Why do girls have breasts. I would never have done .
Why do girls have breasts What happens to the breasts during pregnancy and milk production? Many healthcare providers believe the breasts are not fully mature until a woman has given birth and made milk. Therefore i call complete bullshit on that study, if it was self reported Do girls like guys looking at their body? depends on the girl and where you're looking. For an overview of variation in teenage female anatomy, make an image search for Zulu Reed Dance. D. Some are round, some are pointed, some are asymmetrical. Some claimed evolution favored “pendulous” breasts — as scientists dryly describe them — because they gave babies something to cling to like handle bars. 2,Chinese girls and White girls have small breasts are special and different from other race girls. Ashkenazi Jews may have a unique set of genetic variants or environmental risk factors that increase mammographic density. Breasts contain breast tissue, conduits, lobules and fat tissue. The simple answer to why human breasts are located on the chest is that this is where the mammary glands – the structures responsible for milk production – are located. Many people would look at a woman's breasts as having a maternal role rather than sexual, but a biological analysis proves this to Here are some of the more common myths about small breasts, and why they do not hold any validity: Smaller breasts are less feminine – This is a common assumption, but the reality is much more nuanced. Breast milk is the very best food for babies and mom is the source. It occurs across several phases, including prenatal Breasts feed us, nurture us and excite us. To be quite honest - all this talk of "because it's useful to have the tires rotated" and switching teats may seem likely, sure. journalism. But many people with breasts have other shapes, including bell shape and conical, among others. are made up of supportive tissue, milk glands and pretty much, a bunch of fat, it’s hard to tell the actual size of breasts at girls who are overweight. Most will reach their adult height by the time they are 14 or 15 years old. By the time a baby girl is born, nipples and the beginnings of the milk-duct system have formed. The adaptive role and developmental pattern of this breast morphology, unusual among primates, remains an unresolved conundrum. A. You might as well ask why they have hands and can talk. There is evidence of early puberty leading to increased risk of obesity, type 2 There are also a variety of biological factors that can impact breast size in female swimmers, including genetics and hormonal changes. and I need tell you. What is the average age for girls to begin developing breasts? Breast development is usually the very first of the many changes that occur with puberty in girls, and breast growth may start as early as age 7. ) Fertility hypothesis. Anime does present a lot of female characters with large breasts, but I’d say that this trend isn’t a negative or sexist one, as there are an equal number of anime girls that don’t have a giant bosom, and in most cases, the girls that do have large breasts are rarely minimized to mere sexual objects or stereotypes. Because these tissues have hormone receptors, their sizes and volumes fluctuate according to the hormonal changes particular to thelarche (sprouting of breasts), menstruation (egg production), pregnancy (reproduction), lactation (feeding of offspring), and menopause (end of menstruation). As with the clitoris, it’s best to err on the side Why do girls do that? & how come it cost An arm & a leg for a dude to get that? This is isn't the only time I’ve heard about it happening either I'm almost 51 and I get no thrill in seeing other peoples' breasts or showing my own. Some tall guys have small penises and some short guys have long ones, but on average if the opposite were Here, two Flo experts outline some of the signs that your breasts are growing and advise when to buy your first bra. also it's a generalization, I've seen more normal size breasts in most anime that isn't porn . Someday, if they grow up to have a baby, breasts can provide the milk the baby needs. Breast Size: A Societal Norm Breasts primarily Most women find their breasts a source of sexual pleasure — more than eight in ten report playing with their breasts and nipples increases their arousal. Others suggested permanent breasts evolved as an energy reserve, lumps of fat to be tapped when food is scarce. Well, the answer is affirmative in case you gain weight. Puberty is late if breasts have not developed Women of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, based on genetic analysis, are more likely to have high age-adjusted and body mass index-adjusted PMD. (Comment: Correlation is not Many girls experience pain or tenderness in the early stages of breast development. If pregnancy does not happen, the breasts go back to normal size. The rigorous physical training that athletes undergo can directly influence breast size. During pregnancy the breasts get larger and fill with milk to feed the baby. " "I believe in local journalism. Women with small breasts can reproduce and raise kids just fine, thus passing the small breast gene. why do we feel the need to make a woman’s cleavage the butt of the joke? It’s 2018 and the need to body shame women is, believe it or not, stronger than ever. [Star Wars] Why do most female alien species have breasts? It seems that in Star Wars universe (most sci-fi universes to be honest) breasts are a great evolutionary trait to have. Bras are a status symbol among some teenage girls and they will often want to wear one before it is necessary. The evolutionary origi Why do you get breasts? Girls develop breasts due to the hormones in their body. That said, while the nipple is the most sensitive part of the breast, sex play tends to involve the breast as a whole, not the nipple in particular — excessive concentration on the latter 18 Reasons You Have Itchy Breasts or Nipples—and How to Find Relief; Korin is a former New Yorker who now lives at the beach. They But "Japanese women have bigger breasts" is 100% tied to sexuality and selling sex for click throughs and selling the sexuality and have 2 reasons of this question: 1,its the human's race problem. Also, when there is breast surgery, sensitivity can be This is because women need there breast to produce milk for the child. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your breasts or nipples based on their size or shape. But the most versatile organ in the female body can also kill us. "No two people have the exact same breast tissue," explains Sherry Ross, M. Intense physical activity often leads to a decrease in body fat, which is a Breast development is one of the most visible signs of puberty in girls. In Japan, where women typically have smaller breasts than in the west, there wasn’t interest in breasts until the Japanese began to have contact with Why do girls develop breasts? Girls develop breasts so when they have a baby, they are able to breastfeed. Breast development: Stages and how to spot growth signs - Flo The blood stream in our breast tissues tend to increase during pregnancy and this makes breasts bigger. They never give girls big boobs in western cartoon Why do you get breasts? Girls develop breasts due to the hormones in their body. By the fifth or sixth month of pregnancy, your breasts are fully capable of producing milk, according to Hopkins Medicine. All nipples are unique. It seems rather unfair that females have to cover their breasts all the while males can show theirs and don't have to hide pretty much any part of their body that develops secondary sex characteristics like body hair and baldness. They are made up of fat and estrogen receptors -- so they "soak When a girl’s breasts start growing early, it can be a sign she will develop certain diseases later in life. I mean let me not be misunderstood, I like big breasts as much as the next guy, but most anime seems to go a little too far in the area of the size of a womans chest, at times I say anime’s idea of a female seems to be inaccurate, and needs to be revised and re-imagined to be more realistic. According to the NHS, hypothyroidism can often be Breast development, also known as mammogenesis, is a complex biological process in primates that takes place throughout a female's life. Here's what our members say "I live in D. Back problems are also more common among women who are more well-endowed 6. I personally think the overexaggeration to be annoying and I tend to stay away from most anime like that but unfortunately, like I mentioned, some artists/businesses are going to go after fan service. While there is a huge size-range, very few women have breasts larger than a DD. , an ob-gyn at Providence Saint John's Health Center in Breasts are there for feeding babies and are not necessarily sexual. Though your breasts already have milk ducts, progesterone helps your body produce more ducts and lobules, which are glands that produce milk. One study showed that women with bigger breasts and proportionally narrower waists had higher levels of a hormone linked to fertility. Although studies about this sort of thing suggest straight women do rate certain shoulder-hip ratios as attractive. However, as the estrogen hormone Humans have been consuming more soy in our diets. Breasts primarily served as an energy bar or power supply for females and infants. What has become abundantly clear is that whether our breasts are feeding a family, heading south like migratory birds or alerting you to an oncoming cold front, it behooves us Monotremes have a milk-producing 'patch', and I'm not sure whether or not they're paired - but marsupials do have paired teats, as do all placentals. Effects of Intense Physical Activity. These glands are fundamental for mammalian reproduction, and their position on the OK I'm 16 and have thought through this a lot but never found an answer. The answer is that they’re not real and Nintendo can make them do or have whatever they feel like. Once menstruation starts, the cycle begins again. I know girls that are considered pretty by almost everyone, but don’t do anything for me. Breast changes are 1 of the earliest signs of pregnancy. The morphological structure of the human breast is identical in males and females until puberty. Breast development results in prominent and developed structures on the The possession of permanent, adipose breasts in women is a uniquely human trait that develops during puberty, well in advance of the first pregnancy. This is true, I was just thinking that. What’s worse, is when Societies will always view a man's bare chest differently than a woman's bare chest, because breasts are a secondary sex characteristic that men don't have. in International Relations and Marketing Delving into why the average cup size is smaller in Singapore, we find a few reasons, and it'll make you feel fine cause it turns out women in Asian countries and Central Africa OK so it wouldn't make ny sense for a midget to have a large penis, just like it wouldn't make sense for midget to have long arms. All sizes can make enough milk to feed a baby. Why Do Some Women Have Bigger Breasts And Some Have Smaller Breasts Even At The Same Age Since kindergarten, or even more, since birth, we differ between each other very much. " "Y'all are doing real local D. She received a double B. The pain is typically temporary and subsides as the body adjusts. Of course breasts have established their place in human culture and society. Why Are Human Breasts on the Chest? Exploring the Science and Evolution Behind Mammary Glands. Your breasts may continue to swell during postpartum if you decide to breastfeed Before silicone, women stuffed their bras with Kleenex and socks, until the earliest implants were introduced in the early 20th century, including glass balls, ivory, wood chips, peanut oil and ox Girls have breasts so they can do an important job later in life. i think the reason many people sexualize breasts comes down to base instinct: the larger the breasts, the better she would be for nursing your (potential) children. most girls like guys who look into their eyes or at their face, but they dont like guys looking at their chest/breasts, butt, and sometimes hips or stomach. At menopause, breast development ceases and the breasts atrophy. Usually, breasts are developed at the age of 10-13 They have different hormones to boys, which is why boys dont When it comes to individual pairs of breasts, the size-related variables continue. Evolution hasn't added parts we don't need because it's wasteful of resources, so hence 2 breasts. then that gets our monkey brains thinking about baby making, and unfortunately some people dont have the singular ounce of self control required to stop themselves from doing My project is about the role of breasts in anime. Usually, breasts are developed at the age of 10-13 They have different hormones to boys, which is why boys dont have breasts. Sexual selection, they argue, would then have acted on breast traits, explaining why some women with low body fat still have large breasts, and vice versa. It’s natural for girls to wonder about their breasts: Are they too big? Too small? If your breasts are large, they may get you unwanted attention. And they've helped build entire empires based simply on their Do I have small breasts? You may feel that you have small breasts— but with UK band sizes ranging from 26 to 64, and cup sizes spanning AA to M, breasts come in many different shapes and sizes. Changes to your breasts . Small breasts, often referred to as small boobs or a small chest, are a natural variation in woman breast size. Repeat that a few times, and you have a population that has and desires big breasts. In this blog post, a family physician explains the causes, prevalence, and treatment options for asymmetrical breasts We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Whatever species Ventress is have breats and Togruta have breasts too. Most girls’ breasts begin growing when they are about 9 or 10 years old, but some girls may start developing breasts earlier or later than this age. I know girls breast feed but its been proven guys can to so I don't see the big deal there. Even though they appear full, a woman's breasts are only filled with milk after a she gives birth. Is the softness or hardness of the breasts related to lifestyle and diet, or is it a sign of some health problems? For many girls, the state of their breasts not only In fact, the UK has relatively high levels of obesity, which would mean bigger breasts than petite girls, and wrong bra sizes are very common here too (wrong bra sizes usually mean smaller cup sizes than true and larger band sizes than true). but like i said, it depends on what kind of girl it is, but girls don't necessarily liked being looked at by their "body". It’s not that it isn’t male gaze, and I don’t know that as many girls go for Mr. This is not a stupid question. slightly bigger breast, 2. This starts with a thickening in the chest area called the mammary ridge or milk line. Not sure how you got that from what I said but Nope, but it sells. As the breasts become larger, a bra will need to be worn for support. Why do ours stay and why do other mammals’ disappear? The question was actually posed much before my child came to me with it—in1967, in Desmond Morris’ book, “The Naked Ape. Humans seem to be the only animal whose females have breasts that permanently have a "full" appearance, ie a prominent amount of tissue even when not lactating, whereas other species' Why do girls have breasts and boys don't? Girls have breasts because they serve both functional and sexual purposes, while in boys, breasts serve no physiological function. Why do Japanese girls have such big breasts? 2025-03-22 05:27. Some of us can self-perceive that we have underdeveloped breasts if we note a discrepancy between Over the years, researchers have proposed a number of explanations for human breasts. C. Remember that your breasts don’t need to look like your friend’s breasts or a magazine model’s breasts. How long will it take to get breasts? It takes different people different amounts of time to develop breasts, usually between 3 The archetypal breast, which is round and full, with a point at the nipple, may be the most common. large-breasted girls (especially in my late teens and early 20s) - tended to make me become aroused easier and make me climax with less effort than other girls. Breasts come in different shapes and sizes, but there's one thing they all have in common: They are unique to humans. I also know girls that aren’t considered pretty by modern“standards”, but attract a lot of attention. Weight gain. If they’re small, you may worry that they’ll never grow. Why Some Women Have Small Breasts and What They Can Do; Why Some Women Have Small Breasts and What They Can Do. And it doesn't matter if those breasts are small, medium, or large. Rising amounts of estrogen in the body also cause fat to deposit in the hips and breasts, and the overall percentage of body Breast asymmetry is a common concern for many women. For example, some women may have a genetic predisposition towards smaller breasts, while others may experience hormonal changes during puberty or menopause that can impact breast size. But with human evolution, they became a sign of maturity and “Come, I’m ready for Breast development, also known as mammogenesis, is a complex biological process in primates that takes place throughout a female 's life. Male breasts So, breasts have been glorified to become a symbol of respect which they are supposed to keep hidden under their veil. " "Washington City Paper has made me feel like I am Sensitivity can vary quite a bit from woman to woman, with smaller breasts on average being more sensitive than larger breasts. why do girls always cover there breasts,boobs or what ever you prefer to call them when guys have them to. If you didn't know, in all other mammals, females only have enlarged breasts when they are breastfeeding. Some are large and some are small. sex sells, that's it. and want local news. There was a myth that soy can cause men to develop breasts, but studies don’t seem to support that. Incredible as apparently boys do for Elastigirl. Although the popular belief is that anime depicts a cultural obsession with large breasts, after watching years of anime, I noticed that there was a trope: only the bad girls have large breasts. Most likely first they had a little, and their children inherited 1. How Should Developing Breasts Be Cared For? To care for developing breasts, consider the following tips: Its fanservice yeah, guys (most of them anyhow) like to see anime girls with big breastsI'm more partial to small breasts myself ^_^;; BTW: If you watch harem anime/manga, there is usually So humans normally having 1 child at a time have 2 breasts. With that said, those who would watch anime closely would notice that there is a consistent trope: only the “bad girls” have large breasts. Besides humans, Twi'Leks have them, Gungans, even though are amphibian, have them. It occurs across several phases, including prenatal development, puberty, and pregnancy. Its also a biological fact. Unlike males, females don't have such type of hormones so their chest blows to Boobs are like snowflakes — rarely are two ever identical. East Asian women generally have small breasts, not just genes. What age do girls breast start to develop? Many girls also never have round breasts from the beginning. Bras therefore come in an alphabet of sizes and styles because every woman inherits a unique set of breast-related Girls tend to have a major growth spurt between the ages of 10 and 14. I would never have done Breasts begin to form while the unborn baby is still growing in the mother’s uterus. More than 5,000 mammalian species inhabit this planet. Femininity is a complex and varied concept, and many different parts of the physique can carry greater weight in producing a typically Understanding these elements provides a clearer perspective on why many female athletes have smaller breasts compared to non-athletes. Men do not have boobs. In other primates (who walk quadrupedally) males don't find breasts attractive. Some develop breasts as early as eight years and in some, there is a delayed development. . This hormones disables a man's body to grow the breasts. For women who only had a You’re asking why a human/squid hybrid species has human features. Why does the gene mutate? The EDAR gene variant appeared in central China about 35,000 years ago, when this The Title asks the question. For example, several studies on sport and exercise participation in adolescent girls revealed large breasts to be a cause of physical strain and a major reason why they do not take part in physical activity 4,5. The rest of the time, they're mostly made up of fat. The fastest rate of height growth usually occurs in girls between when breast buds start to develop and about 6 months before they get their period. One of the impacts of WWII on Japan was the way evil Photos, May Truong. the only difference I see is that for girls there breasts grow out away If you are already at a healthy weight and have overly large breasts due to genetics, a breast reduction might be appropriate. Girls who develop breasts before the age of ten have around a 20% higher risk of breast cancer in later life than girls who develop breasts between the ages of 11 and 12. Nipples are sort of like clitorises: some people can hardly stand direct contact, while others need very firm pressure. Some studies have linked this to early puberty, as soy has a chemical that closely resembles estrogen and can get picked up by estrogen receptors. Breast reduction surgery can restore aesthetic balance to a woman’s figure and reduce complications associated with oversized breasts, such as chronic pain, chafing, difficulty exercising, and early breast sagging. This discomfort is often due to the growth of breast tissue and hormonal changes. The size of a woman’s breasts can vary greatly influenced by a combination of hormonal and lifestyle factors. Normally, the only times when a woman's breasts In short, Northern Eurasian women have the largest breasts, and there are a bunch of possibilities as to why. Also, the This means that if say, salaries are lower among A-cup girls (unsurprising) but housewives who have had a few kids can afford a good bra, their data will say 'Japanese women' have bigger boobs than before. the preference for slightly bigger breasts. The breasts of the human female are unique in the animal world. Indeed, genetic studies have even identified two loci (location of a gene on the chromosome) associated with breast size, independent of overall subcutaneous fat, though they account for Why do you get breasts? Girls develop breasts due to the hormones in their body. I mean, go much bigger than that and eventually there is going to be pain, & increased risk of injury. We used the average PMD of the right and left breasts. ” While it’s still unclear why human breasts don’t disappear after giving milk like other female mammals, at least we know what to say now in case our Why do some girls' breasts feel soft, while others are as hard as steamed buns? This seemingly simple question actually hides many unknown health and physiological mysteries. But in humans, women have large breasts since their puberty and keep it even after menopause. Go directly to the main point of the article discussion! Why are the breasts of Japanese girls so big? In fact, the average cup of Japanese girls is only BC, it seems that it is not particularly big? Chinese Youtuber "Natto Milk" tells you two important points. Thus passing the small breast gene. Many women are inquisitive if their breast size can increase after 3o. There seems to be a few ways to even things out. There are people consuming it, so they keep creating it. The reason behind this is that they release hormones namely 'testosterones'. 1 to alternate feeding and the load, 2 to take over the job if one isn't producing enough milk. which is why fake boobs so common in white girls! the fat white girls are 34 B and look so small and super model 34 B Why do boys and girls have different body parts? Published in Sexual Differentiation 2 mins read Feb 24, 2025 Boys and girls have different body parts primarily due to sex chromosomes and genes that dictate the development of specific gonads, internal and external genitalia, and physiological hormones. Amid a perpetual onslaught of breast augmentation ads, boob-lifting bras, and nipple bans, it can be easy to dismiss that female breasts (and specifically nipples) serve more than an evolutionary Breasts come in all shapes and sizes. How exactly that plays out in a particular culture at a particular time will change, but it will never be an apples-to-apples comparison due to sexual dimorphism. "Human breasts could therefore be a kind The breasts are principally composed of adipose, glandular, and connective tissues. Breast buds are generally followed by a growth spurt, the appearance of pubic hair, and changing hormone levels that can lead to acne and Oh, FYI, the reason why we have "permanently" swollen breasts has largely to do with our diet full of meat and milk which contains growth hormones. Perhaps it's different with younger people but back then I was more self conscious. This can affect the development of breasts (as well as internal genitalia) in girls. They can make women feel wanted, liberated, or empowered. now 60% to 80% Chinese girls breasts much bigger than white girls. 3. Why do girls develop breasts? Girls develop breasts so when they have a baby, they are able to breastfeed. Weight changes, medications, pregnancy and menstruation can all incite fluctuations, but breast size is largely determined by seven genetic markers [source: Erikkson et al]. Also, there probably wasn't a BANG and some women had big boobs. You can look at the sales of t-shirts, statues etc. One the article leaves out is climate, which I'm sure plays a role, as evolution would want northern people to stay warm (more fat please!) Most girls have their growth spurt at a younger age than boys do. Another factor is that, like many other species, human females do not have to do much work to get a mate and have offspring. It’s not about comparison to others but by attraction/being compatible with somebody. nepzrxqlurtsbywpxspqghkoiglsegeaofoeklyntiumfpfapkbtdorxwgscvmadkey