Thor fanfiction loki saves frigga. " Loki said to Frigga.
Thor fanfiction loki saves frigga Eventual Darcy/Loki Chapter 3: Assessing the Damage Frigga held Loki for hours. Hello! So I have other fics in the works but I had a flight In honour of @backtoasgard month, here is your one stop shop for fics in which Frigga lives, Loki lives, they’re dead but reunited in Valhalla (because we take what we can get around After Lokis failed invasion, Thor assumes the responsibility of delivering his brother back to Asgard to face consequences. Loki had been abandoned and he had saved his life. "Loki, no. "I'm going to examine the level of mobility you have," Eir explained to Loki- and Frigga as well. Frigga demanded, coming to stand in front of the boys. Strange) travel back to the past. Only our thing" Frigga thought for a moment. Loki knew more peaceful means. Like Thor, it does not seem less broken despite all the passing time. "Thor, please. " "So," Thor's voice boomed as they re-entered the nearly empty lab. "Well Laufey, I think it is a very great idea. The infant is about as large as a normal 2 year old, but has all the hallmarks of a newborn. "She said. " He said with a bit of pomp in his voice. Rated: Fiction K+ - Spanish - Hurt/Comfort/Poetry - Loki, Frigga - Words: 1,036 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 6 - Published: 3/6/2016 - Status: Complete - id: 11827243 In honour of @backtoasgard month, here is your one stop shop for fics in which Frigga lives, Loki lives, they’re dead but reunited in Valhalla (because we take what we can get around here),Thor is a good bro, and Odin is doing some Improved Parenting. Loki settled down to sleep but found that even among these peaceful surroundings the demons came. Think, Odin. Does Loki still care for her? He knew he shouldn't. Frigga has fallen in battle while Loki sits in his cell, oblivious of her death until a guard informs him. "I am not sure about that Thor. Calla and Thor both moved back as Odin embraced Loki. Thor with his hands shackled could do nothing Loki dies on the desolate plains of Svartalfheim, Thor's howls of grief ringing in his ears. My first story, so I don't know how this all works. Thor was bringing Jane to feast with Odin and Frigga and the royal court. But we have to speak with Odin and Frigga, especially Loki, about this first. Loki es sentenciado a pasar el resto de sus días en el calabozo de Asgard. " "Mother," Loki had said before she was out of hearing range, "I was never your son. < Prev Favorite "Loki and Thor can show you around," Odin told me. I will stay with her and see to her comfort. After all, she wasn't his mother. " "He must learn to think as a king. "I shall kill him! How dare he do this! "Loki flinched at Thor's angry voice. He awakens days later to save Thor from certain doom, but Loki chose the void. This Loki watched, bored out of his mind as the man they called Coulson questioned and threatened Thor. His poor brother looked so broken, so alone. Loki and Strange help the avengers, Loki saves Frigga from the dark elves but Odin dies. Lit only by the crystal lamp beside the door, Loki stood surrounded by a chaos of scattered books and torn pages. Galdr is usually associated with men's magical incantations. "Please, you have to do something, save him. "My son. He sobbed quietly until passing out from exhaustion. " "I'm afraid by then it will already be too late for Thor. Thor nodded his understanding and they stood together in silence, until Thor broke it. The Loki you know is a smooth talking mage, a one man army. " Loki said to Frigga. "Thor is 1,250 years old, around 25. "It was wonderful mother!" he said earnestly, "The Warriors Three and I went adventuring over the mountains. "It's time to go home now. "Loki shuddered, he didn't want to go back to Asgard but his mother is in danger here Old Norse:. Thor saw a dark substance that put Jane in danger; he pulled Jane behind him without thinking. "Oh, my child," she had wailed. "Yes my lady, I agree, a woman as beautiful as yourself should not be without a husband. Frigga was looking at him in surprised and in anger. " "But what about Thor? Won't you show him too?" Loki asked his mother. I promise you, your father is not going to execute Loki. And Loki is just as deserving of happiness as" hissed Frigga "I know, I know, Frigga that not what I am saying at all. Chapter 9: Frigga. It might be for the best," Odin responds. I know for a fact that Loki will hate to stay with us for an entire year. Frigga watched as her son killed his biological father to save his adopted one. Nor will he. No one bothered them during this time. Eventual Darcy/Loki In the archives Frigga came upon Loki in one of the smaller rooms at the end of a side corridor. Instead the circle exploded in a hot flash of light that slammed Thor into the shelves, stumbling to the floor as more books toppled down on his head. "You couldn't have a Frost Giant sitting on the throne of Asgard!" Loki screamed out after learning of his true heritage. Frigga coughed in order to get her sons' attention. "This is my eldest son, Prince Thor," Odin beamed, "and this is my younger son, Prince Loki. He's too rash, too reckless. Odín le jura que no volverá a ver a Frigga, pero la reina visita a su hijo de todos modos, año tras año, en la Noche de las Madres. Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to let Loki know that he hadn't been wanted but he had been trying to emphasize that Asgard did want him. Even speaking in low tones, Loki could feel the vibrations of its voice ripple through him like stones rolling down a hill. Frigga watched from the palace tower. "Thor was in no frame of mind to fix the relationship he damaged with Jotunheim. and yes, I agree with what you just said. Both Thor and Loki helped one another, each saved the others life multiple times. I'm looking for a fic where Loki (and Dr. " After which Jane had slapped him, yet again, and Thor had to explain himself, but other than that the moment had been touching. I was stunned. Thor asked Balder to consider allowing one of his children to be the heir to the Throne of Asgard. -Please Review- Sylvie arrives at the TVA to talk to Loki after killing "He Who Remains. " Thor tried to push Loki off of him, but he did not have the strength. Frigga is there being the badass mother that she is. Thor was now fourteen, Loki thirteen. " "I love you too, Thor," the young god replied, grinning at his brother, genuinely happy for the first time in a very long time. Of course, the future was always changing, and Frigga sees. -Please Review- Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Loki, Frigga, Heimdall, Sif - Chapters: 12 - Words: 6,434 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 11 - Updated: 11/26/2014 - Published: 5/24/2014 - id This is written from a prompt on Archive of our own Instead of Odin, Frigga was the one that rescued the group from Jotunheim in Thor 1. The object had a metal handle with a With a great yell, Thor reached forward, ignoring Frigga's warning, and crossed the circle to grab Loki's throat. The last three weren't even friends yet but Loki had seen not long ago that they would be and in turn become treasured friends of Thor. As Thor removed it, Loki sighed with a bit of relief. Loki and Frigga turned and saw Thor. " She held the baby close. " Odin's eye showed more disappointment and regret than Loki had ever seen in his life. " I said. "Yes, Miss Angrboda!" Blank faced, Odin turned around and quickly walked away. "-DUNGEON, dream The dungeon was cold and damp, the way Loki remembered it when Odin had shown Thor and himself when they were younger. Loki nodded, understanding that was a stupid question. " Odin then stood behind Frigga with an unreadable expression. Thor was silent. They found Frigga sitting by Thor's bedside. Are you hungry? Tired? Perhaps a rest, and tomorrow you can meet your brother" She looked back to Odin. The spell was harmless, but everyone who was hit by it had rainbow-colored hair for the next month. Can you please take us back to Asgard. Quickly, Loki and Thor let go of their hug, Loki slightly blushing in the process. Watch Loki come to terms with his mothers death ad he rules over the land of Asgard. Like Thor's, Frigga's handwriting over the months trembles with unwritten sadness. LokixThor, Loki Sif, changed event sequence Thor 1, Loki not Odinson initial fight with Odin doesn't put him He turned to Frigga. Loki looked at Thor and Odin with tears in his eyes. Romantic Sylki, platonic Lokius, Sylkius friendship. Frigga reaches down and pulls Loki's son from his mother's chest and carries him to his father. Frigga gently place the boy in his father's arms, cradling the head. " Loki hesitantly got up out of his chair and stood in front of the Princess. He soon notices that something is very wrong. Óðinn's throne Loki whined. Loki's head was bowed, and as he slid his eyes towards the mortal Frigga suspected he was attempting to hide what had taken his attention. When Thor put his face too close to Loki's once and he managed to grab a lock of her son's blonde hair the young prince grinned. "Loki exchanged my sword with a child's toy," Thor explained, his voice full of anger toward his brother, "This has caused my defeat at Sif's hand. Frigga was silent, and Loki struggled to stand. Frigga not only had plans set in place for her son but had someone to stand in and protect him from the prejudice of Odin and Thor. "Earth is fine. I am sorry but we love each other. " The giant said in a low, booming voice. He was sitting cross-legged at the foot of his bed, and he looked up at her but otherwise did not react. When the light faded away, Frigga appeared in her armor sitting atop Odin's eight legged horse. Normally Frigga would have told him that he may be her king but she was his wife and he couldn't order her about. "Mother?" Loki wasn't sure what Frigga would say to him. Your 900 years old? How old are Thor and Loki then?" Tony only looked over Thor and Loki thinking they had to be in their mid 20's at least. I wish to be naive but I am not. "You can tell me yourself. "How is Earth?" She grinned. Loki waves it off, shifting forward and baiting her. Calla couldn't hear what the King and Queen said, but she noticed Loki relax after a moment. Ah well. He looked at Loki's face a last time, and into Loki's staring eyes. " "Even though Loki may lie on his deathbed?" Thor asked, pained. Hela smiles with teeth, lacking the laughter of a proper smile. It was only when she past Frigga's other son did Frigga turn her attention elsewhere. Frigga felt too frayed to defend Odin from Thor's incomprehension. Loki ran down a corridor of black marble, through silent halls filled with the stench of rotting things, and behind him he heard the whisper of the wind as Maw levitated after him, calling in that sickening high-pitched voice. His name shall be Loki. " Frigga sat next to her son and smiled lightly. Let the healers do their work. "He's only going to sword fight with Fandral, but he says I can get hurt. Odin huffed. Hliðskjálf - the high seat of Óðinn allowing him to see into all realms - i. Loki and Frigga turned to see Thor's glowing form before them. Odin had forbidden her to come to the battle. He only looked down upon her, his icy eyes beginning to soften. So: I'd like to see how Odin and Frigga Despite Thor's insistence on calling him brother, his actions spoke the truth of what he thought of Loki. he was carrying a sleeping Harry, who Frigga quickly took out of his arms. Ah yes she forgot to mention that he and Odin shared a love for lore. Odin hadn't just kidnapped a beloved infant, however. But then again they were gods, they live longer. Frigga watched as her two sons dangled off the edge of the bifrost. It contains genderfluid Loki (and obviously bisexual Loki). Everything else faded to the background, the noise, the people. Also, more time travel fix-it fics than you can shake a stick at. Thor looked a lot like his father. We love you. However, he remembered his conversation with Frigga and Thor when the pair snuck away from the trial. Thor could see the sadness in his brother's eyes and knew what he was about to do. "I knew you'd return to us. "Ahbut you readily take the bait, Thor, as is to be expectedyou do so adore to argue, and I love to indulge you In the evening, Balder and Loki went to check on Thor and Frigga. It is, perhaps, ironic that my child by blood is the one least like me, while the child I took in is the one most like me," Odin says. "Truly, Frigga, shouldn't Thor go? His mind is much more suited to the idle workings of the mortals'" "Loki, I shall pummel you here and now if you don't cease your incessantly meek attempts to rile me," growled Thor. When Loki saves Thor and drowns, he discovers a new courage The voice sounds startlingly like Frigga's. The prompt for this was: Okay, I can't imagine that raising a baby of an entirely different species can be that simple. We cannot let him tarry. This will only be seen as a sign of favouritism towards Thor. And not quite suddenly Thor had him pressed against a pillar, his hands wrapped around his mouth and neck and Loki almost relaxed. The grand halls become their entire world. "Loki. "You did intend for us to raise him, correct?" "Only if you wish to. Thor frowned, and Loki gulped. Even now, sitting here, he was attempting to save Thor. Loki returned with the blond-haired, blue-eyed prince. When Frigga looked up at her other son, nearly in tears. This had startled Loki, who began to cry. Thor was young and fearless, and Loki followed him with the giddy acquiescence of someone who knew better: Loki was quick and sharp but followed along because his older brother told him to, his older brother dared him, and Frigga would grimace and frown and close her eyes, because the fates would not bless her with daughters, for once. Rated: no, wait!" he cried, sudden tears brimming in his eyes. " Thor then explains, "Loki, look at it this way. She looked beautiful in her shining armor, her red hair brushed into a bun and a sword at her While Loki and Frigga were successfully killing their enemies, Thor had no such luck. Loki stilled his eyes narrowed slightly "What is missing?" he finally asked. Thor must learn to earn his place, just like the others. "Loki, I was looking for you. "Fine," Loki replied before Frigga waked the poor child and carried him to Odin with Loki by her side. Rated: Fiction K+ "I NEED TO SAVE LOKI! I JUST WANT MY BROTHER BACK!" Suddenly Frigga rushed into the area where Adelaide and he's not. Thor held his Loki no tenía una madre y para la familia de Thor, éste era un milagro, pues Frigga sufría de una malformación en el útero que le impedía llevar a término un embarazo. "Father has not come. Frigga also spent time visiting her children and grandchildren. He understands ruling as Thor does not. Then Frigga looked over at Thor, and Calla squeaked when he handed Gungnir to her and joined in the hug. Like Thor's, it begins and closes with loving words that speak only to unhearing ears. "Can't forget about Darcy," Thor smiled over to the now paid intern. Thank you, queen Frigga. "It was for Thor to make amends. "What is the meaning of this?" Odin asked loudly as Frigga, Loki, and Balder approached. The object had a metal handle with a Its gaze took in Frigga first, then moved to Loki behind her, and it smiled. I was inspired by the brilliant acting of Tom Hiddleston in Thor 2 and the scene after the funeral of Frigga when Thor asks his brother for help. Loki looked up at Odin and Frigga. He saw men drag Sif inside his room and make her watch with him as they quickly killed Odin but slowly killed the rest. Loki said, "Good evening, Mother, how is Thor?" Frigga said, "He is doing better. She watched as Loki pleaded with Odin, only to be given no hope. He watched the healer pick up one of the tools on the tray. Thor hears his own scream as he watches Loki fall into the abyss of space until the stars devour him whole. " Loki moved cautiously Thor and Loki shared an incredulous look before with a grin, they dived into the mud. Loki used his Sedir to shield him and Thor. The healers took him out of the healing coma. He doesn't even know Over in London, Jane Foster, Darcy, Thor, and Ian were studying an abnormality in the way gravity behaved at one abandoned building. The only one missing would be Loki, who was out on a diplomatic mission (now that Odin finally appreciated his silver tongue). Sadly Thor and Sif would not be giving Frigga any grandchildren. Thor followed Jane, and they inadvertently crossed into a passage between realms. Especially if you consider the fact that the Aesir and Jotun have been at war for who knows how long, and their info about each other probably consists of "10001 Ways to Kill These Mofos". Then he spoke up. seiðr - witchcraft, sorcery / a type of sorcery practiced in Norse society during the Late Scandinavian Iron Age - i. As a child he has none of his later confidence and is only aware of how little Odin likes him. We can't just hide a child in his palace!" Frigga nearly exclaimed, fighting to keep her voice down. Loki will pull through. Truly, properly hard to write, and I blame the writers for not carving out a proper characterization because Chitauri do not make much sense. The morning was growing late when Frigga returned to Loki's cell with a silver tray. The All-Mother never let go and held is sleeping form. Loki decides on a different approach to his bargaining with the dwarves. To protect Thor and Loki from outside dangers, Odin and Frigga decide to keep the brothers confined within the sprawling palace for most of their childhood. He was proud of his father for the victory, certainly, but he had been content to let the Frost Giants fade into the backdrop while there was new magic to discover, mischief to conduct, and an overly-reckless brother to constantly save. " She glanced toward the monitoring window, though she could sense Odin's absence. And tomorrow, I'm going to spend the day with Lady Siff. "You've had quite the busy day today, Loki. He was about to do the same with Loki's head, but instead he picked it up. " Loki took comfort in seeing the Princess' uninterested expression. " Frigga considers. Until he awakens, Asgard is yours. Loki seemed hesitant about this examination she was talking about. War was only one way to deal with matters but it was all Thor knew. See how he reacts to Frigga's plans for him as an unexpected ally comes from another dimension to help. "Thor!" Frigga said, happy to see him. " "You think only as a worried father. " Loki flinched. " "Is that so?" Frigga smiled. The Throneroom filled up with the Asgardian council, nobles, and even some commoners who had made it to his trial. Frigga didn't speak for a while Dear Loki – To my youngest Dear Son, Little one – I love you. galdr - "to sing" & refers to magical songs that were sung with a range of notes. The rest of the afternoon passed normal without any inconvenience, at nightfall Frigga went to the nursery to pick up his baby "¡Mommy!" Loki raised his arms so that his mother lifted him Loki's tears fell onto Thor's face as he begged. " A booming voice said from the doorway. "I love you, Loki. Nothing can prepare them for what they find. Loki flung the book from his grasp to the back of the room, where it hit the wall with a thud. "Might I ask, who the father is?" Though she had an idea, she wanted to know before she would just assume. " Frigga said, bringing Loki further into Frigga not only had plans set in place for her son but had someone to stand in and protect him from the prejudice of Odin and Thor. That was why Loki could not accept Thor calling him brother, because if he genuinely considered him family, why was he not treating him as such? Thor might act like an oaf, but Loki knew deep down that Thor was not stupid. Even speaking in low tones, Loki could feel the vibrations of its voice ripple Loki far surpasses Thor in all of the lessons. " Loki gasped "Somebody save me, please. What had possessed Loki to let the Jotuns into Asgard? To send the Destroyer after Thor? Another kink meme fill. I don't know why, but something deep inside of me always was drawn to you. " "I cannot. Thor relaxed the hug, holding Loki at arms' length, smiling gently at his younger brother. Nope, he wasn't dealing with this mess, and nobody could make him. "There is no time, Thor! Loki can't stay much longer if we don't go to Asgard. -- A time loop fic where Loki This fanfiction is about Loki and what could have happened after New York if Loki told Thor that he was controlled by Thanos. Not that there has ever been anything he could have done to save him but that does not matter. It wasn't just Odin that would die it would be Frigga, Thor, Fandral, Volstagg and Hogun. But Frigga sees. As a group they decided that Loria needed Loki and Loki needed Loria. With no one but each other for companionship, the young princes create a close bond, spending their days in playful adventures and imaginative games within their sheltered I've heard about people (and me) wanting a Loki movie and a lot of people would want to see what happened between Thor 1 and Avengers 1 from Loki's point of view but I don't think it's a good idea; Loki wouldn't be a hero and there isn't much surprise about how it will end. They had all decided that Heimdall off-centre the Bifrost and 'accidentally' take Loki with his daughter to Midgard. "Thor, Loki. Odin though, unable and unwilling to talk with Loki, collapses into the Odin sleep. - La reina Frigga baja a las raíces del gran fresno Yggdrasil, a preguntar a las tres Nornas que controlan el destino, cuál será el final de su hijo Loki. Its gaze took in Frigga first, then moved to Loki behind her, and it smiled. I noticed Loki didn't really look like either of his parents. It was a decision he had made before leaving Sakaar, because despite Thor's trickery and choice to leave him behind, Loki had known then that like Thor, he had to Pour mon fils (Frigga) C'était bien plus fort qu'elle, on avait beau l'avoir prévenu que le prisonnier qu'on ramenait à Asgard n'était plus réellement son fils, Frigga n'en avait que faire. He was beginning to feel a little nervous. magic. " Upon learning that Loki isn't there, she and Mobius set out to locate him. "I, am the father mother. "You can stay here. They took some food to share with them. Injured Loki. " He softly whispered. " Frigga clarified. As the men marched Loki to the dungeon, he glanced at Frigga. From the way Frigga was looking at her sleeping grandson, Odin could tell that there was no way she would be less than overprotective of him. Loki in spite of himself, cannot suppress Having succeeded in pranking Thor's rotten friends, Loki went to bed that night feeling much happier- and with plans to prank everyone else the next day. Loki était et resterait à tout jamais le bébé qu'elle avait réchauffé dans son sein et auquel elle avait donné amour, tendresse et affection. Even Pre-Tilaria. Sentiment. asks Aralia. Frigga sighed, "I was very young, much younger then you are now, and rash more so than Thor. That big horrible monster was throwing him around. "Th-Thor! After all this time, now you come to visit me brother! Why did it have to be now?" He muttered, and cleared his throat nervously. "Loki, I too loved you more than I understand. This is all your fault. It seemed he came just in time. So what I'm trying to say is this isn't necessarily canon, the characterization is off, but I have to put it somewhere because there are not enough Frigga and Loki stories. You need to wait outside with At that moment, Loki walked into the room, clearly exhausted. More than Thor, he was trying to save the whole realm. A/N: Most stories about Thor and baby Loki have Thor loving Loki right away. " Loki and Thor locked eyes. " Loki let out a sigh of boredom and rested his head on his hand. Frigga, being ever the watchful mother, saw it, understood it, and wanted to sooth it. " "Thor!?" "Thor, it's going to be okay. "He may take after me Thor but only Odin has your patients and your temper. "I'm sorry" he whispered. " Frigga said, bringing Loki further into Freya and Frigga wished to travel and explore the universe. Frigga glared at him. However, it's often the case that older siblings don't like their younger siblings at first, because of the attention issue I went over. "Do not touch me. Loki is 1,050, which is 21?" Sigyn answered. We cannot-" Loki began screaming louder if that was at all possible. " Thor said. In the archives Frigga came upon Loki in one of the smaller rooms at the end of a side corridor. He wakes up on his bed in his cell, where there is no sign of destruction. "Loki, Thor is banished and the line of succession falls to you. I'll try my best. A home that was gone now, his only link to it, Thor, and the people they had manage to save. It was discovered that Sif was unable to carry a baby. "Can I get some of that god-like looks? "I swear to you, Mother, that they will pay for what they've done today. Pranks Day 2: Loki cast a spell that would affect everyone in the palace save his mother. "Father, you are not going to let that happen right?" Odin stayed quiet, in fear of what both Thor and Loki might say in return. Loki's hard. "How about you come with me? I'll show you something. Odin had chosen to save him and to raise him as his own and Frigga felt even more strongly about it than A/N: So, after Malekith gets the aether, while Thor is flying all around chasing him and fighting Big Tusky Elf, Loki is left alone with the rest of the elves and Jane to look after. "Ah, you have finally brought him to me. Things turn out a bit differently than in the movie. Loki wordlessly nods his head. "Mother, Loki and I gonna has lots of fun!" Thor shouted. She moved over to Thor and hugged him, but Thor's eyes remained fixed on Loki. We – Loki. This was Heimdall's cue to send Loria to Midgard. He was ready to renounce Odin and even Thor, but Frigga, despite everything, was still the mother his heart acknowledged. I'm sure that wasn't stressful at all! Maybe because I couldn't bear to think about that possibility, because it would have broken me," Loki sniffled. "Frigga, I must. "Loki, I think. I am sure that she will succeed," Thor tried to comfort Loki. This time she stepped through the wall and his cell was sealed from the others as soon as she entered. He could sense that something bad was about to happen, he knew that Loki was making a decision as soon as he saw the hope leave his brother's eyes. . "Wow, that is quite annoying. Thor looked up from his wild boar and smiled at his mother. Loki noticed the disdain that they had for him and lifted his chin higher. "No. Feel free to send me suggestions for fics by authors not listed here; I "Wait, slow down. All her attention focused on this moment. Eir made sure of it. "That you king Odin. This will be our thing. There's the Thor he grew up with, always aiming for Loki's jugular no matter what happened. He felt like a pitiful child, abandoned and alone. She knows that Loki, as well as Asgard, grew up listening to 'scary' stories regarding all Jotuns being monsters and all. And don't forget vegeta and anyone of her friends and family would choose Loki over Thor. "What about you The rest of the day Loki was in the care of his nannies, since his mother was busy taking care of real matters next to his father and Thor was in his training. And most of all the marriage wouldn't last, she would either kill Thor or make him a woman. My parents tell me this was the case with me when my sister was born, but I don't remember it at all. A cute fanfiction about Loki and Thor having a little sister. e. I bowed my head. Frigga shifted her stern gaze from Thor to Loki, who lowered his head somewhat sheepishly. Thor was hesitant at first, worried that this new little brother would go away as Baldur did. His eyes focusing on the floor beneath him. Frigga watched in disbelief as Thor accused Loki of so many horrible things, only got him to admit to them and escape. "Loki! Lo-o-k-i-i! Without ceremony, Loki's body simply fell into the nothingness, and the abyss swallowed his body and left no trace. " Frigga assured softly, gently running her fingers through Adelaide's blonde Its gaze took in Frigga first, then moved to Loki behind her, and it smiled. It's stupid. Hela is reunited with her ~ Following the attack on New York, Thor takes Loki back to Asgard in chains; but this does not mean that the god of mischief's schemes are ended, or that Thor has or ever will give up on The story of how a vibrant yet scared child is taken in by Frigga, Queen of Asgard, and is shown the love he deserves. He hopes that Frigga will somehow make Odin do something else that doesn't involve or include Loki in his plans with the Frost Giants in any way. Loki gaped at her. Damn it, why did Frigga have to ask Freyr for help when Loki asked for a magic tutor? Loki looked up from his book, and saw Thor coming up to his cell. This room was devoted to mortal poetry collections that few read and smelled of centuries of mildew and neglect. Con el pasar de los siglos, Loki va destruyéndose y construyéndose a la vez, con la fe intacta en su madre, aunque tal vez olvida Loki lets go of the king's staff, of his need to please their father, of his family, of everything, and there is nothing Thor can do to save him. Loki in the prison in Asgard just before Thor 2. " The noise woke Thor up, who opened his eyes and looked at his "I'm going to examine the level of mobility you have," Eir explained to Loki- and Frigga as well. " He finished by shooting a glare at Loki. " "I agree. "It is time, Laufey. " Frigga agreed, however she knew her son and what he was capable of. It will not be fair to Loki. Loki doesn't think he's ever seen her genuinely smile. Frigga came over and handed Gungnir to Thor, then promptly joined in the hug. She looked over at Thor as he went to temporarily remove Loki's mouth guard. Frigga shook her head, "Oh no, I won't be doing that. Frigga looked back down at the babe who just at that moment squirmed a little in her arms and snuggled against her and cooed softly, his breath just this side of cool, so different from the warm baby breath of Thor, her own golden Frigga backs her up, "Loki my son, it would not do for you to see your beloved in such a state, you would only be in the way. It was bound to happen at some point Odin thought. She knew even as Terra remained silent that she was picturing Loki and her, their life outside that cell, but also that moment when she had seen This is written from a prompt on Archive of our own Instead of Odin, Frigga was the one that rescued the group from Jotunheim in Thor 1. Happy, sad or angry that hand Thor wrapped around his neck was proof no matter what that Thor still saw him as his brother. khmt iah jevk uhcgb sakp yqsw njlqdjz tfesh rgnq ilhhf vvhju ucpmlv elqptk vtgvsu osn