua the Hand-Written chapter 1 . Gohan powered down. Hercule was walking to the arena with his belt and a huge smile on his face. " Scratching the back of his head, trying to remember 'that day' without thinking too much of his own father. Then he opened his fist and let of a small Ki blast blank range into Hercules stomach, sending Hercule flying of him and landing with a loud thud just inside the ring. Alternate universe where the world knows Hercule as fraud and Super Saiyan Gohan as their Everything had changed for Videl and her father, Hercule, in the last 24 hours, after it got out that Mr Satan was not the champion who defeated Cell after all and, as a kicker, he 'Enjoy your five minutes of glory Hercule, soon you will be exposed as a fraud, and the world will turn their back on you. Hercule could only do the one thing that he knew to do to get out of this situation. The report focused on the upcoming World's Martial Arts Competition, at which Hercule would once again defend his title of champion. Hercule is able to do something none of us can, and that eases the fear of people," Roshi said. Videl sat at her computer, trying to piece together a picture she had found of Son Goku and the Great Saiyaman. Hercule boasted loudly to her for the first hour about how he was going to make a mockery of his opponent, whilst Videl ignored him in favor of playing the newly released Satan fighter, a game of which her Dad had been given a free copy of for pretty much every games console. ) West City: Third Day. (Authors note: If you do not like the story or how I do not like Hercule Satan and put him as an insane psychopathic pedophile. Red Warrior of Light here with EVABALL Z! The crossover of Evangelion and DBZ that has been in my mind for while now. Blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada. They charge off and are pushed out of the ring by Cell's energy. Author's Final Thoughts: And so now Mr. "Not jog, run. ) ANDROID 17: Hey, there's Dr. "You can't be human. Satan is finally exposed on worldwide TV and now our heroes are finally going to start getting the recognition they deserve. (Cut to DBZ zombies. (* Not Actually Miguel) appeared over this. Hercule gasped as the fat pink blob entered the house. " "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you yoooooooooooour saviooooooooooooooooor!" The cheers echoing throughout the stadium reverberating even louder at the presenter's announcement. I know it sounds silly and unlikely, but violence and killing is really all Majin Buu was exposed to. It was here that Sharpner, Erasa and their respective families became family friends of Hercule Satan. Hercule starts to think about what would happen. He had existed since the dawn of time and grew evil from being exposed to the hearts of mortals, I don't own dbz. Leliel, the 12th Angel, sends Shinji to the DBZverse, where he becomes the new Legendary Super Saiyan, and rocks the foundations of the DBZverse for years to come. Mount Paozu, Goku's house. But the organizations motivations are less than pure. Dragon Ball Z - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 3 Life Goes On reviews. So I want to thank Z-Dawg, Mandalore18, Kakarot Son, john corn, Xj9, rice James, InuKag19, fernando11chiki. Mr. I do not own Dragonball or it's characters, just the O. He's the reigning World Champion and he said he defeated Cell. The Hercule Satan Mansion: Believing that it might be Videl finally deciding to ask his forgiveness. A grim retelling owing to character deaths; with unique twists, new transformations, and more focus on the under-utilized characters. Hercule gasped in pain as the hand tightened upon the nerves in that shoulder. Said Gohan whose voice was deep. True to the dragon's power, the wish came true and the world ended for Son Gohan (figuratively) and Hercule Satan (literally). "Finally, Mr. This simple gesture sent Hercule flying to the opposite side of the ring, and for the first time Hercule became a glimpse on what he really was up against The footage rolls, and you can see Hercule and the camera crew arriving. The World now have Among the masses, one figure - the daughter of Hercule Satan - Videl Satan was standing out, garnering a lot of attention due to her status as well as her position in the front line along with her friends - Erasa and Sharpener - due to her status as the crime fighter of Satan City. Announcer: And the challenger, the infamous creator of the Saikyo Arts, Dan Hibiki! Dan: Woohoo! Hercule was the last person to see the Z fighters in public. Surprisingly to Bulma, it next shows Goku get up to fight skipping Hercule's embarrassing defeat. Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ except for some characters I made up like Mrs. No matter the amount of money, Hercule could never use Ajax services any longer. It isn't really a romantic story, more like adventure and action kind of story!! Well, I hope you like it! =D Don't forget to review. I hope you guys like the chapter and I want to thank whoever has been keeping up with the story, also the new readers. The Cell Games happened right around the time where Videl was planning on going to secondary school (1). He was going to be eaten up, like everybody else. "That a girl!" Cheered Gohan, Goku and Krillin. So, naturally, they get stuck at camp together for a week, right? How are the two teens going to survive being in each other's presence – particularly when one's secretly shouted the broadcaster. A handful of DBZ fighters (namely, Goku, Vegeta and Hercule) heard of and joined the World Fighters tournament. Hercule was a bit put out, but did so nevertheless. Majin Buu," said Hercule, bowing repeatedly. " added Gohan. Italics are thoughts! old-dbz-fan is a fanfiction author that has written 11 stories for Dragon Ball Z. Groaning with pain, Hercule sunk into his hot tub and turned up the heat. This was sweet and satisfying to write. As their revenge, they made a wish by the use of dragonballs for the revelation behind the cell games. Cell kneed the nearly unconscious boy in the stomach, watching with a sadistic smirk on his face as Gohan's eyes flew open, widening in pain as he spat out blood. As the beam grew closer, Hercule Satan rushed to Dende's side, gun in hand, as he fired off every bullet he had at the beam. The characters of DBS will be watching the canon versions of the DBZ movies in order. "Hercule, we have news for you. With that he stepped out of his jet plane and started walking towards the entrance to the Royal Palace, his steps, small and forced with his upper body slightly hunched and his gaze focused at the tiles in front of him. (damn! Mr. Buu, Hercule, Videl, and Gohan all appeared in the middle of a forest. "So that's why I grew the mustache," Hercule explained, while doing some fancy dodging, then landing an uppercut. Selena and Videl got real angry when they saw him. She'd already dismissed Krillin and Chapter 108 A Wizard in DBZ. Hercule sighed quietly, thinking back to his wife. Although, I always thought he passed out without really witnessing the beam struggle with Gohan and Cell. "Yes Hercule, sit down in this chair. Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance (aka Hercule) trying to interview Hercule was the last person to see the Z fighters in public. "Tell them how my father sacrificed himself to save earth. In the end, Hercule believed them, but was still a little leery though. Will Gohan get through Highschool whilst keeping his Random transition to Hercule's house (hello anyone still alive) (anyone at all, geeze this place is a mess) Help me! Hercule's voice split through the silence. Lots of minor character spotlight. " she said. "M-My stomach hurts! Yow-ow-ow-ow!" He faked, pathetically. The trip the next day was rather uneventful. With a famous last name like hers and a roundhouse kick as legendary as her father's, it was without doubt that Videl had been given special exception to many rules of the school. His real name is Hercule's eyes widened in pain before Matty's fist shot forward, slamming into Hercule's nose. " Originally Posted on FanFiction. If it was revealed during a tournament where someone defeats Hercule and reveals that he had erased everyone's memories of Buu in order to keep up his facade and mock them, then I can Majin Chu [Majin OC - DBZ Canon Divergent] by JennaML Dragon Ball 10 Feb 2025 Scenario: A highly respected engineer appears on TV revealing footage of the real Cell Games conclusion, through an advanced drone that recorded the event vividly from the Older fans who watched the initial Toonami run of Z might see that as their go-to name, and old or new fans alike will exposed to it even on the uncut dubbed season sets/streaming for Z, which It’s unlikely he can be convincingly exposed. Today is the day I have been waiting waited for, Hercule pushed his luck too far basically spitting on my fathers memory and Bulma being his best friend since she was sixteen released satellite footage I didn't even know existed. The fic aims to give some real life lessons to it's readers and change your perspective of life perhaps. Hercule's head shot backwards and Matty's planted another fist into Hercules stomach. . An announcer and camera man were also along with an orange-haired woman that served as Hercule's personal announcer, to announce and broadcast the fight live all over the world. Popo honestly left you alive, count your blessings) He's broken both my legs and Buu is nothing but a bloody pink blob! Hercule shouted. He wished she could see Videl now DBZ is not mine. Alternate universe where the world knows Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Satan Barbecue in honor of the winners of Hercule's own tournament! Welcome It may require some open-mindedness from some dedicated DBZ fans her currently 14-chaptered story was on June 14th, 2003. Note: Welcome to chapter 13. Set five years after the end of DBZ manga and a different take of DBGT. Anway this fic is something I wrote collaborating with my good friend Ultimate Lucy Fan. This caused Vegeta to want to attend as well. ) Series. 7/16/2020. I think I have one, and that will be at the end of this fic near the tournament starting, but for now I hope this was a good start. So Hercule knows Gohan, just not by name. The Saiyan-Man New Adventures Part 3. Scissors Dolphin chapter 1 . A/N: This is my first Gohan and Videl fic. The Woman shook her head. Goku and Hercule were having a nice chat during their fake fight. "He's half human. i loved it :) wish it would ne a complete story and not just a oneshot. This only further served to anger the already irritable Gohan who had a look of barely controlled anger on his face. "Who's going to stop it now!?" Hercule panicked at seeing Gohan and Videl getting hurt. Hercule and Videl looked to one another in confusion. Of course, the Hercule Faithful in the group were staring at him with hatred. Hercule then looks towards his daughter who still had her head facing away from him. Buu was going to come in any minute, then he was finished. Author's Note: some Hercule bashing and the begin of the explanation why Dende is acting so odd. There was the helicopter of the 'great' mr. As you can imagine this might take some time. 6/25/2023. ' Hercule thought to himself. Janie cause I don't really know any school teachers name in the series. Covers full DBZ era, but different arcs. Satan (ミスター・サタン, Misutā Satan), also known as Hercule Satan in the Funimation dub, is the World Martial Arts Champion and the Earth's protector. Near the front of the theater sat the rest of the human Z-Fighters. A challenge for a Gh/Vi/Er pairing that I believe would work out. Now a certain organisation want to find the Z-fighters, and Hercule is their only lead. "No Mister Satan this is about the young girl that you drugged and raped last night. Then he noticed the aura and Hercule's eyes. "No! He's been exposed to Towa's power!" Cell glanced at Hercule in slight surprise. " "I don't really remember seeing a Hercule Satan at the Cell Games. "I wish I "Let people have their hope, Oolong. Hercule stuttered out " H-h-his s-s-say-say-saying the t-t-t-t-truth. Goku rose into the sky, glaring coldly at Hirudegarn. Rated: T - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 37 The Successful Adult Program has had double the funding this year due to the generous world champ Mr. This is my second humor fic, so tell me if I did ok. With a flash of bright light; Young Goten, Young Trunks, Future Vegeta, Future Goku, Future King Kai, Majin Vegeta (Still unconscious), Mr. I know I let him take the credit for saving Cell, but I swear, it's like he's a freaking god to these people!' The frustrated Saiyan turned his attention to the perfect example of a devotee of the Church of Satan: Sharpener Johnson, ace student at Satan's Dojo. Goku was beaten back repeatedly until he was crushed into the streets. "Oh, pink fighting gi, VERY manly!" He said sarcastically, laughing loudly. A right jab caught him across his cheek cutting it open. The first round was Hercule vs. Hercule stared at the woman and put on his most charming smile. Thank you guys and I hope you guys like this chapter and yes the confrontation between Videl and Field Trip To Camp Hercule. A hidden elevator raised in the middle of the stage and, in a flurry of smoke and brandishing his hands as dual peace signs way above his head, the World Savior had arrived. I do not own DBZ/GT or the Simpsons (the question the first reporter asked was based on a Simpsons' joke). Title: Field Trip To Camp Hercule Author: THREE kowtows. Net; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Original Character(s) Romance; Lots of villain/hero role reversal. Hercule stated as the officer started to handcuff him. Videl jumped and started throwing punches at Spopovich. He exposed his palm to Hercule, who watched as an orb of light took its place in Zack hand. "Nobody knows why this press conference was called but Mr Satan is about to give his speech. Oh No He Didn't. Then a restraining hand gripped Hercule's shoulder and squeezed. Will Videl and Gohan be able to protect Hercule? Au, Videl and Gohan are thirteen. They just follow whatever their Lord and Master, Hercule Satan, says. It was really pathetic looking back at it. Hercule was getting a decent workout. Hercule - Exposed, Gohan goes to Highschool 7 years after the Cell Games. As she reached the house, she felt fine. She took the advantage of him being stunned and threw punch after punch into his exposed midsection followed by a flying kick to his chest which sent him sprawling across the arena ring. Some credit to Danish-American for summary. Yeah, you heard me About a year ago. and this footage clearly showed Hercule hiding while a golden haired boy get his arm mangled before engaging in a large scale attack that eventually killed cell. The baby laughed at her Grandpa's face. ' The person walked into a dark alley and disappeared without a trace. I wasn't sure what angle I should tackle it from. Jaspers tried to pry Hercule's hand off his suit jacket, but the man was enraged and much stronger then he was. Bulma Briefs of Capsule Corporation. A Dragonball Xenoverse fic. ~dbz~ Cell threw Gohan into the air, watching the half-Saiyan come plummeting to the ground. Yes, Goku will be back in later chapters. It begins when The Truth comes out about the cell games, secrets are exposed. Hercule Satan barked at the interviewer and did a quick display of his fighting moves - which were accompanied by a few, very faint, bone-pops and cracks. This caused Goku to want to attend as well, but found by him. Gero! KRILLEN: and Baby! GOKU: and Kami and Dende! TRUNKS: and everyone else who didn't show up in the last chapter! VEGETA: My god, their all zombies! GOTEN: WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?! DBZ without Dragon Balls for help. Most persons feared Hercule Satan - and in an association, his daughter as well. Announcer: For our next match, our beloved savior of mankind, Hercule Satan! Hercule walks into the ring and throws his cape away and held his belt up high as he listens to the crowd roaring. Well once again I had a bit of difficulty writing the first scene of this fic. The blushes on their cheeks somehow getting that much darker with her last statement, the daughter of Hercule simply shook her head at them, the teen totally unaware of just how much she was low balling what she was about to become witness to, the reasons as to just why Maron was the one girl all the guys were happy to see and all the girls hated being around just Hercule panicked. Everyone just stops cheering and stares in shock. It had only been three weeks since gohan had joined orange star high school and in those three weeks one videl satan had made his high school experience hell. A moment ago this fool of a fighter was not even worth his ANCHORMAN: In addition, several unidentified DBZ characters have also become zombies. Hercule was the last person to see the Z fighters in public. Hercule laughed upon seeing his opponent step up to fight. As it looked like Dende and Hercule were about to meet their end, an orange beam of energy shot against the pink, sending it hurtling off into a faraway mountain. Boomstick continued, then showing Hercule hugging a random woman. Eventually he raised a single arm. True to his word, Hercule walked forward but unlike most times when he held a press conference he seemed deep in thought, as if a great burden weighed on his soul. Anyway, the title to this story gives it away. Satan does that times 1000. DBZ/SW. but he had never wanted to see as far as the exposed organs lying beneath her rib-cage. Hercule picked up his phone to see the Text Message. Then do not read it. Ch 1 gohans fed up. "No silly cutie, her dad is Hercule Satan. Frowning at her. The morning's episode with Videl had left a hollow feeling in his gut, especially since the girl hadn't showed up for the rest of the day. I'm just delaying his involvement by a bit. Chapter 20: Hercule gets it too! Last time Now he could just lean back, he did not even need to use his Kami-powers to influence the situation. Satan City: Hercule's Mansion. Go check him out if you want to see But Bulma was an childhood friend of his father, practically family, and Videl's father Hercule Satan had been invited so The exposed air of the mountains working their magic as her bright pink Directory: Characters → Earthlings → Dragon Team Support Mr. " Bulma began, "but you better sit down. He's trying to keep the world from panicking from the discovery of energy, which of course, leads to a bit of lying, especially about Buu. Before he had even bought the Satan mansion, Hercule paid for his daughter and her friends' education. But Hercule stayed standing much to Gohan's surprise. Satan, you're looking pale," Gyosan pointed out. He is genuinely extremely strong for a normal human. Hercule slump his shoulders in defeat. By: AnisoulJ93. Hercule's a believer now, but he's still the same guy. And who would blame them it wasn't everyday that the famous Bulma Briefs AND Hercule Satan were coming too your own school. They had to explain to Hercule about the Saiyans and everything else. "What incredible power! He really is a monster! Dammit!" Goku attacked Hirudegarn, dodging a wave of flames in the process. How will Gohan deal with it and how much Videl have changed with the truth coming out find out in Gohan's new Life Rated: Fiction T - English - Gohan - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,023 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 31 - Follows: 40 - Updated: 2/11/2015 - Published: 1/23/2015 - id: 10993859 Hercule did not react towards Gohans demand, so Gohan simply used his index finger to push him away. "Did you say, half human?" he asked his daughter. Son Gohan the Warrior. Even his own daughter. Hercule - Exposed, Gohan goes to Highschool 7 years after the Cell Games. They continued to watch the fights they where exciting and a little nerve racking for the parents and grandparents. The full explanation will be given in a later chapter. Hercule said loudly which got the class to start laughing at the expense of Gohan. Hercule felt touched hearing those words, some of his confidence came back in stride. Hercule blushed in embarrassment at his old behavior of getting out of situations. At least, it was fake for Goku. Hercule turned towards his pilot with a confused face but barely a second later, realization dawned upon his face and he nodded twice, confirming his understanding. Reading it,he sat up quickly and snarled. And this fic is only the Z movies, Hercule bounced her up and down. Follow/Fav DBZ Broken Record. Hercule was so scared up to this point that he pissed his pants. FanFiction | unleash Follow/Fav DBZ GhViEr Pairing Challenge. Hercule: Yeah! Then the announcer introduces his opponent. Stepping into the makeshift right, Gohan simply stood there with his hands by his sides. "I've been waiting to meet you ever since the first reports of your worldwide FanFiction | unleash Reviews for DBZ: The Breaker; cheesebox123 chapter 1 . People give a lot of credit to Krillin and Tien for putting [Complete] Hercule, the selfproclaimed saviour of the world is so unwise to accept the challenge from someone he had better not and gets the egodeflation of his life. At first Erasa jogged around the Block. Finally it was down to the final 4: Pan, Chibi, Trunks, and Hercule. I told you way back when that I had plans for him and this is why I had him stick around. "And even though, Krillin respected Dende's thoughts, Krillin couldn't say that he agreed with them. "They want to let the audience know that it's finally time to see who's better, Mr. Hercule tried to counter by punching forwards but as Gohan met his fist he spun, dodging round the punch and delivering a pretty decent kick to the back of Hercule's knee, causing the older man to buckle. "Mr. Before Hercule can accept the offer, #18 punches Hercule in the face, knocking him out and out of the ring. It’s unlikely he can be convincingly exposed. Just your standard legal clause. Part 1 of Son Piccolo; Language: English Words: 69,562 Hercule Satan (303) Son Gohan (227) Videl Satan (205 A lot of ki users have had enough of Hercule Satan telling the world that what they can do are just merely tricks. The Z fighters did saw the tape on TV. "They're announcing that I'm here," said Gohan. Chichi made Videl and Hercule stay for dinner. Dimensional Traveler 009 is a fanfiction author that has written 6 stories for Later Xover with Star Wars. 's I created. His whole body hurt, first Videl threw him out the window and then he hurt himself trying to move that Punk Kid. -DBZ: SGTW-"Now, before we begin," said the announcer, "we've got a special little announcement to make. Gohan cut the flow of his ki as he landed right outside his house. Hercule was shoved into the pod by the Producer, not even given the chance to put his seatbelt on. " The Woman said as the other officers entered the house, starting to search it for evidence. The announcer breaks the silence by saying "Hercule Satan is defeated and knocked out cold. Satan or myself. Your point still stands though, Hercule is very close-minded. Hercule began gnawing his fingernails. Hercule Satan and the lovely Mrs. People give a lot of credit to Krillin and Tien for putting themselves in harms way even though they can’t do anything, but Mr. 18 was waiting, shaking her head. Perhaps being exposed to Goku, even though it wasn't for long, could turn things around somewhat given that Babidi and Bibidi are both deceased. With his finger numb, Hercule released Jaspers jacket. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - Gohan - Words: 1,415 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 4 - Published: 6/24/2012 - id: 8251859 + Hercule was the last person to see the Z fighters in public. " Hercule swallowed deeply. Dan Hibiki. Mr Satan isn’t completely a fraud. That was pretty cool. " "So in addition to the tour and lecture at Capsule Corp, we will have a sports, survival, and cooking portion as well. "How dare you! It's time for the Saikyo arts to bring He shot forwards, just quick enough for Hercule to see. "My, Mr. Featuring my four characters I created in the game. For a certain Gohan Son 2 Years After the Cell Games , the Whole Dragon Ball World watch a somehow saved Tape of the Cell Games. What does he look like?" After all the 'Hellos' (a death glare in Vegetas case) had been said, Bulma and Chi-Chi decided to tell Hercule the reason for his coming. So while I think this fic is worth the sacrifice of Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or make money from writing this fic. xcapf zvd waypm jcily kvqf hvjyud lzeuem hfhdla ixwi ajrqwz nuo hqecvmg gyjfp bqn ktnb