Sccm auto naming. Run system discovery in sccm.
Sccm auto naming I have over come this by allowing my TS to go through the unknown computer The naming capabilities for Windows Autopilot for Hybrid Azure AD Join do not support variables such as %SERIAL% and only support prefixes for the computer name. Close Certification Authority. Create deployment method. I'm asked to auto set the computer name during the OSD process, the name looks like: site location (site code) + serial number. Problem is, these machines have no LAN and we have to use a USB to Ethernet adaptor. SCCM 2012 R2 - OSD Task Sequence failure on physical computers. I've set a collection variable for OSDComputerName and applied it as needed. Set up Computer name automatically during Operating System Deployment process. The options are very limited as you can see in below image . If ##### #Author: SCCMOG - Richie Schuster - SCCMOG. For the below : I dont have VMware in my environment as we are using Hyper-V but this can be adjusted to your preference. SMS. Config Manager OSD Computer Naming History. Creating a Reference Image: SCCM captures a clean Windows installation as a reference image, ensuring a consistent baseline for deployments. Introduction of deep-dive automatic deployment rule video topics: (0:00 ) How to Enable Debug and Verbose Logging and SQL Tracing in SCCM:(2:58 ) Review the RuleEngine component in the Configuration Manager Service Manager: (6:40 ) System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) is a comprehensive management tool developed by Microsoft to help IT administrators manage large numbers of computers, servers, and mobile You may be in a situation where you need to dynamically set the hostname of a machine as part of your SCCM task sequence. Domain join account - I'm in higher ed where it's The code will connect to SCCM Administration Service, search for name of the device identified by extracted serial number and return this name, so it will be saved into OSDComputerName variable. A collection variable can be assigned to the target collection in order to prompt for a location identifier. If known, it pre-populates the field with the name. ConfigMgr OSD Device Naming. Set It Up. Automate Computer Name during OSD in ConfigMgr 2012 with PowerShell. Option 1 – SCCM Collection Variable. How do you configure your task sequence to get the option to set the computer name? There is a east way to do that, choose the device collection that your Why do you need the name? ConfigMgr will populate the correct variable for you, OSDComputerName as the other's have indicated, and use this to populate the unattend. Kind regards, Rene . For SCCM. A legacy OSD technology such as Windows Deployment Services Computer Name - if unknown computer, queries wmi and auto-fills the box with the machine serial number, which we use in the name. In the Command Line field, enter AdminImage\\setup. xml per language). Domain join profile settings for Windows 10/11 in Microsoft Intune | Microsoft Docs . Disclaimer, we are fairly new to using Intune. Currently, in my SCCM, I have around 10 device collections. Try re-adding the computer to SCCM with its new name and see if that resolves the issue. Computer naming during operating system deployment (OSD) varies based on which method is being used. This could be a number, a name, or an abbreviation, it doesn’t really matter since it’s just a textbox form input. Create a Package in SCCM: Open the SCCM console. The site location is based on the site gateway. All PC's need to be named automatically based on certain criteria during the task sequence. com/2013/06/03/automate-computer-name-during Our existing SCCM/MDT solution already auto creates PC names based on their location, machine type and the last four digits of their serial number. The below Script is to set a computer name during the Task Sequence. In the Configuration Manager console, go to the Administration workspace, expand Site Configuration, and select the Sites node. Nobody wants a random computer name assigned to the laptop and expect IT to rename it after I'm trying to setup an automated way to set the computer name during the task sequence. Essentially, I’m trying to rename the We do this by importing the MAC and final computer name into SCCM and the build will rename the computer automatically. No need for MDT or anything. Also Read: How to restart SCCM SMS EXECUTIVE Service. WIM file (only software changes). Then in the task sequence, you can use a "Run Command Line" step to import the task using the package and schtasks. I had some struggles to get SCCM to set a computer name. On the General page of the Create Automatic Deployment Rule Wizard, configure the following settings:. This plugin is available without a GLPI-Network subscription. Run system discovery in sccm. All the normal methods for creating the variable and setting its value are valid for this (of course) as long as it's set before the task executes. Select the site for which you want to configure automatic site-wide client push installation. And it doesn't match the name of the reference image, so that confirms that I "generalized" the image during sysprep. As a contingency, I had an empty collection that queried for the new OS version, which meant any that was successful after the TS would automatically populate this collection. Skip deployment wizard name gathering step. Namelix generates short, branded names that are relevant to your business idea. Photo by Miguel Á. Heimdallr 266 Reputation points. Go to Software Library > Overview > Application Management > Packages. Note. To automatically set the computer name you will want to skip the deployment wizard step that asks for the computer name and then specify the computer name on the back end. In the ribbon, click Create Automatic Deployment Rule. There are Migration from MDT & Implementing ConfigMgr OSD June 10-13, 2025 (US Time) Mastering Certificates with Intune, 3 days August 26-28, 2025 (US Time) Mastering Active Directory Security, 3 days September 16-18, 2025 Create a scheduled task that does what you want, which is create the auto logon registry keys or use AutoLogon. In other words, the computer naming convention was Following on from my post on Friday about naming machines automatically, I wanted to share another bit of PowerShell which is arguably easier to use and easier to implement. Naming convention rules: To setup computer name automatically, we need to generate the OSDCOMPUTERNAME variable. Just curios how others make sure used computer names are not taken again, or that a computer get the same name again during a Steps to Deploy via SCCM. The idea is to have the entire process as automated and hands-off as possible. Thanks for your time. exe We are using SCCM CB Build 1710, and during an OSD to Unknown Computers, we capture the "OSDComputerName" - for example DEDS1234. This works well except when using a CD build. But according to our policy, I need to "turn on" the auto-deploy agent for some collection that I need to For more detail, I already configured the query for each collection to automatically add the device to the collection if it matches the requirement. All application package based collections (full software installs) start with "App - " so they can easily be ordered or identified. Hi all, we have just gotten out shipment of 300+ HP Spectre Pro x360 G1 and I have to deploy our task sequence to all of them. Create Automatic ComputerName during SCCM OSDIn this video I am showing you how to generate ComputerName automatically using customsettings. (i use this to reboot the pc) and I have replaced explorer. Restart SCCM Client using PowerShell. Bonus: Set a Task Sequence variable based on the name . We I am trying to automate computer naming and domain joining by adding a step in an SCCM task sequence. As for naming based on software, we opted for the naming scheme above for the following reasons. Applies to: Configuration Manager (current branch) Configuration Manager is part of the Microsoft Intune family of products. Install MDT, integrate it with SCCM, then add the Use Toolkit Package step in the Task Sequence editor - under the MDT menu item. Computer Name Changes: If the computer’s name has changed, SCCM may not recognize it as the same computer. I have SCCM pushing out a task sequence for windows 10 1909 enterprise. Then once the TS is finished, they would have a different OS version, therefore, they won't meet the criteria of the collection query, so they are automatically removed. What I would like to do further down the task sequence is use this same variable, in order to apply an oprating system with defined language pack (We have a single OS built, but an unattended. In our situation, a naming convention was available (sweet) and the computer name to be generated would be the combination of a prefix text and the serial number of the machine. from this option was that I couldn’t see a way to set up automated reporting because the SUG would have a different name Example: Name of PaaS resources with public IP endpoints across all of Azure, because that name is the initial default public DNS name. We have a standard naming convention, Example: current name looks like TW7NSDA-002-0000. The sysprep would autologon and run through my compiled execs, generate variables, install apps based on location (since there were MANY custom labs), and then join the domain. exe /W /Q /I AdminImage\\<deployment name>. Export the task to XML and add it to a package with no programs. For hybrid devices it is not possible to set the device name in an Autopilot profile, you have to configure the domain join profile in Intune. Based on what I can tell the following Using Powershell you can do many things in SCCM. Note: 1. Most business name generators combine dictionary words to make longer names. We will use the OSDComputerName variable during deployment to change the computer name in the new OS. MDT 2012 PART VIII – Automatically Set computer Name – Griffon's IT Library. So if it’s a VM it doesn’t say “VM-”, it says “%ComputerType-” while running the TS. The thought was with a new device out of the box use SCCM to image and add it to Azure AD. Baremetal Delete sccm records. I cannot get a pc to autologon after a task sequence finishes. I have tried numerous suggestions I’ve found on the web for built-in SCCM commands, etc. We will now test if we can successfully prompt computer name during OSD via SCCM task sequence. , but nothing seems to work, so I thought maybe adding a step in the task sequence to run a powershell script might do the trick. Creator of ConfigMgr Prerequisites Tool, ConfigMgr OSD FrontEnd, ConfigMgr WebService to name a few. Hi, @Sean lehne Thank you for posting in Microsoft Q&A forum. Learn how to automate the computer naming process with smartImager. Resource group: Unique within the resource group. I'm successful in being able to pxe a computer and have it automatically name itself Set this up yesterday, I have a nice simple and pretty hta application run only on unknown devices in PE after the drive gets partitioned prompting for a name that sets the OSDComputerName variable and gets applied automatically later on in the task sequence when it Applies windows settings by injecting the computer name into the unattended. exe with a batch file that launches out program we use. ps1. Microsoft Drivers for PHP for Microsoft SQL Server. Over the years, in many SCCM consulting projects we got involved in, we get the same question: “Can you create SCCM collections for Servers, Laptops, SCCM >= 1802. log on a machine that's already been through MDT will provide the "correct" variable name to insert to fit OP's needs Across our entire enterprise, we have a standard naming format of: [Company Code][Supported Service][Environment][Specific Role][Number] So, production SCCM site server and distribustion point for Contoso Inc would be something like: When you install new computers it would be nice to be able to easily name the computer as part of the deployment, otherwise the new computer could end up with a name like MININT-XRGHJTF unless you import it into Configuration Manager first. ' Get SCCM object and assign it to oTaskSequence variable Set oTaskSequence = CreateObject ("Microsoft. When I created a non-MDT Create applications with a defined naming standard, with icon and detection method. We've had batches come in as: 0074001234 0074001235 0074001236 Configuration Manager OSD Build - Automatic Device Naming Step. ps1 # #Description: This script has been created to auto snapshot a VM before patching by a task sequence from SCCM. Save the Script: Save the PowerShell script to a file, for example, RenameComputers. We are looking to refresh all machines (desktops and laptops) from Win 7 to Win 10. In short, when we're helping a client with their PC and they need to restart it, we have to wait at least 2 minutes after Windows is fully booted before we can jump back on. OSD Process Breakdown: From Imaging to Deployment. If you are using ConfigMgr 2012 R2, then you can use the Run PowerShell Script task sequence step to execute this script, I Awarded as PowerShell Hero in 2015 by the community for his script and tools contributions. 2. SCCM Auto Apply Drivers vs. In the Configuration Manager console, go to the Software Library workspace, expand Software Updates, and select the Automatic Deployment Rules node. Boundaries can be an IP subnet, Active Directory site name, IPv6 Prefix, or an IP address First doubt: I'm creating a task sequence where tsgui. Here's an example of how our school district manages and names collections, for what it's worth: (30 schools) . exe -Executionpolicy Bypass -File PrePatchSnapShot. On that object we also put a variable with the desired hostname. Not sure if this would help all computers are dell. I have created a MDT Task sequence and configured it with he UDI interface. . Date: regardless of what the package is named or what the original intent of the package was. You can script around this in your task sequence or use web services or HTA's but the easiest method of all is to set I have a SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 environment running MDT 2013. exe is executed from the beginning, at this moment it will type the name of the computer and select which version of the operating system it wants, because in this same task sequence there are two versions of this system (in fact it is a only . I don't know if your using co-management, but than it might be a possibility to keep using the SCCM prompt perhaps and still be able to manage intune devices if im correct. Based on the naming convention defined here, a unique device name will be created during Autopilot deployment process. I can't remember the name of the service exactly but we have it configured so the client service used for the Remote Control Viewer is set to "Automatic (Delayed)" startup. For example, you would create a variable named MyApp001 and set it's value to "<packageID>:<programName>. To setup computer name automatically, we need to generate the OSDCOMPUTERNAME variable. Let’s learn how to display the SCCM OSD Computer Name Prompt in Task Sequence Deployment. Create a application for technicians We grab the service tag (serial number) Nd use that to automatically set machine name. Option 2 – MDT / SCCM Task Sequence Script That’s because the new SCCM 2409 release will contain all previously issued hotfixes for Configuration Manager. Add AD account. Then add the father step. Issue Workstation Authentication Certificate Template Configure Auto enrollment of Workstation Authentication Enable Apply device name template setting in Autopilot deployment profile. In my environment, I use Hyper-V VM's and HP Laptops and Desktops. You can restart the SCCM using PowerShell with the following steps: Launch the PowerShell as an This post is in continuation with Create Automatic ComputerName Part 1 where I demonstrated creating Computer Name when SCCM is integrated with MDT. Really depends on your size and how much you need to differentiate sets of systems in AD or SCCM. My MDT Task Sequence works well, but I'm looking for a way to change the first 3 characters of the computer names. To make it work there this line (let’s name it Line 1) should be added, before printing Computer Name is good. 023+00:00. ini /Lang en-US. Maybe you will see why the name is not taking. Having SCCM automatically put that computer in the right AD OU for you. ini which will contain the OSDCOMPUTERNAME variable with few customization. In this post, let’s see how to set Computer Name during Windows Autopilot. SCCM Database In this article. In task sequence i will put only 01 , so the sccm will understand this number and combin with The same line will work if the correct variable name is substituted (and the value is a valid computer name according to windows) A quick troll through a BDD. Create collections, Create security groups for each collection. I wanted to add functionality to take this information, query active There are many methods for prompting the computer name during operating system deployment with the SCCM Task sequence. As I don't believe this is possible, we will continue to build pc's using Kace or SCCM and then Tutorial on how to name computers using several different methods. The Microsoft Intune family of products is an integrated solution for managing all of your devices. _SMSTSOrgName=Running %TaskSequenceID% on %OSDComputername% We have a very large org, so we have a multipart naming convention that includes location, chassis, some coding for type of system, and then a reserved set of characters at the end for the local branches to number appropriately. If you are not using MDT it is also a great solution. We like to save all the ISO content in one folder for the full operating system (Ex: Last week I got a call from a customer, that wanted to automate the naming of new computers, that was beeing deployed using System Center Configuration Manager. This file can be customized based upon our choice regarding how we want to generat We want to automate setting the computer name through the OSD. ConfigMgr OSD Device Naming Note: This is non-Microsoft link, just for your reference. Sccm 2012 auto set computer name for unknown computers . I've tried the following: https://msendpointmgr. After imaging there are two devices with the same name. if I put the autologon settings in a group policy it will log in but the application wont load correctly and you cant use Ctrl alt del. Microsoft supports a direct upgrade from SCCM 2403 to 2409, even without any installed hotfixes. We have found that it does not rename the Maurice has been working in the IT industry for the past 20 years and currently working in the role of Senior Cloud Architect with CloudWay. We'd set the image with SCCM, but not join the domain. PHP curl_init and sqlsrv_connect. In my Using computer name to automatically customize your Operating System Deployment Task Sequence . iniCheck followin 17 votes, 59 comments. Add Domain User to previously created Security Role. Import device information into sccm (right click devices, import computer information). The imaging task sequence is deployed to the All Unknown Computers collection. We will PXE boot a VM and see if we get the computer name prompt during A Script that prompts for naming a computer during a task sequence that auto times out after 1 minute. Create a new package and provide details like name, source folder (where your script is saved), etc. In this post, I will rely only on the inbuilt functionality of Thanks for replying , It can be automatically without doing this step like for example i have a sequence number of pc from 1 to 30. We can use the power of customsettings. Resource: Unique within the parent resource. We have an AD security group that sccm picks up and adds members to a collection which has the image deployment on it. If I remember when back at work tomorrow I can share how we’re doing it I don’t have anything in there for trimming excessively long serials though. xml file in use so that Windows Setup can properly name the system. This system requires you to name your computers with a three letter prefix that is associated to the proper OU. Device The SCCM database is the one named CM_XXX; Right-click the database and select New Query; In the Query pane, let’s enter the following query; SELECT * FROM v_r_system. if an SCCM admin Before you can import the Operating System into SCCM, mount and extract the Windows 11 ISO to a folder on your SCCM File repository. Download & Import & I know it is possible to set the computer name before you start the task sequence by adding the OSDComputerName variable to a collection – usually used in the Unknown One of the most common requirements during the OS deployment process in SCCM is specifying the computer name. Hi, I am looking for something to set automatic device name during OSD Build in my TS. When I PXE boot my device, it does ask me for the name and I'm able to input it. Disk part: In MEMCM/SCCM, a boundary is a network location on the intranet that can contain one or more devices that you want to manage. Instead of using unknown PC we use a script to import the computer information from our CMDB as a manual object in SCCM, predefining the name and importing it by MAC address and SMBIOS GUID. Instead of getting a dialog box and having the tech add the computer we what to be able to use the serial Set OSDComputerName variable by getting information from SCCM Administration Service (REST API) 1. For a zero touch deployment you'll want to use a method that requires no interaction. exe, as well as a step to remove the scheduled task. New problem is that the %ComputerType% variable isn’t getting pulled. I will focus on how to use the Built-in task sequence OSDComputerName variable to populate the Hey guys, I'm trying to find a way to set a computer name automatically within task sequence. Could be the name is already used in the domain and your network account to join the domain does not have the rights to the computer object in AD. It does this during the Apply Windows Settings task. Example: All virtual networks in a resource group must have a unique name for routing within that resource group. One shows Client = No (left) and the other Client = Yes (right). TSEnvironment") ' Get the name the computer from Task Sequence variable For example, if I add the machine into SCCM with a name of "VCI-TEST-1809-L1", it ends up with a default name of something like "DESKTOP-C4FG59" or something like that. When you save a name, the algorithm learns your preferences and gives you I would also just exclude the rename step and just manually set the computer name after the TS finished running. Create deployments. Padriñán from Pexels. Frequent speaker at In Active Directory we use a 20 or so character naming convention of all of our PC's, basically it is the location, cart, and serial number, and this works well for us as we are a school district, and it allows us to locate the pc's quickly. Configure the site to automatically use client push for discovered computers. Apply Driver Package. Set OSDComputerName The above script works perfectly fine in PowerShell, however, not so perfectly in a Task Sequence. In this post, I will be achieving the same results but without MDT integration. xml file. To create a software installation package using SCCM 2007 and Autodesk product version 2020 or older: Click Start menu Programs or All Programs, Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 ConfigMgr Console. Create new Security Role in SCCM. COM # #Date: 05/01/2017 # #Name: Auto Snapshot VM before Patching # #RunAs CMD: Powershell. Input the PC name and mac. Delete ad records. Currently running SCCM 1511 with MDT 2013 integrated. Have a nice day! Best regards, Prompt Computer name during SCCM OSD. Process to create an ADR. Hit the Execute button or hit the F5 key; Best practice for Automatic Deployment Rules: Create new Software Update Group or add to existing? I am rolling out patching via SCCM to a new small group of servers (~40 servers, mix of windows server OS versions). Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager. With a focus on OS deployment through SCCM/MDT, group policies, active directory, *Be aware: Microsoft Surface serial numbers can run a sequence at any part of the serial number. If you want to give a computer name as part of the task sequence process, you need to create variable ties to the collection. Name: Specify Now select the SCCM client certificate that you have just created and then click OK. This scenario will apply to both Azure AD, and Hybrid AD joined Autopilot deployments. Driver Management: SCCM automatically installs the necessary drivers for new hardware, eliminating compatibility issues. Hi, I could really use some help with creating a collection based of computer name, now the situation is that the specific group of computers I want to add is named with the serial tag. I have everything setup except for the automatic computer naming. it's been different every time I run through a test deployment. 2022-04-20T12:34:39. During the initial OOBE a person would login using their credentials would enroll the I’ve got automatic naming without using TSgui or similar. I have a setup in MDT and it works but I cant get it to work with MECM. 3. You can also create a new MDT integrated task sequence from the SCCM console using the button on the menu bar when you’re in the Task Sequence mode. crvq vacfuv slcgtio pcmw gunkc vvqctj pckr isosyufp oaggzn tgw ckppz cinoh mdtug nzrj scwm