Survey raking in r a. k. This should be in the format of one row per individual, one column per constraint. Survey Raking Procedure in R. I got most of the R code below from here and other code from here. I also used ipfn package in python but faced the same difficulty. 29115/SP-2009-0019 Survey Practice Vol. The CHAP_survey_weights repository contains a number of R markdown documents related to various explorations of raking for the household needs assessment survey. 29. svyglm: Model comparison for glms. To identify built-in datasets. I am looking to replicate a program in SAS (rake_and_trim) that uses raking to produce weights for an aggregated sample dataset (i. 3 To rephrase in slightly less technical terms, we want to create a list of the variables we are weighting on (in this case race and make. If the discrepancies are not accounted for then the survey results can (and generally will!) be misleading. This creates an object of an adhoc class ‘survey. I have one question though. rake. The function F is the link function described in section 2 of Deville et al. K. I am attempting to preform survey raking in R studio following this article from R-bloggers, using the anesrake package Survey Raking: An Illustration | R-bloggers. Post-stratification, generalized raking/calibration, GREG estimation, trimming of weights. 3, upper=3, strict=TRUE) # This puts the weights in a WEIGHTS variable: Introduction. To identify the datasets for the survey package, visit our database of R datasets. Create spider plots, bump charts, parallel coordinates or lollipop charts rake_to_benchmarks( survey_design, group_vars, group_benchmark_vars, max_iterations = 100, epsilon = 5e-06 ) Arguments. Details. 537369 ## 3 3 58. What is raking? It is common Raking uses iterative post-stratification to match marginal distributions of a survey sample to known population margins. A common method for calculating survey weights with more than one variable (e. Opsomer, J. I did some calculations with the new survey design object (called r0) that I obtained after calling rake() on the unweighted survey design, and those too went well. It is designed to interact with survey. I tried weightipy and quantipy, but their doc is difficult to understand and implement. See Wikipedia’s entry on IPF for all its gory details. 71429 3. (1993) Generalized Raking Procedures in Survey Sampling. frame} containing the survey data #' @param pop_margins A list of tibbles giving the population margins for raking anova. N. References. Lumley ()) which also supplies facilities for calibration via the function calibrate. To apply raking we only need to know the marginal proportions of these categories, which can be derived from the data above. J. We illustrate with the California Academic Performance Index data in the survey package (T. A formula or data frame of post-stratifying variables, which must not contain missing values. The primary reason for using packages like {survey} and {srvyr} is to account for the sampling design or replicate weights into point and uncertainty estimates (Freedman Ellis and Schneider 2024; Lumley 2010). That way, we can force the survey totals to match the known population totals, and the re-weighted sample would be a better representation of the whole population postStratify: Post-stratify a survey; psrsq: Pseudo-Rsquareds; rake: Raking of replicate weight design; regTermTest: Wald test for a term in a regression model; salamander: Salamander mating data set from McCullagh and Nelder (1989) Raking (aka iterative proportional fitting) is known to converge for any table without zeros, and for any In rakeR: Easy Spatial Microsimulation (Raking) in R. rakesvy and rakew8 wrangles observed data and targets into compatible formats, before using survey::rake() to make underlying weighting calculations. w8margin()has methods for numeric vectors, numeric matrices, and data You probably have to rake your data. Raking Post-stratification, generalized raking/calibration, GREG estimation, trimming of weights. data. This is a double sample and I agree with your advice: give everyone the weight for their age stratum: weight1 = N_i/n_i where "N" denotes population and "n" denotes sample size. This is commonly used in population synthesis, survey raking, matrix rebalancing, and other applications. JASA 88:1013-1020 Kalton G, Flores-Cervantes I (2003) "Weighting methods" J Official Stat 19(2) 81-97 Sarndal C-E, Swensson B, Wretman J. Package ‘survey’ March 20, 2024 Title Analysis of Complex Survey Samples Description Summary statistics, two-sample tests, rank tests, generalised linear models, cumulative link mod-els, Cox models, loglinear models, and general maximum pseudolikelihood estimation for multi-stage stratified, cluster-sampled, unequally weighted survey samples. Description. Valliant R (1993) Post-stratification and conditional variance estimation. Variances by Taylor series linearisation or replicate weights. Since I have a two step inclusion procedure wouldn't it be more accurate to rake in two steps. svystat: Barplots and Dotplots bootweights: Compute survey bootstrap weights Details. Estimated weights for augmented IPW estimators. Stars. JASA 88:1013-1020 Deville J-C, Sarndal C-E (1992) Calibration Estimators in Survey Sampling. The ‘svydesign’ function requieres an ‘ids’ argument with I think that I figured out a way to use R to construct survey weights. strata. Raking to population control totals is often the final step in developing survey weights. Readme Activity. The bounds argument can be used to specify bounds for the calibration Practical Considerations in Raking Survey Data Michael P. Multivariate Once you have the marginal distributions, you can use survey’s rake() function to compute the weights. fun = survey::cal. Usage Creating population benchmarks with {survey}. 2, Issue 5, 2009 Practical Considerations in Raking Survey Data introduction A survey sample may cover segments of the target population in proportions Scripts, data, and plots from 2018 Halloween survey - halloween_survey/raking. Hoaglin 1 , and Martin R. multistage sampling, calibration and generalized raking, tests of independence in contingency tables, For both functions, it is possible to use a variety of calibration options from the survey package’s calibrate() function. Here we work with a one-stage cluster sample from the A common approach to this problem is to weight the individual survey responses so that the marginal proportions of the survey are close to those of the population. I know the weights are stored in a survey design object, but how do I extract those weights so I can inspect them or save them to a data file? I have a survey data set and some quotes: The population quotes are: (1 = up to 29 years 0,00%) 2 = 30 to 39 years 18,10% 3 = 40 to 49 years 28,77% 4 = 50 to 59 years 33,11% 5 = 60 and more There will be a pdf file there, Raking with IBM SPSS Statistics. net Fri Aug 22 19:07:00 CEST 2008. Emne: Re: SV: st: Survey - raking - calibration - post stratification - calculating weights -- Stas, I am envious of statisticians who draw samples from those lists. A survey design object. A. Watchers. Hoaglin, and Martin R. Once you have the marginal distributions, you can use survey’s rake() function to compute the weights. Store the marginal See more Raking uses iterative post-stratification to match marginal distributions of a survey sample to known population margins. R defines the following functions: allocate_pts Calibration, generalized raking, or GREG estimators generalise post-stratification and raking by calibrating a sample to the marginal totals of variables in a linear regression model. #' Rake survey #' #' Applies the raking algorithm to a survey using specified raking targets in order to obtain weights. D. When working with complex survey data in R, I often use the survey package to create sampling weights or update them using a method such as raking or post-stratification. Description Usage Arguments Details Value Examples. We use several packages throughout the book, but let’s install and load specific ones for this chapter. The distortion between genders (say) occured independently from the distortion between age groups. logit, which are standard, and cal. , 2009; Lumley, 2004), to adjust the survey weights in the BRFSS based on age and race. as. The packages can be installed from the Comprehensive R Archive Network In rakeR: Easy Spatial Microsimulation (Raking) in R. population. I have 15 age groups and 67 geographic groups (simply based on Raking (also called raking ratio estimation) is a post-stratification procedure for adjusting the sample weights in a survey so that the adjusted weights add up to known population totals for the post-stratified classifications when only the marginal population totals are known. calibrate. , age and sex) that you don't have specific subgroups for is raking. A convenience function wrapping weight() and extract() or weight() and integerise() Usage Implementing raking to improve representativeness of national survey - lewis-r-white/CHAP_survey_weights Test the independence of survey response and auxiliary variables: chisq_test_vs_external_estimate: Test of differences in survey percentages relative to external estimates: Fit a logistic regression model to predict response to the survey. R/sampling_raking. By incorporating the sampling design or replicate weights, these estimates are appropriately calculated. View source: R/rake_functions. Report repository Releases. and Rao J. raking to implement raking. A census gives a breakdown of the fictional population according to three categories: mood, sex and age. When I run calibrate, I get a warning message and the M and F weights seem to be reversed. The Details section of the postStratify documentation indicates that "the population totals can be specified as a table with the strata variables in the margins, or as a data frame where one column lists frequencies and the other columns list the (Related posts: Introducing pewmethods: An R package for working with survey data, Exploring survey data with the pewmethods R package and Analyzing international survey data with the pewmethods R package) This post is a companion piece to our basic introduction for researchers interested in using the new pewmethods R package, which includes tips on how Has any of you performed raking or proportional iterative weighting on survey data using python. "Replication variance estimation for two-phase samples. Using the package anesrake by Josh Pasek is easy to compute raking weights in R. pdf, that has a lot of information on raking and analyzing the data. Analysing survey data can be tricky. Attempt to compress the replicate weight matrix? Emne: Re: SV: S: SV: st: Survey - raking - calibration - post stratification - calculating weights On Dec 8, 2008, at 2:55 AM, Kristian Wraae wrote: Ok, thanks. survey. , (2) Baruch College, CUNY iterateiterateis a logical variable for how raking should proceed if type=c("pctlim", "nmin", "nmax") conditions. Contribute to gnicholl/ipfraking development by creating an account on GitHub. JASA 87: 376-382 See Also. 870207 Question. design’ that is passed to further procedures such as weights raking. sinh from the CALMAR2 macro, for which F is the derivative of the -----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: [email protected] [mailto: [email protected]] På vegne af Kristian Wraae Sendt: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 12:35 PM Til: [email protected] Emne: SV: SV: st: Survey - raking - calibration - post stratification - calculating weights I have now tried to do the first step of the raking. On the Efficiency of Raking Ratio Estimation for Multiple Frame Surveys anova. frame. For a easier description, let’s consider that this algorithm tries to find weights, so that the actual Practical Considerations in Raking Survey Data Michael P Battaglia*, David C Hoaglin†, Martin R Frankel‡ Tags: survey practice DOI: 10. Applies the raking algorithm to a survey using specified raking targets in order to obtain weights. #' #' @param . R survey 2018-12-26 2025-03-16 / 9 min read. To create a new calibration metric, specify F-1 and its derivative. Many functions in the examples and exercises are from three packages: {tidyverse}, {survey}, and {srvyr} (Wickham et al. margins should be in a format suitable for postStratify". Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 10714 3. 1 Introduction. margins , population. Raking is an iterative procedure that brings the weighted sample into agreement on socio-demographic variables that are available for the sample and the population. Expands the interface and adds news features to the `survey` package's weighting functionality. 1 watching. and A Raking is a technique that almost all survey researchers use, but they may encounter slow convergence when raking by multiple variables and multiple categories. Compute weight1x = N/n but now n is the number of the 3,750 in each age group. To view the list of available vignettes for the survey package, you can visit $\begingroup$ Rim aka raking weighting assumes that the "forces" which distorted the structure in the sample (relative the true, population structure), operated on the variables independently, aka marginally. 2019; Lumley 2010; Freedman Ellis and Schneider 2024). 709082 ## 4 4 50. (1991). R defines the following functions: extractTargets parseTargetFormulas weights. This primer uses the Data for Progress Covid-19 tracking poll data and [R] Survey Design / Rake questions Farley, Robert FarleyR at metro. A table, xtabs or data. Battaglia, David Izrael, David C. rake ( design , sample. Survey Raking: An Illustration. Usage calibrate Calibrate weights from a primary survey to estimated totals from a control survey, with replicate-weight adjustments that account for variance of the control totals - cal. But they I needed to do some calculations using only a subset of data, so I subset the survey design in the following manner: r1 <- subset(r0, subset = inlf==1) svyby(~age, ~region, design = dummy_survey_unweighted, FUN = svymean, keep. The resulting adjusted sample Details. You will never use A survey design with replicate weights. 473157 ## 2 2 52. w8margin objects are inputs to the survey::rake()and survey::postStratify(). If iterate=TRUE, anesrake will check whether any variables that were not used in raking deviate from their targets by more than pctlim percent. e. margins , control = list survey: Analysis of Complex Survey Samples. design objects generated via survey::svydesign(), and other to otherwise build on functionalities from Thomas Lumley's 'survey' package. First, I have created a list with m 4. rake, calibrate for other things to do with auxiliary information First-time poster. (survey) data. Note that if you are using Custom Tables, you should set the weight as the effective base weight in order to get correct statistics. Fuller, W. Oh and Scheuren Calibration, generalized raking, or GREG estimators generalise post-stratification and raking by calibrating a sample to the marginal totals of variables in a linear regression model. partial. The first column should be an individual ID. fpc: Package sample and population size data as. There’s often a mismatch between the characteristics of the survey respondents and those of the general population. Sankhya 64 Series A Part 2, 364-378. 1991. See Also. Repository for Fourth of July Survey. rake_to_benchmarks: Re-weight data to match population benchmarks, using raking or post R/rake_functions. Use the wpct()wpct() function from the weightsweightspackage. calfun {survey} R Documentation: Calibration metrics Description. Introduction A survey sample may cover segments of the target population Raking. w8margin() can be used to convert a variety of common inputs into the format needed by these functions. linear to implement post-stratification or calfun = survey::cal. survey_design: A survey design object created with the survey package. Even allowing for that, the deviation between calibrated and raked weights is much more We then used raking, or sample balancing (Battaglia et al. svydesign2: Update to the new survey design format barplot. These func-tions require a specific, highly-structured input format. svyweight is a package for quickly and flexibly calculating rake weights (also know as rim weights). Contribute to mcandocia/FourthOfJulySurvey development by creating an account on GitHub. The utility of such auxiliary data can often be diminished due to discretization for confidentiality reasons, but this package offers multiple estimators that handle such discretized auxiliary variables effectively. Two-phase Pew Research Center Methods team R package of miscellaneous functions - pewmethods/R/rake_survey. 1 Packages. Results from the rake function below agree with other sources. By using Raking Algorithm, we can adjust the weights for each respondent in the survey based on known population totals, for instance census totals. (1996). 07143 3. svy. Description Usage Arguments Value Examples. These variables cannot have any Or, if the raking specification you ended up with was simple enough to reproduce in survey::rake or survey::calibrate, you could redo the raking in the survey package. Iterative proportional fitting (raking) is a straightforward and fast way to generate weights which ensure a dataset reflects known target marginal distributions: put simply, survey professionals use raking to ensure that samples represent the population they are drawn from. This function reweights the survey design and adds additional information that is used by svyrecvar to reduce the estimated standard errors. 62500 4. Sample Balancing) Michael P. Performs iterative proportional updating given a seed table and an arbitrary number of marginal distributions. I have Summary statistics, two-sample tests, rank tests, generalised linear models, cumulative link models, Cox models, loglinear models, and general maximum pseudolikelihood estimation for multistage stratified, cluster-sampled, unequally weighted survey samples. compress. raking. Create calibration metric for use in calibrate. Step 1. ; Vignettes: R vignettes are documents that include examples for using a package. Rake weights are used to make the survey sample match the target population Raking is a way to approximate post-stratification on a set of variables when only their marginal population distributions are known. Frankel Abt Associates, 55 Wheeler Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 Key Words: Control totals, convergence, raking margins, weights 1. Summary statistics, two-sample tests, rank tests, generalised linear models, cumulative link models, Cox models, loglinear models, and general In this tutorial, we will be focusing on one specific form of survey weights called a “rake weight”. rake, calibrate for other things to do with auxiliary information. For example, the user can specify a specific calibration function to use, such as calfun = survey::cal. Examples Quickly and flexibly apply rake weighting in R. 1 fork. I show a brief and straightforward raking example in this post. Now I understand how to do the raking procedure. Estimation in Dual Frame Surveys with Complex Designs. " Statistica Sinica, 8: 1153-1164. So far when I try to rake with a call like Valliant R (1993) Post-stratification and conditional variance estimation. I only have the marginal totals for each raking variable in the sample data). The R ‘survey’ package works in a rather particular way 8. linear, cal. R. Complex survey samples in R Thomas Lumley R Core Development Team and University of Washington WSS short course — 2007–3–16. r at master · mcandocia/halloween_survey Practical Considerations in Raking Survey Data Michael P Battaglia*, David C Hoaglin†, Martin R Frankel‡ Tags: survey practice DOI: 10. 2. margins should be in a format suitable for postStratify. "Model Assisted Survey Sampling". Convergence can, however, sometimes require a large number of iterations. names = FALSE) ## region age se ## 1 1 49. Sendt: Monday, December 08, 2008 9:31 PM Til: [email protected] Emne: Re: SV: SV: S: SV: st: Survey - raking - calibration - post stratification - calculating weights Kristian: I was vague and I apologize: I mixed up the initial weights. Springer. if TRUE, ignore population strata not present in the sample. . To that end, I have written a quick guide to using the {survey} package in R to create weighted proportion tables and plot results using {ggplot2}. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Proceedings of the Survey Method Section, Statistical Society of Canada, 63 - 68. - mainwaringb/svyweight r rake weighting survey sampling Resources. #' Wrapper around the \code{calibrate} function from the \code{survey} package with argument #' \code{calfun = "raking"}. design dropZeroTargets setWeightTargetNames getWeightTargetNames rakew8 rakesvy Datasets: Many R packages include built-in datasets that you can use to familiarize yourself with their functionalities. Battaglia 1 , David Izrael 1 , David C. For Business For raking survey data the iterative raking algorithm generally converges after a small number of iterations, say 3 to 10. rake, lower=. svystat: Barplots and Dotplots bootweights: Compute survey bootstrap weights brrweights: Compute replicate Tips and Tricks for Raking Survey Data (a. The function matches weight targets to observed variables, cleans both targets and observed variables, and then checks the validity of weight targets (partially by calling w8margin_matched()) before raking. From what I can tell, the existing raking procedures in R require individual-level data. trim <- trimWeights(data. The sample. And that is logically why we "cure" the distortion by the I'm studying the calibration function in the survey package in preparation for raking some survey data. Previous message: [R] Survey Design / Rake questions Next message: [R] Survey Design / Rake questions Messages sorted by: svyweight: Quick and Flexible Rake Weighting Description. View source: R/rake_survey. 2 stars. The AuxSurvey R package provides a set of statistical methods for improving survey inference by using discretized auxiliary variables from administrative records. It is primarily used to reduce unit nonresponse bias. Post-stratification, calibration, and raking. Frankel 1,2 (1) Abt Associates Inc. Wrapper around the calibrate function from the survey package with argument calfun = "raking". For example, to construct survey weights, I need to post-stratify, calibrate, trim weights, and re-calibrate. When this is the case, raking will be rerun using the raked Summary statistics, two-sample tests, rank tests, generalised linear models, cumulative link models, Cox models, loglinear models, and general maximum pseudolikelihood estimation for multistage stratified, cluster-sampled, unequally weighted survey samples. 91, 443, 349 - 356. The current version is 3. Two-phase designs. List of classification or ranking charts made with base R and ggplot2. Find out in this video how to use our Need to ensure results from your poll can be extrapolated to an entire population? You probably have to rake your data. Rake_weights_explore This document contains my replication of calculating the base weights (inverse probability of selection) and initial exploration of the raking process. The reason for using the survey package is the very wide range of other analyses it Calibration, generalized raking, or GREG estimators generalise post-stratification and raking by calibrating a sample to the marginal totals of variables in a linear regression model. I am trying to understand how to combine several designs using the survey package in R. Survey analysis in R This is the homepage for the "survey" package, which provides facilities in R for analyzing data from complex surveys. frame with population frequencies. g. group_vars: Names of grouping variables in the data dividing the sample into groups for which benchmark data are available. Forks. Raking. For flexibility, as. svrepdesign: Convert a survey design to use replicate weights as. An origin/ destination trip matrix might be Calibration metrics Description. A common calibration technique is raking, which uses the penalty function ϕ (g i) = g i log (g i) − g i + 1 as the calibration metric. (1998). For example, a household survey may be weighted to match the known distribution of households by size from the census. It first requieres to specify the design of the survey with the ‘svydesign’ function. It's an iterative process that involves: Setting all weights to 1 initially. data A \code{data. api: Student performance in California schools as. Skinner, C. No releases published. raking, cal. The package provides cal. Once the samples were balanced based on education 10. Raking (aka iterative proportional fitting) is known to converge for any table without zeros, and for any table with zeros for which there is a joint distribution with the given margins and the same pattern of zeros. 2, Issue 5, 2009 Practical Considerations in Raking Survey Data introduction A survey sample may cover segments of the target population in proportions “And as to me, I know nothing else but miracles” - Walt Whitman, probably talking about this package. JASA 88: 89-96 Rao JNK, Yung W, Hidiroglou MA (2002) Estimating equations for the analysis of survey data using poststratification information. Now, our benchmarks need to ultimately take the form of a list of all target values where each list element is a vector corresponding to the weighting targets for a single variable. R at master · pewresearch/pewmethods The documentation of the rake function indicates that "The sample. This is done by an algorithm called Iterative Proportional Fitting (IPF). Some support for parallel processing on multicore computers. Both the population dataset (apipop) and a simple random sample of m The problem I am running into is that a few of the surveys are missing responses on one or more of the demographic variables (for example one survey is missing the 'Annual Household Income' entry and I am trying to rake on 'Annual Household Income'), and so these entries are NAN in the data. Deville J-C, Sarndal C-E, Sautory O (1993) Generalized Raking Procedures in Survey Sampling. oecjsa yfsq uvqmo bkapt mjdu oxtji nrw nghy htg amtn xwogq fubi vvqxtn czm jlaoa