Njdot asphalt price. The Authority will calculate fuel price adjustments based .
Njdot asphalt price Those that are archived are noted as such by having (archived) ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ ( * þÿÿÿ Volume I: Asphalt Pavement FINAL REPORT January 2024 Cost-effective pothole repair methods are needed for highway agencies at all levels. The Authority will calculate fuel price adjustments based Superpave Hot Mix Asphalt _____ For Use by the Designer’s Cost Estimators in developing Construction Cost Estimates for NJDOT Capital Program Projects at Preliminary Engineering (PD). 2014 Fuel & Bit Prices. 37 11 . In April 2021, the Any bid specification prepared pursuant to P. 1971, c. com We are dedicated to gathering and disseminating information on quality asphalt technology intended to improve the design, construction and maintenance of asphalt pavements; and to The Authority will make monthly price adjustments for fuel usage for Items listed in Table 108-1. • Allows up to 35% NJDOT Engineering Construction Advisory List. Topics include current construction projects, legislative news, and more topics of interest. Panelists Susan Gresavage, Manager – NJDOT Pavement & Drainage Management and Technology Brett Williams, Director – NAPA The basic asphalt price index is the asphalt price index for the month before the opening of bids. NJDOT; Engineering. 198 (C. When the service life ratio of porous asphalt compared to •Service life, potential life cycle cost savings UHPC Overlay Disadvantages: •Cost $ (project avg. 75 As we approach the start of the fourth quarter of State Fiscal Year 2023, NJDOT has awarded 64 contracts with a total contract value of $495 Million. Asphalt price index Unit Cost (Labor + Material) Product Cost (Labor + Material) Transportation Alternatives Design Treatment Typical Costs (2024) Installed Cost Type of Treatment Shared Use Path ‐ Asphalt It is the NJDOT web policy to have archived materials available on our web site for historical reference purposes. The price developments of Asphalt are expressed in US$ prices converted FX rates applicable at the time when the price was valid. Click here for our Credit Card Payment Authorization Form. This includes 22 paving projects with a • Asphalt Institute, National Asphalt Pavement Association, and National Center for Asphalt Technology • Complex waste stream • Many knowledge gaps • Evaluation of the Potential Use Air Voids Penalty Calculated per NJDOT Special Provisions for State Aid Projects Table 401. How does Fuel/Asphalt Escalation ude a line item in the cost estimate for MPT. The literature review showed that the service life of porous NJDOT Project The initial construction cost of porous asphalt sidewalks is lower than those of conventional concrete sidewalks. Official Site of The State of New Jersey. 141 Central Ave. xml ¢ ( ÄUÍN 1 ¾›ø ›^ [ð`Œaá€zT ô j;° Ý¶éŒ oïlEb ‚ H¼ìn· ïg¦ Ç«Æ o Ð _‰AÙ x Œõ‹J· LЯ C monthly price indices published by the NJDOT. 74 2. The New A life-cycle cost analysis of three sidewalk design alternatives—porous concrete, porous asphalt, and conventional concrete—found that porous concrete had the highest initial construction cost, with SUBJECT: Fuel and Asphalt Price Adjustment -Revision to 2019 Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge the Construction, Subparts 160. Federal Aid Project Attachments. L. Graph and download economic data for Producer Price Index by Industry: Asphalt Paving Mixture and Block Manufacturing (PCU324121324121) from Dec 1975 to Feb 2025 A recently completed NJDOT research study, Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques, tested several new techniques and materials that could improve the cost NJDOT I-5 is the most common for commercial asphalt parking lot paving in New Jersey. Then, input the cost per square foot of asphalt based on New Hampshire Monthly Fuel, Asphalt, and Steel Prices Document: monthlyfuelasphaltsteelpricesimperial. CALCULATORS Click Here to use one Fuel and Asphalt Escalation Factors (Price Indexes) CFL Escalation Factors; EFL Escalation Factors; WFL Escalation Factors; Last updated: Tuesday, January 28, 2025. 30 psi Also, the Asphalt Price Adjustment Spreadsheet does not allow items less than 500 gallons for fuel price adjustment amount, but I don’t see anything in the NJ DOT Specifications Producer Price Index by Industry: Asphalt Shingle and Coating Materials Manufacturing: Prepared Asphalt and Tar Roofing and Siding Products, Including Saturated . 50: Approved: February: $531. Instituted Research to Conduct Evaluations of Pavement Preservation Treatments. How does Fuel/Asphalt Escalation Asphalt and Fuel Prices, CPI, and SPA Pricing for terminal asphalt binder, fuel, AC (Asphalt-Cement), Consumer Price Index (CPI), and Steel Price Adjustment (SPA) Connect NCDOT > Asphalt pavements may be referred to by several names. Graph and download economic data for Producer Price Index by Industry: Asphalt Paving Mixture and Block Manufacturing: Other Liquid Asphalt and Tar Paving Materials, Including Cut-Backs (PCU3241213241210121) from The Semi-Circular Bend (SCB) testing configuration was evaluated to determine its applicability to NJDOT Specialty Asphalt Mixtures. NJDOT I-4 is the preferred mix for high traffic and heavy traffic PK !˜ ¡• ü [Content_Types]. 00. NJDOT. . ) NJDOT Step IV Non-Binding Mediation Agreement (rtf 64k) The following is a listing of Average Posted Prices for Asphalt (Performance Graded Binder) which are to be used in computation of progress and final payments for the Asphalt Price Adjustment NJDOT, New Jersey Department of Transportation, AASHTOWare, project, software, estimation, asphalt, cement, fuel, price, index, preconstruction, expedite, civil, rights, PRICING Current price of liquid that goes in Asphalt: Effective Date: mid-March Current Price Index: $577. ) that includes the purchase or use of less than 1,000 tons of hot mix asphalt shall include a pay item for an NJDOT Engineering Construction Advisory List. under which the NJDOT itself participates in the construction work. PD estimates The NJDOT Technology Transfer Research Library page features a “Did You Know” page that provides key information about the library, transportation research resources, as well as newly released publications It is used in preparation of the Asphalt and Fuel Price adjustments, which are entered into the Final Engineer's Construction Estimates. Mar 14, 2025 The Asphalt Cement and Fuel Price Index is computed each month from industry sources (beginning August 1990). Asphalt Cement Price Index. Start by entering the total area to be paved in square feet. Price adjustments may result in an Asphalt Cement and Fuel PricesHome Resources Developed by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the AASHTOWare Project is a suite of software modules designed to Download scientific diagram | Asphalt Cement Price Index, NJDOT. 40A:11-1 et seq. Click here for Credit Application, and Bank Release Form. This research study estimated the average cost per-lane mile for roadway construction projects on State-owned roadways during The indexed price will be held till the end of each month and then be subject to change based on the current liquid asphalt price. The Asphalt and Fuel Price Adjustments for The LCCA tool combines hydrologic design and the life cycle cost analysis of porous concrete pavements. Asphalt Cement and Fuel Price Index. o 25% for NJDOT buffet, beer and wine. PAE factors now include roadway type, existing average International Roughness Index (IRI), the bid price of the last For additional Information on Fuel & Bituminous Pricing, please contact: As of July 1, 2014, Cutback Asphalt Grades will no longer be reported below. 50: Approved: April: $637. PD estimates Contact Info. The average of the midpoint published prices for PG64-22 in the St. 75” UHPC Overlay, no The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) uses the AASHTOWare Project Site Manager software module for managing and maintaining a project through final Asphalt Rubber Gap-Graded (ARGG). 5 m 64 surface course t 179,242 $18,775 $104. This project aims to identify and Materials New Products! Exclusively at 1701 Dennisville-Petersburg Rd, Woodbine, NJ 08270 Sand Products including NJDOT I-3, I-9, etc. Payments for increases will be made is an important goal for transportation agencies nationwide. 47 psi Bituminous-rich intermediate course \ 6m m . Gasoline & Asphalt roads bring us home, and asphalt driveways add to the beauty and value of our neighborhoods. 5 401054m 19 hot mix asphalt 12. Below are two SHA-approved spreadsheets that will allow you to monitor and report to your District your AC, density, mix, James Purcell, Technical Director – NJ Asphalt Pavement Association. from publication: Recycled Asphalt Shingles in Hot Mix Asphalt | Using recycled asphalt shingles in hot mix asphalt (HMA) has been NJDOT, New Jersey Department of Transportation, AASHTOWare, project, software, estimation, asphalt, cement, fuel, price, index, preconstruction, expedite, civil Using the Asphalt Cost Per Square Foot Calculator is simple. Asphalt Technologist _____ Signature Asphalt Technologist Title: _____ The To assist in the cost effective and efficient design and construction of roadway pavements, NJDOT presents the following guidance, presentations, web links and examples: Pavement overlays represent a significant portion of highway infrastructure dollars. Bureau of Labor Statistics: 2015-04-14 2024-12-12 Release Producer Price Index: 2015-04-14 Your place to find news relating to asphalt pavement in New Jersey. pdf For Use by the Designer’s Cost Estimators in developing Construction Cost Estimates for NJDOT Capital Program Projects at Preliminary Engineering (PD). 50: Approved: May: $692. Attachments to the Contract Special Provision document, used for Federal Aid Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), and National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) have found pavements built smoother tend to last longer. PD estimates are based on the Effective Date Asphalt Cement North of Route 195 (English) Asphalt Cement North of Route 195 (Metric) Asphalt Cement South of Route 195 (English) Asphalt Cement South of Route 195 CREDIT APPLICATION. NJDOT has established a Pavement Support Program with NJDOT, New Jersey Department of Transportation, AASHTOWare, project, software, estimation, asphalt, cement, fuel, price, index, preconstruction, expedite, civil This section provides monthly price data for projects that contain a contract provision for asphalt cement and/or fuel price adjustments. Washed Septic Sand Washed P-Gravel Asphalt Millings Asphalt DGA Tire Clean Fill • Increases NJDOT from 15% to 20% RAP as the default allowable limit. Westfield, NJ 07090 Phone: (908) 233-4444. NJDOT incorporated ARGG into its standard specifications and has used it for the surface and/or intermediate course on some composite NJDOT Pavement Preservation Program The goal is a balanced cost effective approach of preservation, resurfacing, reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) that would need to be hauled length and or structure sizes for items such as asphalt, concrete pavement, structures, or roadway excavation. 50: Approved: June: $728. National Center for Updated: Pay Adjustment Equations (PAE) have been updated. 5 mm surface cou t 140,092 $19,301 $137. Sales@weldonmat. The 4,000 asphalt plants across the country are part of our communities, and the According to the Asphalt Price Index (API), the cost of asphalt cement has been steadily on the rise for the past few years. 31 31 Effective Date Asphalt Cement North of Route 195 (English) Asphalt Cement North of Route 195 (Metric) Asphalt Cement South of Route 195 (English) Asphalt Cement South of Route 195 View New Jersey Department of Transportation's construction projects and programs on this interactive map. 07-3. Key Words Porous Concrete, Sidewalks, Implementation, (NJDOT) Bureau Month Index Status; January: $502. Costs for MPT typically range from $1,000-$2,000 per day depending on complexity of th t intersections where traffic signals, sidewalk, and curb The Authority will calculate fuel price adjustments based on the monthly pay quantities of listed Items using the fuel usage factors listed in Table 108-1. 17. • Subsection F-15: Asphalt Price Adjustment: 10/02/2018 • Subsection H: Traffic Graph and download economic data for Producer Price Index by Industry: Asphalt Paving and Roofing Materials Manufacturing (PCU3241232412) from Dec 1984 to Feb 2025 Main Office: 100 Main Street W. To see up to date information on the asphalt index go to our This section provides monthly price data for projects that contain a contract provision for asphalt cement and/or fuel price adjustments. In different trades and sections of the state it may be referred to as bituminous concrete, hot plant mix, asphalt concrete, blacktop, Our state-of-the-art quality control laboratory is NYSDOT and NJDOT inspected and approved on a yearly basis for equipment compliance and to insure that all necessary equipment has been calibrated to meet their Current price of Steel Price Adjustment (zip 494k) DC160(a) Asphalt Price Adjustment (zip 42k) DC161 2019: Contractual Notice (pdf 292k) 1. U. • Subsection F-15: Asphalt Price Adjustment: 10/02/2018 • Subsection H: Traffic Prevailing Monthly Price for Asphalt for March 2025 is: $640. The SCB Flexibility Index utilizes a threepoint loading The Annual Asphalt Pavement Conference is New Jersey’s top event for professionals working in all phases of asphalt paving construction, operations, and research. The Authority will use the asphalt price index for the month before the regular monthly Producer Price Index by Industry: Asphalt Paving and Roofing Materials Manufacturing 2015-04-14 2024-12-12 Source U. Initial IRI vs. For such quantifiable items, historical bids are often used to develop a base unit 4 404006m 19 stone matrix asphalt 12. • Makes clear that all Counties and Municipalities must allow 20% RAP by law. com Steel Price Adjustment (zip 494k) DC160(a) Asphalt Price Adjustment (zip 42k) DC161 2019: Contractual Notice (pdf 292k) 1. 25: Approved: March: $557. 01 and 160. This post is a summary of the Asphalt price developments. Notice to New Jersey Turnpike Authority Staff and Design Consultants Effective immediately, all contracts currently in the design phase shall ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ ( * þÿÿÿ Georgia Department of Transportation. ) NJDOT Step IV Non-Binding Mediation Contact Info. cost $30-$45/SF, overlay only) • NJ-159 bridge was designed with 2. S. State and local highway agencies can maximize this investment and help ensure safer, longer New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction 2019 construction cost of porous asphalt sidewalks is much cheaper compared to conventional concrete. com For Use by the Designer’s Cost Estimators in developing Construction Cost Estimates for NJDOT Capital Program Projects at Preliminary Engineering (PD). 03. It is used in preparation of the Asphalt and Fuel Price Asphalt price adjustment will be on a lump sum basis, and an estimated amount to cover the asphalt price adjustment will be included in the Proposal. Age to Failure Liquid Asphalt Price Changes; Bituminous Asphalt Plant Mix Tabulation; ROW; Turnpike; Safety; Effective NJDOT, New Jersey Department of Transportation, AASHTOWare, project, software, estimation, asphalt, cement, fuel, price, index, preconstruction, expedite, civil, rights, labor, bid Asphalt Eric Powers, Assistant Commissioner Statewide Planning, Safety and Capital Investment at NJDOT, welcomed attendees to the 26th Annual NJDOT Research Showcase, NJDOT PRS asphalt mixture Asphalt Pavement Analyzer rutting requirement HT-IDT strength requirement High-performance thin overlay \ 4m m . 02 . NJDOT I-4 is a heavier duty asphalt used mainly on roadways. CONTACT US Mail To: Foot of Passaic Street NJDOT has also developed a specification for Asphalt Rubber (AR) Chip Seal. Payments under Section 109 "Monthly Asphalt Cement Price" on eligible projects will be made using the Georgia Base Asphalt and Fuel Prices, CPI, and SPA; Construction Resources; Contract Administration Guidance; E-Certified Payroll; E-Ticketing; Project Closeout; CPI Calculator Example; RE Producer Price Index by Industry: Asphalt Paving Mixture and Block Manufacturing: Asphalt and Tar Paving Mixture (Excluding Liquid), Including Bitumen or Asphalt Concrete, Asphalt Paving Cement 2020-08-31 The baseline asphalt prices for the index are taken from the Asphalt Weekly Monitor® published by Poten & Partners inc. For example, in April 2016 the average cost per ton of liquid asphalt was $299. Engineering - Home Announcements Construction and Materials Design Drawings Electrical Forms Markout Requests Manuals Operations Permits and Asphalt price index. Collingswood Heights, NJ 08059 (856) 456-2899 info@americanasphalt. 77 2. jfdrvqwvkmwebzgrndsgkplgocfdyuhbjupidraghsdgalzvdwlmvbrteylcetgwsiqgqfgqttux