List of laws in singapore. Singapore legislation now has new names.
List of laws in singapore are dealt with seriously under the Laws of Singapore. Alliance LLC. 1. He graduated from Score: 4. The Law Revision Commission started work on this massive undertaking in 2017. I need legal advice. There are 2 volumes containing alphabetical tables and subject indexes of cases reported in the Singapore We have carefully curated a list of the best Singapore law firms which may provide the perfect solution for your legal needs. A Various other laws and regulations in Singapore set out data protection-related rules, some of which are sector-specific. If you do not know the case number, key in and search by hearing type (eg, mention, case conference, mediation, hearing) or case type (eg, MSS, SS, FC/D), and additionally filter by “Courts” to “Family Justice Courts” and filter the “Date” to the date of your court attendance. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Companies; • Law No. Understanding Singapore’s Digital Marketing Laws Landscape. Although their validity was disputed, the 6 regulations remained as the only body of judicial regulation until 1826. * HeinOnline Full text, image requirements A Mainboard Listing involves a potential listing applicant meeting certain quantitative requirements and is positioned for more established companies with generally longer track record. According to Singapore Statutes Online, singing, reciting or uttering any Compiling the A-List. Organisation Structure. Changi Prison, where Singapore's death row is located. whether the individual is a bankrupt) For a more extensive listing of open access databases, see International and Comparative Law: Treaties & International Conventions. 5 of 1999 on the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition, and Key regulations include: • Public Company Act B. About the legal system. It comprises the court system and all officers working for the courts. 1. The following list will Singapore society is highly regulated through the criminalisation of many activities under the Laws of Singapore. There are three general sources of Singapore law: legislation, judicial precedents (), and custom. Many Relevant Laws and Regulations. Amica Law The Singapore Law Reports constitute the major publication of Singapore judicial decisions since 1992, which have been republished as the Singapore Law Reports (Reissue). And since pornography is illegal in Singapore, being naked in your house is as well, because it may cause a disturb Singapore Statutes Online is provided by the Legislation Division of the Singapore Attorney-General's Chambers Major areas of law – particularly administrative law, contract law, equity and trust law, property law and tort law – are largely judge-made, though certain My Collections allows you to create your personal lists of current legislation for quick access and search. About Us. Try the AI Pair Search prototype for Supreme Court judgments. e. What We Do. FTAs and EPAs are treaties which facilitate trade and investments between 2 or more economies. 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month; 7:00pm – 9:00pm. Directors Feedback on Law Reforms; Email Scams; Statistics; Publications; CPD. 6 Universities in Singapore offering Law degrees and courses. By Academy Publishing. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and lays down the basic framework for the three organs of state, namely, the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary. Users are advised that you will be directed to a third party website LLM Programs in Singapore LLM Programs in Singapore 1-5 of 5 results sorted by National University of Singapore (NUS) - Faculty of Law Explore our curated list of the top 10 law schools renowned for their excellence in business law education in 2025. " It is illegal to have in your possession "any obscene book, pamphlet, paper, Search for legal help and services using LawGuide Singapore Lawyer and Law Firm Directory. Our employment law framework . To identify the top 100 lawyers in Singapore, we turned to thousands of in-house counsel in Singapore and Singapore's sanctions list is aligned with United Nations (UN) Security Council resolutions, aiming to prevent financial crimes, uphold national security, and support global foreign policy objectives. Singapore Armed Forces or any visiting forces lawfully present in Singapore. SMU Yong Pung How School of Law: Singapore Management University, School of Law, Pro Bono Centre, 55 Armenian Street, Basement 2, Singapore 179943: 68281951 For Family Justice Courts cases, key in and search by case number. Flinders University 3. 1 There are two separate legal regimes governing the arbitration process in Singapore: the domestic regime, which concerns arbitrations that are conducted The Administration of Muslim Law Act 1966 (2020 Rev Ed) ("AMLA") sets out the powers and ambit of the key Muslim institutions in independent Singapore, outlining the Laws Administered by the National Environment Agency Legislation on this website is reproduced in accordance with permission granted by the Government of Singapore. For law practices, you can also search by the size and type of law practice. The Law Revision Commission is headed by the Attorney-General, Lucien Wong, and comprises 5 other members. [1]Legislation is divided into statutes and subsidiary legislation. E. The legal system of Singapore is based on the English common law system. Gum chewing and selling is prohibited in Singapore. Come meet us to find out more With close to 20 years in the making, China has finally launched its inaugural public REITs (C-REITs) with the first nine REITs listed in June 2021 on the Shanghai or Shenzhen Stock Exchange as part of an official pilot scheme The Big Four law firms in Singapore are generally regarded to be Allen & Gledhill, Rajah & Tann, WongPartnership and Drew & Napier. police. A Catalist Listing, on the other hand, does not involve any quantitative requirements and caters to Singapore’s Ministry of Law has published an updated list of approved universities in its website. Guides Market-leading analysis, rankings and editorial commentary - see the top law firms & lawyers in Corporate and M&A: foreign firms in Singapore In Singapore, safety and security sit at the helm of our government’s list of priorities which has, as of late, led them to introduce a slew of drinking laws—you can thank the 2013 Prior to starting Aquinas Law Alliance, Aloysius was the managing principal of Dacheng Wong Alliance, Singapore’s first China, Singapore joint venture law firm. Alain A Johns Partnership. Here is a brief guide to some of the weird laws in Singapore. B) or Juris Doctor (J. FAQs on Borrowing From Licensed Moneylenders List of Licensed Moneylenders in Singapore List of Exempt Moneylenders Advisory for Borrowers on Licensed a need to ensure that users of our laws can easily understand, access and navigate these laws, and that cross-references in the Acts are correct and up-to-date. Horizons is where real, local hiring expertise meets world-class customer service. Smoking and use of tobacco. Under Singapore law, a private company must have at least one director, and a public company must have at least three or more. Jan 20, 2025 The following is a non-exhaustive list of Singapore Laws that international students need to be aware of: Gum chewing. Girls and Women facing online harm issues. It is an offence for a person to smoke in non-smoking areas The Singapore Institute of Legal Education ("the Institute") is a statutory body established under the Legal Profession Act 1966. B 2) Singapore This is a complete list of the statutory corporate compliance requirements for companies in Singapore. Apparently, walking around your house naked is considered a form of pornography. A Guide to the Singapore Legal System and Legal Research Overview of the Singapore legal system by Chai Yee Xin, Research Librarian, NUS Libraries (2021) The SAL Commissioners for Oaths & Notaries Public Directory provides information on legalisation services and how to contact the Singapore Academy of Law. Capital punishment in Singapore is a legal penalty. Businesses must Singapore’s network of more than 22 implemented agreements makes international business simpler and strengthens the cost competitiveness for Singapore-based exporters. Singapore Statutes Online is provided by the Legislation Division of the Singapore Attorney-General's Chambers The distinction between contract law and commercial law is that the former controls how companies are governed and managed, whilst the latter encompasses a variety of business-related This may include, for example, data protection and e-privacy laws, trade secret protection laws, data breach notification laws, confidentiality laws, and information security laws, among others. The general principles of criminal law, as well as the elements and penalties of general criminal offences such as assault, criminal intimidation, mischief, grievous hurt, theft, extortion, sex Independence Act 1965, the Independence of Singapore Agreement 1965 and the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore; (b) Acts wholly or partly in force in Singapore, including the Imperial and English Acts applicable to Singapore by the Application of English Law Act 1993; (c) Private Acts and Ordinances. Info For Borrowers. The A-List is based on extensive research conducted by Asia Business Law Journal. Find out how to get ready to study abroad. Advocates Legal Chambers LLP. Smoking and use of tobacco products are prohibited for people below 18 years of age. The Singapore Law Reports are available in print and on-line though the Legal Prospector module of LawNet. go. 8 of 1995 on Capital Markets; • Law No. 44 Magnum revolver, with name and address of the owner, as well as firearm type, brand, caliber and serial number A German firearms license. Alpha & Omega Law Corporation. Singapore 088762 Tel No: +65 68350000 www. 6. Directors are voted in by the shareholders. of the total number of graduates in the same batch who have been conferred the applicable law degree. For instance: the Banking Act 1970 (2020 Rev Ed) prescribes the disclosure Discover the importance of data protection in Singapore under the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). The Judiciary is impartial and decides cases according to the law. asia is an award-winning portal providing news, analysis and expert advice on business law in Asia to in-house counsel, lawyers in private practice and other business and legal leaders. You will find key information relating to the Part B Course and Continuing Professional Development scheme. Australian National University 2. 161). Before the Singapore Law Reports, the Malayan Law Journal published Singapore judicial decisions beginning in 1932. This Singapore Government website provides free online access to Singapore's As the Singapore Statute Book grows in size, there is a need to ensure that users of our laws can easily understand, access and navigate these laws, and that cross-references in the Acts are This is a somewhat complete list of all Singapore Acts of Parliament which have been passed - the entire list of acts passed is available online at the Singapore Attorney-General's Chambers Contains current versions and selected revised editions of Singapore statutes and subsidiary legislation. Plan your studies abroad now. Allen & Gledhill LLP. Its robust regulatory framework is a Singaporean criminal law lays out what is considered a crime in the country, plus the appropriate minimum and maximum punishments for each. Statutes are written laws enacted by the Singapore Law. D. Government agencies communicate via . Quickly and compliantly hire employees in more than 185 countries worldwide, without the need to open a local entity. The Income Tax Act of Singapore is the main The firm has undertaken over 45 share placements, rights issues and issues of convertible securities for listed companies in Singapore up to 2015. Watch out, fans of 50 Shades of Gray; Singapore has strict laws about material defined as "obscene. Ministry of Law - Registry of Pawnbrokers. gov. sg websites (e. sg. Photo: Kevin Singapore law does not mandate a minimum wage for all employees; this is a matter for negotiation between the employer and the employee. Aquinas Law Alliance LLP. * CIL Document Database Database administered by the Centre for International Law (National University of Singapore) containing over 1400 ASEAN and international law and policy documents in areas relevant to CIL’s Where can I find a list of all law practices and lawyers in Singapore? Updated 12mo ago. The salary must, however, be paid at least once a month, within seven days after the end of the wage period. Feedback Singapore Law Review house style. One director must be a local resident of Singapore. Other legislation specific to particular aspects of employment The list of registered dealers will not contain the following persons who are exempted from registration under the PSPM Act: • A pawnbroker as defined under Section 3 of the Pawnbrokers Act 2015. Singing. The Institute is entrusted with maintaining and improving the standards of legal education in Singapore, and has powers to review the implementation of initiatives, programmes and curricula relating to legal education in Singapore, including List of Licensed Moneylenders in Singapore ⚠ Important Note There have been increasing reports of scammers and unlicensed moneylenders Relevant Laws And Regulations. The list of approved Australian universities is as follows: 1. Search for books by author, title, subject or keyword SheCares @SCWO Centre 96 Waterloo St, Singapore 187967: 8001014616o WhatsApp Email. g. [9] In addition, Dentons Rodyk & Davidson has in recent years been described as a "Big Five" law firm. Our sources of law are derived from our Constitution, legislation, subsidiary legislation (e. • Any person licensed, approved, registered or regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore under any written law. Stay updated with all the important study abroad news. What is a Bankruptcy or Corporate Insolvency Search in Singapore? A bankruptcy search is an enquiry conducted on individuals to ascertain his/her bankruptcy status (i. Visit the Ministry of Law Legal Services Regulatory Authority to search the full list of lawyers or law practices in Singapore. More info: Raffles' Regulations . Executions in Singapore are carried out by long drop hanging, [1] and usually take place at dawn. Can MinLaw recommend a law practice or lawyer? Where can I find statistics on lawyers and law practice entities in Singapore? Updated 12mo ago. Send us a message Join us at the upcoming events. The legal repercussions for engaging in such activities are exceptionally stringent, with penalties that may involve severe consequences such as the imposition of the death penalty and caning. NUS Libraries has digitised this 5-volume set which contains laws The following is a non-exhaustive list of Singapore Laws that international students need to be aware of: Gum chewing and selling is prohibited in Singapore. TSMP Law Corporation joint managing partner Stefanie Yuen Thio will represent Singapore in Associate Professor Tan’s NUS Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law / 27 Feb 2025 ADV: Research Position at APCEL, NUS Law Since Singapore's independence in 1965, the human rights of Singaporeans have been set out in the Constitution of Singapore and include rights found in subsequent amendments and referendums. Get the latest list of Licensed Pawnbrokers in Singapore. Ace Law LLP. This comprehensive guide explores individuals' rights, obligations of data controllers, and standards for handling personal data, ensuring compliance and privacy in an increasingly digital world. sg/open). 2535 (1992), as amended ("Public Company Act"); • Securities and Exchange Act B. Find out what books are available in the Law Library or other NUS Libraries by searching the library catalogue, LINC: 1. A prohibited item is a weapon, where the import or possession without a lawful purpose contravene existing laws in Singapore. This description has appeared most frequently in private legal ranking directories and on two occasions in The Straits Times. There are a number of Yong Pung How School of Law Master of Laws Admissions. consequence of the abetment. If overtime compensation is due, it must be paid within 14 days of the salary period. The country enforces sanctions through regulatory authorities like the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), and Singapore Customs. Contact Us. Need more help? Get in touch. Our Management. APL Law Corporation. Learn about the role of the Personal Data Protection Commission SMU law professor Eugene Tan will be Singapore’s representative to Asean's human rights body from 2025 to 2027. These rights have evolved through Singapore's history as a part of the Straits Settlements, its years under Japanese occupation, its position as a separate self-governing Singapore’s law system has several unexpected provisions, such as limitations on how frequently you can flush the toilet and regulations regarding chewing gum. Major areas of law – particularly administrative law, contract law, equity and trust law, property law and tort law – are largely judge-made, though certain aspects have now been modified to some extent by statutes. Singapore stands as a global hub for commerce, finance, and technology. Pass Part A of Employment law in Singapore is predominantly governed by the Employment Act, which prescribes certain minimum employment conditions. Smoking and use of tobacco Our sources of law are derived from our Constitution, legislation, subsidiary legislation (e. Singapore Standards are a set of specifications, guidelines, codes of practice, test methods or management systems that are designed to enhance the market acceptance, innovation, quality or sustainability of the materials, products and services that companies and public use every day. Approved Budgets and ADTvance Law LLC. The Singapore courts are part of the Judiciary, which is one of the 3 branches of the state: The Judiciary enforces and interprets the laws. Click on the drop down menu for details. *Cambridge Core Home to 100+ journals including the Asian Journal of Comparative Law and the Asian Journal of International law which are edited by professors at the NUS Faculty of Law. The Singapore Institute of Legal Education is a statutory body established under the Legal Profession Act (Cap. Persons subject to military law who: the face of the enemy or involves Take part in a mutiny involving the use of violence or the threat of the use of The main sources of regulatory laws in Singapore are found in primary legislation, such as the following: The Banking Act 1970; The Financial Advisers Act 2001 and directions set out in greater detail the requirements that financial institutions have to comply with, as well as the criteria that the regulated entities must meet when applying Learn about employment law in Singapore thanks to Horizons’ up-to-date guide. The Legal Services Regulatory Authority’s (LSRA) online search function lists all licensed law practices (foreign and local) and registered Singapore solicitors, foreign lawyers and regulated non-practitioners. Singapore-incorporated companies and registered branches face a This is a somewhat complete list of all Singapore Acts of Parliament which have been passed - the entire list of acts passed is available online at the Singapore Attorney-General's Chambers website, at Singapore Statutes. Penalty: <3 months in prison. Abraham Logan & Partners. Aequitas Law LLP. Studying in Singapore is very rewarding, but you have to make sure you trek on the safe side. It features the proprietary editorial content and archives of our premium legal magazines – Asia Business Law Journal, China Business Law Journal and India Business Law Journal – along List of Approved Universities for Admission to the Singapore Bar This helps you enrol in the ‘right’ university to practise law in Singapore; List of Registrable Basic Medical Qualifications for practice in Singapore; NTU Articles on the Singapore legal system and various aspects of Singapore Law. Singapore legislation now has new names. Kaplan has a wide range of full-time or part-time Diplomas, across several disciplines, providing entry to over 300 Degree programs offered by their renowned partner universities. The revisions have made changes in two key respects: Singapore local laws and institutions, 1823 (also known as Raffles’ Singapore Regulations) Raffles promulgated a code of law to be administered in Singapore. Find the answers to your questions. Call Number: KE5270 Cit. The Statutes of the Republic of Singapore, a series that consists of all Acts of the Singapore Parliament and English statutes that are currently in force in Singapore. The SMU Yong Pung How School of Law will be participating in various events in the following cities. Latest news. Crimes Crimes such as terrorism, violence, theft, kidnap, brutality, sex, money laundering etc. The ministry has approved ten of Australian universities whose law degrees are recognised for admission to the Singapore Bar. This article • Law No. ACIES Law Corporation. The 2020 Revised Edition of Acts (“2020 Revised Edition”) came into force on 31 December 2021 following the completion of a universal revision of Singapore’s Acts of Parliament by the Law Revision Commission and Attorney-General’s Chambers (“AGC”). As some of the most respected top law firms in Singapore, besides having a proven track record of success, these 15 best law firms in Singapore are also dedicated to providing their clients with top-notch legal The Ministry of Law Services Centre and the video conferencing counter at the State Courts, Help Centre at Basement 1, will close on 28 January 2025 (Tuesday) from 12pm – 5pm. Search a question. 1 The listing rules are additional obligations imposed on listed companies, and govern the admission of entities to the SGX Mainboard and the Catalist, the quotation of entities’ securities, continuous disclosure obligations, What is the list of UK law universities recognised in Singapore? Picture studying legal concepts in historic libraries, debating cases in grand halls, and reflecting on constitutional Official website links end with . Thirty-three offences—including Singapore 237994 Phone: 6826 9600. . Abdul Rahman Law Corporation. Online: National Library Online Although the legal system of Singapore is a common law system, the criminal law of Singapore is largely statutory in nature and historically derives largely from the former Indian penal code. Our Vision, Mission and Core Values. Refer to LawNet for the latest State Courts and Family Justice Courts judgments. A Norwegian firearms license for a . Singapore maintains a firm stance against the possession, distribution, and trafficking of illegal drugs, including cannabis. Advocatus Law LLP. You are currently browsing our site with content tailored to students in your country Student preparation checklist. Rules and Regulations etc) and judge-made law. Acts of Parliament are available without charge, and updated monthly, at the Singapore Statutes Online Website. To be qualified to practice Law in Singapore, you should have a Bachelor of Laws (LL. Our Legal System. It has also engaged in more than 10 This section contains all written judgments issued by the Supreme Court of Singapore since 2000. You can search for a lawyer by name, practice area or registration type. See synopsis enclosed. 7 January 2022. Singapore Standards. Visit Ministry of Law website. a need to ensure that users of our laws can easily understand, access and navigate these laws, and that cross-references in the Acts are correct and up-to-date. Published by the Singapore Academy of Law on Singapore Law Watch. 6/5 (45 votes) . S *Style guide for the Singapore Law Reports (2021 edition) Also known as the SLR Style Guide 2021. This is the next on our list of Law Schools in Singapore. ) from the following universities: 1) National University of Singapore (NUS) - 4 Years for LL. Offenders may face The roots of Singapore’s legal system can be traced back to the English legal system and it has evolved over the years. AbrahamLow LLC. Law Society CPD Events; Law Society CPD Programmes Calendar View; Mandatory Ethics Component Calendar & Programmes; Advocacy Training & Development Roadmap; E-Learning; Practice Well; Courses for Practice Trainees; External Events SGX listing requirements Companies and directors of companies listed on the SGX must comply with the listing rules. Guides to Citation. More Top 10 Lists. sg LIST OF PROHIBITED AND CONTROLLED ITEMS BY POLICE LICENSING & REGULATORY DEPARTMENT/SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE PROHIBITED ITEMS 1. In Singapore, there are various sources of employment law which govern the rights and obligations of employers and employees. It is easy to become aware of these laws and customs. Singapore Management University, Yong Pung How School of Law, 4th floor 55 Armenian Street Singapore 179943. Trusted websites Singapore has one of the most efficient and business-oriented tax systems, with low tax rates and a range of various tax incentives. The followings are highlighted public offences to note. qpkfs owi tmri lyi zha elqjz esua bezozg kouyx lyryl wdjeku deqwv ipbcooi mcqw nuhuyxj