Tung sol 12at7 review. Write Your Own Review.

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Tung sol 12at7 review. 1 Star 2 Sterren 3 Sterren 4 Sterren 5 Sterren.

Tung sol 12at7 review Value. Skip to main content. $30. Add a review. And whether used in amplification or driver stages, these new Tung-Sol 12AX7 vacuum tubes for sale. Read user reviews for Tung-Sol 12AX7 ECC83 Dual Triode Tube and see over 325,000 product reviews at zZounds. Tung Sols where loud round and clean. Here is a response from New Sensor (parent company of most all Russian-made tubes these days): "The Genalex Gold Lion 12AX7/B759 gold pin tube is our highest quality 12AX7 type and is made in Russia . The rugged construction and low noise, low microphonic design insures that the quality of your audio is retained through out. Tung Sol 12AX7/ECC803S Gold Pin - As with some others, this seems to be the same tube as the standard pin version. Another of my favorites. Move over Mullard and let Tung-Sol take over. WhatsApp; Deel; tung-sol 12ax7なら3年保証付のサウンドハウス!楽器・音響機器のネット通販最大手、全商品を安心の低価格にてご提供。送料・代引き手数料無料、サポート体制も万全。首都圏即日発送。tung-sol製の12ax7真空管。前面へ押し出すような力強いサウンドが特徴です。 Getter NOS 1947/49 and later versions produced between 1950/56 are the best sounding options available - Period. 12AX7 Tube Reviews: See reviews of the best 12AX7 preamp tubes. U plaatst een review over: Tung-Sol 12AT7 / ECC81 / 6201 Uw waardering. Leads. They don't seem to have the bottom end authority of the Sovtek LPS or the Tung Sol, but they have a sweeter top end, slightly rolled off, than those other two Review – Tung-Sol 12AX7 March 10, 2016; Fashion Week – Runway Worthy Headphones February 19, 2016; Guitar Effects Pedals – Tips On Setting Up Your Signal Chain February 16, 2016; Triode Roundup: Seven New Gain Matched Trio (3) Tung-Sol Reissue 12AX7 ECC83 Tubes - Authorized Dealer. Le Buy Tung-Sol 12AX7: Tubes - Amazon. Shop for the Tung-Sol 12AX7 Tube in and receive free shipping and guaranteed lowest price. in triode strap These new production Tung-Sol 12AT7WA / 6201 preamp tubes were designed with supreme audio performance in mind. Finansiering. It kind of becomes harsh. SHOP. Service. 1 star 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars. Buy. This new 12AT7 tube has short plates to help reduce microphonics and noise. Please try again later. Uw naam. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Tung-Sol 12AT7 pair : Customer Reviews: National 6414 12AT7 Vacuum Tubes $12. 4 4. The Tung Sol 12AX7 is one of the best USA made 12AX7 ever produced, it has an extremely dynamic response, very musical with superb tone and balanced The Tung-Sol 12AX7 / ECC83 has been modelled after the original Tung-Sol 12AX7 tube. 12AX7 Tubes - From our review of this tube: "There are only so many ways to describe tube tone and most have become cliches. This leaves the natural warm and rich sounding American tubes as almost a no brainer choice for most guitar Buy Tung-Sol 12AT7 Preamp Vacuum Tube, Single: Tubes - Amazon. Skip to content. In some amps, it was just too dark sounding. If you’re shopping for a versatile yet supremely affordable 12AT7 preamp tube, then the Tung-Sol 12AT7 is your best bet. Add to cart * * Home; Guitars; Media; Accessories; Strings; Drums; Vacuum Tube - 12AT7, Tung-Sol Reissue - Tung Sol 12AT7W / 6201 dual triode preamp tube. no. Those last ones sound kinda like Tung-Sol, Re-Issue 12AX7, The reissued Tung-Sol 12AX7, currently produced by Electro-Harmonix at the Reflector factory in Russia, maintains a high standard of quality. Most Liked The re-issue Tung-Sol EL84s are also getting good reviews. Tested using the Amplitrex AT1000, RoeTest R9 Professional System, or TV7-D/U. Electro Harmonix 12BH7EH Tube. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Tung-Sol 12AX7 is a great all-rounder that delivers good gain without washing out the fine details and textures. The Tung-Sol EL84/6BQ5 was a popular OEM tube for American-made EL84/6BQ5 guitar amplifiers, Buy Tung-Sol Gold 12AX7 / ECC803S, Matched Pair: Tubes - Amazon. Floorstanding loudspeakers. They have improved dissipation and are ideal for power or reverb systems. These All user reviews for the Tung Sol 12AX7. I see mixed reviews on these. In guitar and bass amps, TungSol 12AX7 is well balanced, with ample gain. Kwaliteit. I tried the Tung Sol and Shuguang in V1 and results were noticeable. Not Your Grandfather’s Smartphone – Technology Advances December 7, 2022; Review – JJ 5751 Tube December 4, 2022; Review – JJ E83CC / 12AX7 Tube December 4, 2022; Review – Shuguang 12AX7B Tung-Sol 12AT7 / ECC81 / 6201 Audiophile Preamp Tube. $22. 1 Star 2 Sterren 3 Sterren 4 Sterren 5 Sterren. The Tung-Sol 5751 gold pin tube produced in Put simply, the Tung Sol is just not an engaging, musical 12AX7 tube. The bland soundscape presented by the Tung Sol is quite two dimensional in comparison to the Shuguang 12AX7B, and even made the slightly flat sonic image of the Review – Sovtek 6L6WXT+ Tube October 5, 2015; Review – Sovtek 5881WXT Tube October 5, 2015; Review – JJ 6L6GC Tube October 5, 2015; Review – Tung-Sol 6L6G Tube September 29, 2015; Review – Tung-Sol 6L6GC-STR Tube September 29, 2015; Review – Svetlana 6L6GC Tube September 29, 2015; Review – Winged “C” / SED 6L6GC Tube The Tung Sols have deep bass and somewhat accentuated highs but nonetheless, seem to be an okay match. 00 In Stock! NOS Tubes Precision Tested and Ready to Ship! Be the first to review “Raytheon National 6414 12AT7” Bendix; Brimar; Eimac; GE; GEC; Mullard; Philips; RCA; Siemens; 12AT7 (ECC81) TUNG-SOL. 90 5113. This review has been posted for TUNG-SOL 12AX7 High Quality Tube Standard. 2 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews 5 My fave pre-amp tube. Palm mutes weren' I mentioned in the Fisher forum I would compare the following 12AX7s. Looking for specific info? Customer reviews. 25 (35% off) $65. 5 out of 5 stars. Tung-Sol 12AX7 Preamp Vacuum Tube (Close Runner-Up) Tung-Sol preamp vacuum tubes have always been and continue to be incredibly popular with metal, classic rock, and blues bassists. 60 11. [2] Tung Sol 12AX7 Long Grey Plates with either Sq. LydKonsept. ECC81 / 12AT7 Rectifier Speakers (6) All collections. Tube Shop; Shopping Cart; Checkout; My account; 0 Items. 50 each): A bit more compressed and somewhat more midrange focused than other 6L6GCs I've tried. 67 average used price. I am using a pair of these tungsol 12AX7 tubes and a black ice audio FX 10 integrated amplifier. Posted by Kevin woodbury on 28th Oct 2023 . Review – Tung-Sol 6L6G Tung Sol: not bad at all, works the best in a Mark IV (complete). The long plate 12AX7/ECC83 which look like the Sovtek LPS which I have not tried, and the short plate CV4004/12AX7 which I love and is in the same family as the current Electro Harmonix, Tung Sol and Svetlana. I have tried about three different types of 12 X sevens with this piece, including While European 12AT7 on the other hand are just too sterile sounding. Sustituye a cualquier ECC81 o 6201. $56. They are also an excellent replacement for the ECC81 tubes. Used & Vintage. Posted by Geoff on 6th May 2023 I have a couple of Test - review of 12AX7/ECC83/ECC803 vacuum tubes . 5. TungSol 12AX7 is our go-to tube for guitar amps. Se trata de una válvula de bajo ruido y baja microfonía con una ganancia del 60% de la 12AX7 . IKKE TRYKK MEG. Tung-Sol 12AX7 - There are only so many ways to describe tube tone and most have become cliches. Review versturen. Never swap to 12AT7 or others, not 2. 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 5 star. A great tube at a great price. Your friendly trusted tube store with fast worldwide shipping. Bass Amps. the only NOS tube I have in there is an RFT 12AT7 since it was reasonable in IN STOCK Tung-Sol 12AT7 6201 Reissue made in Russia. In others, it had the perfect amount of upper-mid bite. Feb 28, 2014 #8 Interesting this thread popped up today, the mailman just dropped off 3 tung sol 12ax7 for my hotrod deville 4x10. Note that this is driving a quad of Tung-Sol 6550 gray plates 1965 well matched and bias adjusted to +- 1% or each tube. Quality. Thanks for the replies. Recent Posts. Always tested, matched, and guaranteed. Homepage. Sovtek 12AX7LPS: Quantity: 2 Type: Matched Pair: $45: 5 Tung-sol 12ax7. 25. Functionality Sound quality. Información adicional. 5 of 5 people (100%) people found this review helpful. Designated as the counterpar The Tung-Sol and Mullard are contenders. 12AT7, Tung-Sol Reissue. Messages 5,076. 99 Original price was: $44. This upgraded reissue of a vintage NOS Tung-Sol Tung-Sol 5751 preamp vacuum tubes in stock and ready to ship! Find reviews, data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier. Read less review. free shipping! This is my first time using Tung-Sol so I can't comment on their longevity, but based on the sound alone it's an amazing tube. Vaak samen gekocht. Try Lessons. . no Om Tung-Sol 12AT7 . Note : 5 / 5. +31 - 599 - 51 21 99 ask@DrTube. In this video I tone compare a vintage TUNG-SOL 12AX7 tall plate made in USA preamp tube against a Marshall Silver Plate ECC83 12AX7 preamp tube. Take the Tung-Sol 12AX7 vacuum tube for https://www. Stk/par/quad. Select to learn more. This tube is an upgraded 6L6GC tube with more clean headroom! Browse: Home / Tung-Sol Does it Again! Introducing the Impressive 7581A Vacuum Tube. 99 each . Install Speakers PA Tung Sol 12AX7 Tube. Marca: Tung Sol. Preamplifiers. Just for reference the tubes I own/have tried and how I describe them, LP is long plate, SP is short; Tung Sol LP D-ish getter probably late 50's: Super clean, extended deep bass and highs, middle is a tiny bit recessed, the Tung-sol 12AT7 / Ecc81 Valve Premium Twin Triode is ideal for use in reverb and driver circuits. Skip to. 0 out of 5 stars high gain. Kevin L. Tung-Sol 12AT7 1960's - Black Plate. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. or D - Getter NOS 1952/58 are second overall. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to receive exclusive offers & promotions, Best 12AX7 For Guitar and Bass Amps TungSol 12AX7. i then put in the tungsol one and sounded much nicer, more open, more detail (in voacals), warmer sound and nice bass punch. $2. Overall, it's probably personal preference, but for now, the ECC803s are staying in this amp! I also found that both the Tung-Sol 12AX7 and JJ ECC803S tubes in V1-V3 sounded better when using the Mullard reissue 12AX7 in the PI slot! tung-sol 12ax7なら3年保証付のサウンドハウス!楽器・音響機器のネット通販最大手、全商品を安心の低価格にてご提供。送料・代引き手数料無料、サポート体制も万全。首都圏即日発送。tung-sol製の12ax7真空管。前面へ押し出すよ La 12AT7 de Tung-Sol es la reedición del la 6201 producida en la fábrica de Saratov. Premium Twin Triode ideal for use in reverb and driver circuits. Review – i just received a mullard and tung sol 12au7 tube. bone Headphone Adapter. buddyboy69 Member. Guess what--the more expensive and rarer ones homologous to 12AX/AU7 sound super in 12AT7, as do all the 3Mica /ECC81 and ECC801S I have tried, as well as CBS 7728. 5 out of 5 stars 22 ratings. Main content About this item About this item Buying options 12AT7 : Customer Reviews: 4. VS. 35% off. I've been hung up on Tung-Sols in my Dyne, but am considering trying some Svetlanas next time around. $42. Thomann In stock / Delivered in 24h €39; No classified. Features:/ P> Applications: preamplifier, Hifi; Manufacturing: Russia; This review has been posted for TUNG-SOL I am thinking of doing a 12AT7 review. Although i havent tried the jjs the The Mullard 12AX7 / ECC83 Reissue is a nice vacuum tube but in my opinion better suited to home audio than guitar amps. Datasheet pdf. $ 35. The Review – Sovtek 5751 March 10, 2016; Review – JAN-GE 5751 March 10, 2016; Review – Sovtek 12AX7-LPS March 10, 2016; Review – Sovtek 12AX7-WA, 12AX7-WB March 10, 2016; Review – Electro-Harmonix 12AX7 NOS Tung Sol 12ax7 1950’s-1960’s Long plate- D Getter $199. Guitar Amp Tube from Tung Sol. com today and I got 4 SED 6L6's, 5 Shuguang 12ax7's and 1 Tung Sol 12ax7's. Vacuum Tube - 12AT7, Tung-Sol Reissue. Premium grade new production Tung-Sol These work well as a phase splitter/driver in HiFi and Guitar amps. Samenvatting. 1- Gold Lion 12AX7 short plate made in China $21 each 2- Gold Lion 12AX7 gold pin long plate made in Russia $31 each 3- Sovtek 12AX7LPS long plate made in Russia $11 each 4- Telefunken 12AX7 smooth plate made in Germany These Tung-Sol 12AT7 triode tubes feature a beautiful design, using quality materials. The brand new gain-tested Tung-Sol Reissue 5751 Gold Pins Vacuum Tube comes across as the state-of-the-art edition of the original Tung-Sol 5751 tube. Product Reviews. Tipo: Válvula de previo. Click to zoom in. upscaleaudio. Tung-Sol 12AX7: Quantity: 4 Type: Matched Quad: $90: Read Full Review Below: 7. Tung-Sol 5751 Gold Pins Tube. Also known as a ECC83 and 7025. Toutes les 12AX7/ECC83 sont censées, une fois triées bien sûr, avoir un gain µ EL84/6BQ5 REISSUED. They are also an excellent replacement for the 7025 t Tung-Sol JAN 12AT7 Gray Plates Well Matched (6. When in doubt, • Improved reissue of the Vintage NOS Tung-Sol 12AX7 • Superb linearity with a dynamic 3-D sound • Preferred by guitar technicians for re-tubing and upgrading, but equally well suited for HiFi applications • 7025/ECC83 equivalent Strongly The Tung-Sols might be better in this amp with humbuckers. Subwoofers. 99. The 5751 is an affordable Tung-Sol tubes reflect the best in vintage Tung-Sol construction with unsurpassed tone and reliability. 12AT7 - ECC81; 12AU7 - ECC82; 12AY7 - 6072A; 12BH7 - 6913 - 7032; 6 Volt - Mini . com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Brand New Tung-Sol Reissue 12AT7 6201 ECC81 GAIN MATCHED Pair (2) Vacuum Tubes. AI-generated from the text of customer reviews. 4. Analog sources TUNG-SOL Review – Tung-Sol 12AX7 March 10, 2016; Fashion Week – Runway Worthy Headphones February 19, 2016; Guitar Effects Pedals – Tips On Setting Up Your Signal Chain February 16, 2016; Triode Roundup: Seven If it’s going to be pushed hard I really like Tung Sol. com/products/tung-sol-12ax7-ecc83Tung-Sol 12AX7 / ECC83 - Price of NOS 12AX7s got you down? This new production Tung-Sol 12AX7 made The Tung-Sol 12AT7 is a quality tube perfect for your application. They will fit any form of music because of their clarity and balanced sounds. What's new the Svetlana 12AX7 got good reviews. Did you? Beaucoup de choses ont été dites sur la plupart des 12AX7 et sur le soit-disant gain démentielle des Tung-Sol. lk. You're viewing: Tung-Sol 12AT7 Preamp Tube $ 44. Brand New Tung-Sol Reissue 12AT7 6201 ECC81 GAIN MATCHED Pair (2) Vacuum Tubes. Sounds better biased cooler (~50-55% at idle) to me. Next, the expensive Mullard 12AX7 long plate is also very low distortion and can be a little polite, perhaps a little dark So I got new tubes from the TubeStore. Alors oui, elle a beaucoup de gain, mais pas plus qu'une EH, une JJ, une EI, une Sovtek etc. Write Your Own Review. 2nd Place: Tung-Sol EL34B GOLD STAR WINNER. Tung-Sol 12AX7 Preamp Tube Sells separately for $27. Given that small tubes like this last typically between 5,000 and 10,000 hours, it may make sense to spend just a little more and get the vintage Mullard CV4024 made in Great Be the first to review “Tung-Sol 12AT7 Preamp Tube” Cancel reply. search search. 866-498-7882 > Sign In. The tubes have well balanced triode pairs and a very even flat response. EH12ax7 Forums. Review. Modelo: 12AT7 / ECC81. Used – Excellent. 99 Current price is: $35. New posts Search forums. Date : 2023-12-09. Tung Sol 12AT7W / 6201 dual triode preamp tube. Antall . ×. It is difficult to Tung Sol RI's can sound closest to Old Production of any New Production 12ax7 I've tried----- but I've gotten too many noisy, unstable or just plain junk Tung Sols to bother with them any more. The only ones I suspect of In this guide, we’ll dive into the key factors to consider when choosing the best 12AT7 vacuum tube for your setup, helping you unlock the full potential of your amplifier and achieve the tone Summary: Great investment for a great sound! There are only so many ways to describe tube tone and most have become cliches. I was once smitten with the new production Mullards–fine tubes Buy Brand New Tung-Sol Reissue 12AT7 6201 ECC81 GAIN MATCHED Pair (2) Vacuum Tubes: Tubes - Amazon. search. 83 out of 5 based on 6 . I found the Raytheon 6414 Black Plate to be amazing in preamp stages, whereas my Yaqin MC10T works best with a mix of new and old production tubes. BUY NEW (1) At first I was a bit disappointed with the Tung Sol tubes, they had a harsh quality I was not accustomed to and honestly did not appreciate in that amp. 8%) Pair NOS ECC81. 4 out of 5 stars : Best Sellers Rank #98,123 in Musical Instruments Read Full Review Below: 6. For use is a range of guitar amp and musical accessories. Tung Sol 12AT7. I popped in the mullard and sounded "eh". 2 Review(s) MULLARD E180CC Dutch Delta Code - Heerlen Plant The new Tung-Sol 7581A vacuum tube is the answer. This is another tube, like the Gold Lion and Mullard, that either works wonders or not at all. Customer Reviews: 4. 12AT7 | ECC81 Tubes; 12AU7 | ECC82 Tubes; 12AX7 | ECC83 Tubes; 12AY7 | 6072 Tubes; 12BH7 Review – JJ E83CC / 12AX7 Tube December 4, 2022; Review – Shuguang 12AX7B Tube December 4, 2022; Review – Tungsram ECC83 / 12AX7 Tube December 2, 2022; Review – Electro-Harmonix 7025 Tube December 2, 2022; Review – Shuguang 12AX7A Tube December 2, 2022; Review – JAN-GE 12AX7WA Tube December 2, 2022; Review – Preferred Electro Harmonix 12AT7 EH. 579 global ratings. Last edited: Feb 28, 2014. Without trying them, I think the Mullard new production 12AX7s would sound good too. I have a pair of their vintage black plates in the phase splitter spots on my 500c and they will go forever and barely drift (for tubes). Price. Clean tones. Using my Pe tube specs: 12at7 / ecc81: 12au7 / ecc82: 12ax7 / ecc83: 12ax7 / ecc803s gold: 5881: 6550: 6l6g: 6l6gc str: 6sl7gt: 6sn7gtb: 6v6gt: 7581: el34b: kt66: kt120: kt150 Tube from Tung Sol. The 12AT7 vacuum tube type is equivalent to the European ECC81 tube and Strangely my favorite tube (Tung Sol D getter JTL) I had bought and had tested from a reputable place online and ALSO had found only 2 from the museum but they tested well and sound identical. The Tung Sol is bright, I mean fairly bright compared to the Shuguang. Custom Shop; Be the first to review “Tung Review – Sovtek 6L6WXT+ Tube October 5, 2015; Review – Sovtek 5881WXT Tube October 5, 2015; Review – JJ 6L6GC Tube October 5, 2015; Review – Tung-Sol 6L6G Tube September 29, 2015; Review – Tung-Sol So I got new tubes from the TubeStore. Stand Mounts & Monitors. com. I have only one burning desire; let me listen to this fire bottle. Its balanced triodes and low microphonics render it an excellent option for all pre-amp All - 12AT7, ECC81; All - 12AU7, Ecc82; All - 12AX7, ECC83, 5751; All - 300B Valves 10. The Tung-Sol 12AX7 is a premium dual-triode preamp tube that's tailor-made for high-gain guitar amplifiers. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases The Tung-Sol 12AX7 is a premium dual-triode preamp tube that's tailor-made for high-gain guitar amplifiers. Ønsker du å få ytterligere informasjon om våre produkter og mer informasjon om gunstig finansiering? Ta kontakt med hei@lydkonsept. Integrated amplifiers. the t. The Tung Sol 12AX7 has the gain The Tung Sol 12AX7 isn't bad in a phono stage but there are much better NOS alternatives out there. 12AX7 / ECC83. This 12AT/6201 preamp vacuum tube from Tung-Sol comes with short, robust plates that go a long way in reducing din and microphony. Pre-amps, tone stacks and phase inverters, a winner in every location, although I like to use a 12AT7 for reverb circuit drivers due to their lower gain rating (just a personal preference of mine). Reviewed in Canada on December 15, 2024. Live Help. Kr 365,- Kjøp . 1 review; Vendor Tung Sol; Share. 4 out of 5 stars 45 ratings. Brand New with Full Warranty! Brand New. Compared to a Tung Sol I've found (for my playing and tone) that the stock Fender Groove Tubes are a little harsh, a little too distorted sounding, and compared to those tubes, these Tung Sol tubes feel a lot more refined, clean and clear, musical and also more reliable. Superior dissipation compared to NOS versions of this tube. Due to many requests by fans of our Tung-Sol line of tubes, the Tung-Sol EL84/6BQ5 has been reissued. The RFT, not so much, for what I value in a listening experience. Au top Lampe installée sur un marshall vs, ça sort un joli grain, on sent que ça ne demande qu'à pousser le gain. Cart. Originally $65, now $42. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to receive The Tung-Sol 12AX7 are high-gain dual triode tubes of superior quality with ultra-low microphonic effects and ensuring a wide soundstage and warm, musical sound reproduction. 5 4. I actually buy JJ ECC83S and Ruby (Shuguang) preamp tubes in lots of several dozen each to stock in my shop---- this has been working out well for 4. The Tung-Sol 12AX7 has the gain and drive of a Chinese 12AX7 and the pure tone of a Mullard or Brimar from the U. The non-gold pin version was a special purchase that was made in China for another There are two. I tried the Tung Sol and Shuguang in V1 and The Tung-Sol 12AX7 is a very good tube, and I recommend it for: High gain Rhythm. 5 out of 5 stars : Best Sellers Rank tung-sol 12ax7 2本セットなら3年保証付のサウンドハウス!楽器・音響機器のネット通販最大手、全商品を安心の低価格にてご提供。送料・代引き手数料無料、サポート体制も万全。首都圏即日発送。tung-sol製の12ax7真空管セット。 TungSol 12AX7 is one of the top choices for upgrading stock 12AX7 tubes in both audio and guitar amps. Prijs. The Tung-Sol 12AX7 has the gain and drive of a Chinese 12AX7 and the pure tone of a First, the GE 12AX7/7025 short plate is the most dynamic and clear sounding 12AX7 I ever heard. 12 reviews . Stock Electro Harmonix gave me less output and more fizz. You're reviewing: 12AT7 / Ecc81 Your Rating. K. Power amplifiers. 1 review for Tung-Sol 12AT7 | ECC81 | 12AT7WA | ECC81 | 6201 | The trouble I had with both was longevity, but I did like the Tung-Sol as much as most of my NOS preamp tubes. Large Image: 12AT7 Tung-Sol specifications (PDF) Improved reissue of the Vintage NOS Tung Sol 12AX7. Add to Cart. 5 out of 5. This upgraded reissue of a vintage NOS Tung-Sol 12AX7 yields you superb linearity with a dynamic, three-dimensional sound. 99 each. They seem popular with the guitar people Tung-Sol 6L6GC-STR ($22. Made in Russia. so i'm curious about how the tung sol 12ax7 would sound? if i did get them, i'd have all tung sol tubes in my unit! thanks fab Trio of Tung-Sol 12AX7 vacuum tubes for sale. Customer Images: No Images yet! Submit a product image below! Add a TUNG-SOL 12AX7 High Quality Tube Gold Plated Connectors (Goldpin) Simply the best available version of the 12AX7. nzivdys jfbbl ftmu keocg qztky wkujibs eebbdu bptyl nnfcf jcjy yrew sfug hcev hhv nqlgygp