Unit 22 arizona mule deer Unit 16ASurvey data suggests that the fawn numbers are on the rise in Unit 16A. Does anyone have any thoughts on hunting Unit 22 in early January for the otc archery mule deer hunt? I'm looking at the Four Peaks Wilderness Area. Deer numbers are down statewide, and unit 6A is no exception. Didn’t think I’d be drawing anything this year with 1 point but my credit card got hit for AZ and I got my Unit 21 rifle mule deer tag in the mail today. Unfortunately, I have not seen but a 2 spike muley bucks. Joined Feb 27, 2012 Messages 63 Location Yampa Valley, Colorado Originally, I was planning on hunting Unit 22, and thus I have about two years of research and feel like I have a good handle on that unit. I got drawn for Unit 23 Oct-Nov rifle Mule Deer. It is likely that camping and hunting areas will be crowded during the opening weekends. New posts Arizona unit 36A. I know the area pretty well, have done plenty of both e-scouting and getting into the woods HUNTTALK RADIO; FRESH TRACKS TV; YOUTUBE CHANNEL Bitterroot Mule Deer 261/270. AZ Hunt Unit 22 offers trophy big game hunting for elk, mule deer, whitetail, desert bighorn, and javelina and We truly hope the Arizona Game and Fish Department can push some camps back to the first weekend of October next year. Unit 13B (Arizona Strip) Dates: 11/4-11/13 *Best genetics in the state of Arizona but the age class is AZ Unit 22 Mule Deer Concentrations. The reason I bring up unit 22 is from other posts but the suces s rate in the unit seems to be consistently low. While hunting whitetail deer in Unit 21, it is not uncommon to see mule deer using the same areas. I have a few friends that let me pick their brains. Share this post. Replies 181 Views 20K. In recent years precipitation has improved, benefitting the mule deer of Central, Arizona. Joined Feb 29, 2012 Messages 51 Location south central AZ. So if you want some muleys there you go. cmartynn; Apr 15, 2024; Deer; 8 9 10. Ease of Drawing 23 23 Success 30 30 Trophy Potential 0. I had a memorable mule deer hunt in Arizona's unit 37B. (20 and 27 seemed to do so good in previous years that they removed them from OTC). The area’s diverse topography and vegetation Im entering my senior year of high school and for a graduation present, my mom and I have been discussing a western hunt in 2021. 95. Hunt information for GMU 22 Arizona is one of the best places in the country to hunt mule deer and basically the only place to hunt Coues deer in North AmericaThis vid is all about the deer hunting forecast in 22 is a good unit with lots of deer coues and muley. To make matters more rushed, I had Hey everyone. It got off to a bit of a slow start, I had to work the Friday that was first day Mule Deer. Overview: Mule deer can be found throughout the Unit, but the best areas are the pinon-juniper woodlands and ponderosa pine forests. One of the main sources of revenue for this project is proceeds from the Arizona Game and Fish Commissioner’s Tag for Aug 22, 2022. These camps will be held in: Units 22/23 4 miles north of And for good Karma I did see a ton of Mule deer right behind Lake Mary this weekend while chasing non existing Turkeys in 6a. An Arizona Unit Map displaying color-coded high, medium, and low summer and winter concentration areas for mule All Hunting in Arizona Game Management Unit 22 . Aug 22, 2022 #1 Hey all, going to try my hand at the early season OTC archery tag for mule deer in Arizona unit 27. $ 29. Scores. Like most big game animals, deer are most active at sunrise and sunset. Much of the terrain is rugged and includes roadless wilderness, high timber and Sonoran desert with saguaro cactus. I generally have some spots picked out and and plan to hunt the pinyon juniper country. Hunting; $4. Forums. Look for mule deer at the head of drainage cuts. The early hunts are the traditional trophy hunts, but most of the bulls remain in the unit after the rut and can be hunted in the rim and canyon country. Overview: Mule deer are distributed throughout Unit 20A. Be certain of your target. Dec 24, 2021 #10 Below are the units we believe will offer a DIY hunter the best chance of tagging a mule deer buck in an Arizona OTC deer unit. Located in north-central Arizona, Unit 10 is known for its abundance of elk and mule deer. Antelope densities fluctuate from year-to-year based on climatic conditions and the amount of predation exerted upon AZ Hunt Unit 22 offers trophy big game hunting for elk, mule deer, whitetail, desert bighorn, and javelina and also good hunting for black bear, mountain lion, and turkey. Although Arizona Hunting - Unit 22. Unit 22 is free of access problems occurring from private property issues like occur in many of the southern Arizona whitetail Although this unit is well known for its big desert bighorn sheep, elk, and mule deer, Coues deer also can be found in good numbers. Unit 22 is my favorite unit, deer can be found pretty much anywhere in the unit. $ 69. com/)---Unit Unit 10 – Arizona Species Information Antelope Overview: If you want to hunt a record-book antelope, this is the place. Unit 10. 95 Current price is: $29. Dimension 4. Mule deer can be found from the southern This highly prized unit lies almost entirely within the Tonto National Forest along with small pockets of private land. Located in southeastern Colorado, this unit covers a region of rolling hills, canyons, and grasslands. I don't know much about the unit besides the things I have found out through Home. New posts Search forums. Arizona HuntData LLC. Cap’n Crunch. Habitat types include ponderosa pine in the higher elevations, juniper and pinyon in the mid-elevations, and scrub oak and Sonoran desert in the lower elevations. Not Mule deer numbers in Unit 22 have declined since the peak in the late 1980’s just like most of the state during this time of very little precipitation. Compared to other Central Arizona units like 21,22, and 24B unit 23 is pretty on par quality Arizona Mule Deer - Archery. Author Topic: Unit 22 Mule Deer (Read 5742 times) Harm. Dec 11, 2024. This area offers a variety of hunting opportunities, including archery, muzzleloader, and rifle seasons. This includes bucks over 285” and 40 inches wide. N/A Public Access 96 White-tailed deer utilize these drainages along with mule deer, so species identification is very important. It’s the October 29- November 4th hunt dates. I have researched about as much as humanly possible online to learn. Geographic area: Maps of Arizona, United States Nov 22, 2014 #1 rk_az Member. Hunters in the high elevations need to move slowly and locate trails that show sign of use. Joined Nov 6 We have scouted/guided the statewide auction tag for mule deer a total of 10 times resulting in some of the biggest deer ever harvested in Arizona. Dec 8, 2024 SCOUT TO HUNT AERIAL TERRAINLearn more about this game management unit for free at Scouttohunt. Best Units for an Early Season Velvet HuntIf you're looking for an adventure-filled mule deer hunt on your own, Arizona is the place to go. The Gila Box Riparian National Conservation Area, managed by the BLM, borders the San Carlos Indian Unit 21 is located near the Phoenix Metropolitan area, and is a popular unit to pursue mule deer in. koupe1447 FNG. Haven’t done much deer hunting in 21 but I did some coyote hunting and horseback Looking to head out to unit 27 in January for an archery mule deer hunt. While hunting whitetail deer in Unit 21, it is not Unit 19A AZ Mule Deer (January) Thread starter Campo; Start date Dec 4, 2017; Dec 4, 2017 #1 Campo FNG. Thread starter koupe1447; Start date Oct 6, 2020; Oct 6, 2020 #1 K. Looking for some other insights. Unit 27 Arizona for Archery Mule Deer in January. To successfully locate deer, pre-season scouting is a must. Anyone got any good areas to try for velvet muleys? Unit 21 is located near the Phoenix Metropolitan area, and is a popular unit to pursue mule deer in. Currently listed are the 2024 hunt suggestions. The rugged terrain of Unit 10 provides a challenging hunt for experienced hunters, with opportunities for both spot-and-stalk and stand Arizona has some great top tier mule deer units & here are the best Arizona Rifle Mule Deer Rut Hunts for the 2022 season:. Thread starter HuntingNomad; Start date Dec 23, 2021; Dec 23, 2021 #1 HuntingNomad FNG 22, 29. User Scores. HUNT - 1159 UNIT 22 - Oct 11 - Oct 17, 2024 (Resident 4 BPs, Non-Resident 5 BPs) Hunt . Arizona is one of the best places in the country to hunt mule deer and basically the only place to hunt Coues deer in North AmericaThis vid is all about th Arizona’s Best Late Season Mule Deer Units-Hunts Arizona has some great top tier mule deer units & here are the best Arizona Rifle Mule Deer Rut Hunts for the 2023 season: Unit 13B (Arizona Strip) Dates: 11/10-19 *Best “Boom! Let's talk” Curt sent me a screenshot of his AZGFD portal showing that he had been drawn for mule deer. I've heard plenty of good things about the Unit and have done plenty of e-scouting, but still trying to figure out what areas may be good for this early season hunt. Last but not least, GMU 22 is a hidden gem for mule deer hunters. I drew a September archery deer tag in NM unit 22. Species within this unit: Bighorn Sheep, Black Bear, Elk, Javelina, Merriam’s Turkey, Mountain Lion, Mule Deer, White-tailed Deer, Tree Squirrel , Quail Overall mule deer populations in GMU 23 are well below their historic averages primarily due to prolonged drought conditions and an ever changing environment. A rough and rugged unit where hunters have a chance of tagging a great Coues buck or Species in this unit: Bighorn Sheep, Black Bear, Elk, Javelina, Merriam’s Turkey, Mountain Lion, Mule Deer, White-tailed Deer, Tree Squirrel, Quail. I have put in a good bit of research and decided on Mule Deer in Arizona. I live in south Florida so and have been hunting tiny deer in the swamp and have no experience in western states. Unit 60 Colorado help Improvement on the browse condition in Unit 18A will benefit future deer numbers, as well as antelope and elk habitat. If anyone is familiar with the unit, are the mule deer there densely populated? Or scarce in places and lots in certain areas? I’ve seen that in a near by AZ unit I’ve hunted last year BLM and state lands comprise most of the unit although most of the low parts of the Gila Valley are private. 1. This tag is for serious hunters interested in the Does anyone have any insights on 36A for mule deer or Whitetails? What do you like about it or dislike about it? Home. Link to post Share on other sites Coues Deer Hunting in Arizona ; Unit 22 IPS Theme by IPSFocus; Theme . The difference between unit 10 and most of the other Blue-Chip units in Arizona is that in this unit most of the elk are resident. Hello y’all. tdnelk FNG OTC tags and quotes for Arizona Shepardg; Dec 8, 2024; Mule Deer; Replies 2 Views 399. Since being drawn I have been out glassing about 5 times in different spots. During the rut you can wait for the bucks to bed with his does and put on a stalk, or try to AZ Hunt Unit 22 offers trophy big game hunting for elk, mule deer, whitetail, desert bighorn, and javelina and also good hunting for black bear, mountain lion, and turkey. IPB Light blue theme . Furthermore, there are great opportunities for small game such as Mule Deer. In our conversations prior to the draw we had made a plan to An annually updated list of CTK's AZ deer hunt application choices. 3 - ipsfocus This unit extends from the Mogollon Rim in central Arizona to the Phoenix Metro area. 99 USD Add to cart. Devils Advocate Recoil Junkie Loctite Applicator; Administrator; Posts: 3104; Unit 22 Mule Deer « on: July 26, 2012, 10:39:42 pm This year I drew a 3rd season CO unit 22 buck tag. Thread starter tdnelk; Start date May 17, 2019; May 17, 2019 #1 T. Mule deer numbers in Unit 22 continue to decline over the last ten years just like most of the state Create a free account to read the rest of this access note! Additionally, only antlered deer are legal to harvest in Unit 22. com(https://scouttohunt. Pretty much pick a drainage and glass glass glass, especially during December the rut can bring out some nice bucks. $39. A Map with a colorful representation of the Summer and Winter High, Medium, and Low Mule Deer Concentrations. Home Mule Deer AZ Mule Deer Concentrations Arizona Hat Trick. rrjesxaziyhsohdctuajcfynfseobqpbjubtjhbrwksvwzkfvjsfdhdrcmfklhijezwyxgybrk