Snhu cs bs reddit. Hi guys, I’m in my 3rd term online at SNHU.

Snhu cs bs reddit r/SNHU. https://discord. My current job could care less. Get ready to put in a lot of work in all of your CJ courses; it's very writing-intensive, and make sure to go the extra mile if you want A's. They also updated the program for CS this past year to include new courses with updated content. JS and Python will give you a great starting point for the program. Has anyone done bs In computer science with project management? Pros and cons vs doing SWE . I took a break after graduating in 2018 from high school lol I’m 24 years Taking CS-465 right now. I’ve looked at Oregon states post bacc but the price freaks me out. Look at their IT Masters programs as your undergrad degree will be enough of a prerequisite to get you in. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps Right so based on what I am seeing, every course are basically 3 credit so: 120 credit / 3 credit course = 40 total courses required. SNHU is a bit less prestigious, they don't have semesters but "terms". Their suggestion isn’t a bad one. The 100 and 200 courses are pretty basic. Or check it out in the app stores   SNHU allows 90 out of 120 credits to be transferred in. Once you get to the more tough classes that require actual difficulty or skill the school falls short. I’m starting my BS in CS March 4th. Or check it out in the app stores For reference my Bachelors was in Computer Science at SNHU. I’m a junior nearing my senior year, and I really want to get my BS, and keep it rolling into my Masters. I'm currently taking discrete math. reddit's So I'm currently attending SNHU in their AS in Computer Science program, but was thinking about just finishing up and switching to the bachelor's program. SNHU accepts 90 transfer credits. Their program is relatively light on math as far as cs programs go. I'm currently attending My friend and I both started at SNHU at the same time and she was nervous to go full time right away. S. Personally I feel as though both would be good paths, but the CS degree opens up the door to work in many different roles and fields of study. The accounting classes aren't hard per se but there is a lot of info to process each I’m just curious to see what the adjustment was. com. Go to SNHU r/SNHU Hello everyone I’m currently enrolled for august 28th, BS in CS and I want to be prepared in fact I’m so excited and thrilled to start I want to be ahead. I would definitely say SNHU has a top tier online experience compared to other online school. However, I'm also concerned that the limited free time I have for the second SNHU course won't be enough, and I might struggle to submit my assignments and projects on time. Hi. Any recommendation for these CS elective courses below. get reddit premium. Or check it out in the app stores Snhu bs in computer science . First job I had was terrible. I have an AS from a local school and got a security position at a company near meZ to advance I need a BS so I choose SNHU because it was the best priced online degree program for cyber. Has anyone successfully graduated from SNHU with a BA and BS? I am more curious about a double major and not a duel degree. If you did double major in a BA and BS, what did your diploma say? Is a BS in Computer Information Systems a good degree? I'm currently a senior in the CIS program at SNHU, and I'm starting to worry that I made the wrong choice. Working ahead and it does not seem too bad. I just sent you a message! :) As for masters, no. Everyone is on Week 6 and I am still stuck on Week 4. It was an internal transfer for me and I'm still not sure Gain a fundamental overview of the basics of computer networking and security with SNHU's online Bachelor of Science (BS) in Computer Science degree with a concentration in Degrees: BA Computer Science, BS Business Administration with a concentration in CIS, AS Natural Science & Math, TESU. So here’s what I’d suggest doing: Those classes are fairly easy compared to some of the others. What it did for me was get me my second job (that and having been admitted to a really good grad school for CS). A place for prospective, current, and former students to ask questions, share resources and experiences, and Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. intro to networking, intro to web dev) ---- The last class can be filled with any 200-499 course with prefix CS Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. If you want a coding degree, then you want Software Engineering (or just a good coding bootcamp, quite frankly). CS BS Program upvotes Reddit's hub for advice, articles, and general discussion about getting and repaying student loans. Snhu offers I'm currently working on my BS in computer science (software engineering) at SNHU. I was wondering if anyone wanted a study buddy to help compare answers or anything. I combined cs 330 and 360, while doable, that was a miserable term. Find yourself another classmate, get Hi y’all I recently applied to SNHU for their September starting date and I’m wondering if the BS in Forensic Accounting is a good degree or if I should just go for their BS in Accounting? Any recommendations greatly appreciated :) also I do plan on eventually taking my CPA if that helps! Between Accounting/Finance or CS. I would definitely talk to your advisor if you haven’t already Hello! I am finishing up my BS in Business Administration with a concentration in HR in October. Definitely recommend using websites like udemy, Odin project, and stack overflow especially will be your best friend. Do SOPHIA CLASSES. I enjoyed the course. A degree is no longer an exception that makes you stand out but rather an expectation at this point. A degree will help you land an interview at places that require a bachelors but not really any more. You just have to keep up with the work and you'll get an A in every class. org. Just finished my second bachelors in CS last term. A subreddit for students of the Oregon State Online Computer Science BS post-bacc program. Need help deciding route between WGU and SNHU for BS Computer Science Reddit's hub for advice, articles, and general discussion about getting and repaying student loans. No problem. I was able to do 11 classes in one month for $100. Reach out to your advisor now and tell them you want to do them so you can be registered for the right things at SNHU. Or check it out in the app stores   I've found this true for quite a few CS classes at SNHU. I think because these are the final classes in the BS, they will be challenging but definitely doable, no one wants students to fail at the end of the I am also going for my BS at SNHU, for Criminal Justice, with a concentration on Human Resources. This is the case for pretty much any school though, not just SNHU. Now I am the Software Development Tech Lead for a startup. After Math, I went into IDS-404 Popular Culture; I needed to give my brain a break. SNHU join leave 27,903 readers. When you get to it btw, cs 330 is a beast. I’m currently enrolled in BS in Cybersecurity at SNHU. CS ba vs bs - is a ba less valuable? To succeed in the CS field you need to put in a lot of time outside of class building stuff and teaching yourself relevant frameworks. Most projects are done incrementally so that you can get feedback and make adjustments on the next milestone up until the final project. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. the largest So, I'm a senior-level data analyst, and am finishing up my BS in Data Analytics, and I'm just going to let you know that I think the program is sort of okay for those of us who already work in the industry and really just want the piece of paper so our resumes stop getting ignored for jobs we're qualified to do, but if the program was the only exposure I had to data work, I don't even Whereas IT just uses tech, maintains it, and problem solves with it. I did it, guys For many reasons, I’m switching from a BS in Computer Science/Software Engineering to General Studies/Coding basics. My goal is to move on to a Master's or a Ph. Running into issues with my seedgoose database not loading collections, but besides that it has been straightforward so far. Go to SNHU r/SNHU • by beccart. I need 3 classes from CS or IT in the 300 to 400 range and am an Online student. IT is a big field and a CS Degree will set you up for any job. The job market in tech right now is BRUTAL. Both the undergrad and masters in analytics at snhu are highly looked down upon academically and professionally. I'm also a student with career switching ambitions, but I'm 32. with a traditional CS curriculum. However, CS-465 & CS-470 are straight Web Development courses which teach the Model/View/Controller (MVC) implementation and Angular front end My advisor has said that it is allowed. I personally do not have a concentration and filled those free elective slots with other classes CS Career Questions: Oceania A subreddit for CS workers to discuss their career and the companies in the Oceanic continent (Australia / New Zealand) Members Online Is Masters of IT (Artificial Intelligence) for Software Engineering a good option? I’m a cs major that is graduating in April (currently in my last term). Computer Science program and I wanted to get some input from some other CS majors. I haven't found anything difficult yet and I'm about halfway through. 2. CS-305 is an absolute disaster of a class too. 5years at SNHU with Walmart paying and receiving military benefits. But yea- that’s my 2cents. Snhu let’s you transfer in a lot of credits so you would only need to take 30 credits at snhu at $320 per credit is only around $10,000. There's no point in me trying to find a better school, because nowadays no-one cares about that in IT anyway, since there is a CS-370 Study Current Trends Google Elective 1/4: CS or CYB or DAD or DAT or GAM or IT/ Google Data An Cert DAT-325 Elective 2/4: CS or CYB or DAD or DAT or GAM or IT/ Google Data An Cert DAT-375 Needed: CS-210 or CS-217 CS-218 or CS-300 CS-230 CS-305 CS-320 CS-330 CS-340 CS-360 CS-465 MAT-350 CS-490 or CS-499 Ya Data analytics and data science as a degree option is young and new and itll be a few years before the industry regulates. I always thinking about what you said about the Computer Science degree, it could be easy to find jobs with the CS degree instead of Cybersecurity without any experience. Same thing, first year and finishing up both of the same classes. Got my dream job 3 months post graduate. Some of the CS classes are difficult, but they are definitely doable. The 19K subscribers in the SNHU community. I transferred to SNHU with about 60 credits, so I started in the core classes right away. My two cents as a CS student going for my bachelors - I'm like a year in and I don't think an associates would teach you enough to really get a job in the computer field. BS Computer Sci Degree Value . D The only time I dont respond is simply because reddit's so glitchy that half my messages don't show up lol. I was wondering lately though how would employers view a CS degree from SNHU? I know the school is regionally accredited and the school is no profit. BS in Computer Science and Sophia . despite what most people might say, SNHU's CS degree is really easy. This subreddit was started to support WGU students who are in the BS in Accounting program. I originally started out as a CS major, but I quickly switched when I realized I was awful at math. Mainly because of how accessible their tutoring services are. First, I think SNHU has decent course content for In 1970 around 55% of those over 25 had a high school diploma and 10% with bachelors. Just a heads up, you will be writing a lot of papers through your classes, I was writing at least 1 or 2 papers a week, many times them being 3+ pages. You need to be working on side projects, studying concepts, and make an effort to learn beyond what material is covered by the coursework to be successful. sophia. CSCareerQuestions protests in solidarity with the developers who made third party reddit apps. Week 2 didn't make sense at all but I was able to complete Week. I honestly have a professional and personal passion for both and would love to eventually get into an employment opportunity where I could use both. Many work in the field. 5yrs at SNHU with Walmart paying tuition 60-70 credits What my dad wants me to do: Go straight to SNHU for 4 long years and have Walmart pay while also receiving military benefits. It's ratings and reviews are very low on websites that review colleges. Remote and pays well!! (Note: Design major, not CS. SNHU's online degree program offers industry-standard software development methodologies with popular programming Overall, is the job outlook with a BS in CIS compared to CS drastically different? I do have a tech internship under my resume thankfully but how different will the degrees be compared to one another? Is there a point in attempting to go for a CS degree if I can finish the CIS degree a bit quicker? Are the salaries that much different? Thanks Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I keep seeing that many people believe that to get a job in the field, you have to devote your entire life to the code. Want to learn more BS in CS w/ concentration in information security or BS in cyber security? I recently got hired somewhere that will cover my education 100% and I've decided I would like to attend SNHU. I keep seeing conflicting information about it though. It is almost entirely self taught through assigned readings and exercises. As a rule of thumb, master courses almost always have I'm about mid way through my junior year in their online cs program. 4. They have 6 8-week terms a year, where you take 1-2 courses only in each. I counted up to 42 credits at Sophia for the SNHU CS degree between general education courses and CS courses. BS in CS w/ concentration in information security or BS in cyber security? upvotes Reddit's hub for advice, articles, and general discussion about getting and I just graduated with my B. 0 halfway through the CS bachelors program and I feel like SNHU is way easier in one respect: if you follow the rubric to the tee you will generally My classes start on October 28, and I'm taking computer science with a concentration in data analytics. That knocks a little over a year off. That means if full-time (2 course per term) = 12 course per year I would take: I'm in CS and about a year in taking precalculus and had a few stats classes already. She told me she recommends to a majority of her students seeking a CS degree with a concentration in SWE because “it leaves you more open to future career opportunities”. 0 GPA 2022. I am on the track for a BS in CS with a concentration in security. gg/kCQ6nvv7 Actually looking back at my notes, SNHU is also a bit cheaper ($519 vs $320 per credit). I would have to take extra math classes and I don’t really want to because I feel like my back is against the wall and do not want For BS in Computer Science the program description makes mention of AI and C++ as being part of the core curriculum. I personally want to get my Masters from a top 20 school or a school within the SEC (I really like UGA, LSU, FSU, and Roll Tide). A degree is a total of 120 credit. I was accepted into UMass Lowell but they only offer an information technology degree and it's a lot more per course. Hi guys, I’m in my 3rd term online at SNHU. I'm about to graduate Summa Cum Laude with a BS in Criminal Justice with a minor in Homeland Security and Counterterrorism. Anything I should switch around in my upcoming courses for BS CS? (October 23 – December 17, 2023) CS-210 Programming Languages MAT-230 Discrete Math 24EW3 (January 1 – February 25, 2024) DAD-220 Intro to SQL CS-230 Operating Platforms Reddit's hub for advice, articles, and general discussion about getting and repaying student loans Then transfer 2. It’s pretty terrible in a majority of the CS classes I’ve taken so far. Build structured databases, explore big data and learn how to clean data in SNHU’s online Bachelor of Science (BS) in Computer Science with a concentration in Data Analysis. Hopefully the upper level ones are better but I Go to SNHU r/SNHU. 5 years for me but I transferred my associates credits from before. After IDS-404, I started taking CS courses at SNHU. So in a year, I'd be doing 36 credits max. Hello, I’m currently in B. The courses are decent; many require a good amount of writing. My goal is to eventually work in cyber security which isn't an Yes, a CS degree is worth it. I don’t strictly want to just learn about cs, you take some cs related courses as well, I actually petitioned to take cs360 mobile app dev instead of the IT related course and that was probably my favorite of them all building an event tracking android app and I got to dive a bit deeper into leveraging a sql database and developing an android Hey guys so I got my BS in Mechaical Engineering a couple years ago (2019) and a certification in full stack development from the University of Minnesota this past year (2023). I am so lost. Not a professor, but I have a 4. Working full time My route Pay 4k for 1/2 year, then transfer for 2. As I need to pick 3more courses as one for each upcoming term Cause I dont wanna take two difficult courses at the same time. Week 1 barely made sense. I want to try and give an unbiased opinion on SNHUs software dev program. The only thing I’m not totally sure about is how many essays and non coding stuff there is. I started to take CS courses at Study. r/snhu A place for prospective, current, and former students to ask questions, share resources and experiences, and discuss Southern New Hampshire University. My organization specifically will not hire grads from that program because so many failed our technical questions. Interested in which alt credit sources would apply to the online BS CS at SNHU to maximize the full 90 allowed to transfer in. I just have to get 159 credits versus 120 credits to graduate. I could also change my course to CS and do a concentration in Cybersecurity. I was able to transfer 90 but came with a background in applied mathematics. 5 years later. Is it difficult to study in a Bachelor of Computer Science program? I understand that the difficulty level may vary depending on the courses, but approximately how many hours a day does it I'm graduating from the CS program next April. I'm deep into it now, and I understand the waning value of a BS in computer science anyways, so I'm sticking it out. It starts to feel like if you haven’t built an open-source project that gets included in the Debian distro, you have no chance of a job. The resources (at least for some of the CS courses) are pretty bad. I'm pursuing my degree entirely online through the Guild education program at Target, so these two options are the best CS bachelor's options available to me (please don't suggest other schools). Because right now most businesses don't even know what data science actually is, so outside of the top universities, most colleges have their own general curriculum about what they think a DS/DA course load should look like as opposed to whats Go to SNHU r/SNHU. Your portfolio does the REAL talking and your skills land you the It’s a lot of self learning. Thank you in advance. It turns out discord and reddit work better in some cases and thankfully I had a friend that was an SQL developer and I never even knew so he was able to help me through it without giving me the answers. I mention this because I feel SNHU provides a nice opportunity to venture into CS without having to go too in-depth. My second term this month. The reddit home of Michigan State University. That's why I'm wondering which courses in this program are more challenging or require more time, to create a plan where I know which courses I can combine and take 2 per term. Hi everyone, I'm here to see what anyone has to say about SNHU vs Oregon State University in terms of getting my computer science degree. SNHU’s CS degree isn’t hard compared to traditional degree programs throughout the world. I’m currently on my third programming class CS-210, with most of my math classes now behind me. Or check it out in the app stores   Does SNHU offer a good online computer science program? web development is more accurate. Course Experience: CLEP, Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. I am 27 and I work full time. Sometimes I find myself slacking a bit by Go to SNHU r/SNHU • by Shipatic. Some degrees can max out all 90 credits and be completed in 10 months (BS in Business Admin and a BA in Communications). As a self taught programmer I would add that the CS degree is likely more rigorous than Data Science if you like the challenge. CS classes are either too theoretical or too outdated to be useful in the job market. But a CS degree with SNHU requires a lot of work beyond the courses to fully understand material. A place for prospective, current, and former students to ask questions, share resources and experiences, and discuss Southern New Hampshire University. I'm going for a BS in Accounting, no minor though. S of CS. That being said, 230, 250, and 255 were the worst classes and require nothing beyond a good ability to write coherent BS for pages on end. And in my opinion a Bachelors degree plus a Masters will look better on paper than a Bachelors and an associates- especially if you are changing careers and just getting into IT. D program, and to be completely blunt, SNHU's CS curriculum as designed looks to be too "fluffy" to make that a realistic possibility Go to SNHU r/SNHU. SNHU is great at first, you get past all the easy classes - you play their game. You can search LinkedIn for SNHU CS grads and see where they work now. . In my case I was also changing programs (BSEE to BSCS) so for the same cost as a BSEE degree that wouldn't be much use to me now as a software developer, I can take a few more classes and get a BSCS degree. The classes at SNHU was not hard to get an A as long as you put in the time. Members Online. 90 transfer credits leave 30 credits. If you have the motivation to get calculus, histories, physics, and some others out of the way through third party sources, it will be much faster. In the CS/IT scene, a degree is a checkmark for HR. CS-305 software security CS-320 Software Not a CS major, but I am about to graduate this December with the BS in Cybersecurity. Or check it out in the app stores   Go to SNHU r/SNHU. Anyone take CS 345 ? upvotes Reddit's hub for advice, articles, and general discussion about getting and repaying student loans. They didn't help in the slightest and I tried every single one. My wife says I should just get my Masters from SNHU. Having gone to a traditional University in the past, I actually feel like SNHU's online setup has made it easier for me to learn and do well in math. Accepted to a masters in CS from GeorgiaTech. Or check it out in the app stores Go to SNHU r/SNHU. CS 360 though isn’t hard but takes a lot of work. $63,634 WIPED AWAY!!!! upvotes · Hi all! I am considering enrolling in SNHU’s online bachelor degree program for Cybersecurity. All of this is to say I have not been impressed with the meat and potatoes of CS coursework at SNHU. I've heard some mixed things about the online computer science degree at Southern New Hampshire University. https://snhu. That means you only have to do 10 classes (30 credits) at SNHU. Currently 89% have a high school diploma and 34% bachelors. Go green! Members Online. I can see all the classes I will be taking but I don't see anything about HTML and CSS (I have some HTML knowledge but want to expand and learn CSS). It was made easier because I had a good subject, the movie Fast and the Furious. I've applied to a few other schools that offer a CS degree fully online, and none of them are anywhere close to the price after graduation for tuition like SNHU. I suggest swapping to Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. ) If you google SNHU transfers there should be a website that easily lists all the possible transfer credits. I was looking into SNHU's CS degree and wondering if any former CS students could give their opinion before I commit the time to the degree. Just keep in mind that CS is not coding; it's theory and language-neutral. I highly recommend using SNHU’s tutelage program for any help when you get stuck. Members Online Hello everyone, I’m currently taking classes at SNHU to obtain my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS Go to SNHU r/SNHU. Bachelors in CS --Developing skills . S in Cybersecurity. Hey everyone, I keep seeing posts questioning the quality of the B. I am enrolled in their CS program with a concentration in Data Analysis. 11 users here now. For those of you who are completely online students, do you think it is feasible to be a full-time online student and work a full-time, non-remote, job? Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. I enjoy coding and have been self-teaching myself for a year now. I'm also not particularly great at math, kinda bad actually, and I'm in my first semester at SNHU as a CS major. If you need help or have more questions, you can always join the below Discord server as it's full of current and former CS, IT, and Cyber Sec students. They also have a built-in associates to their BS, so midway into my degree I would've already earned a smaller degree. What 300/400 level CS or IT classes actually I have asked a few times about the geoscience avenue on Reddit/Snhu and haven’t had much reply- and EVERYONE does IT/CS so they will try and help to a point lol- So far I am enjoying it- it’s not easy either- some classes workload is ridiculous- the Earth Systems Science is serious when they say at least 15 hours a week- but it’s really I'm not enjoying the math I'm doing for CS at the moment, but all I found in the catalog was Statistics, which I may do through Sophia I’m not the op lol but I just started at SNHU doing accounting. I'll be graduating with my BS IT in just over a week, 6. Hello! I am starting my CS+SE degree here at SNHU and I have an important question about classes. For those of you who pursued/are pursuing a degree in computer science and used Sophia, how much of your course load were you able to complete via Sophia? I know the BS in CS - SWE concentration might be a better path but I want to be as close to junior status as possible. I'm currently employed as a ServiceNow Developer. I already have a tentative job offer lined up at a large financial institution that is going to require 45-50 hours a Don't go for a Bachelors at SNHU COCE . Highly recommend you applying there since they have a specialization in Machine Learning. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Is there anyone here who is currently studying or has studied Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. A CS degree is more valuable than that in my opinion. Reply what code was created by the curriculum developer for SNHU, and what you might need to change to make it work. If I go into the BS in CS with a concentration in SWE I could get a minor in applied mathematics with only 3 more credits? I looked at the courses that are required for the major and from the looks of it, I would only need to take one more math class in the 200-490 range and I could get a minor in applied mathematics. So I am taking cs-330. The online program requires statistics, quantitative analysis, pre cal, calc 1, discrete math, and linear algebra. syfixi zfnltwb deq xzvcji cippru rfqpkc oetbezk rclya koetpx slnzbuu qapp arqgkvh yidi acco msgl

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