Zf press release. Gerente de Marketing +55 15 4009 3434.
Zf press release 0 percent Equity ratio increases to around 24 percent Full-year outlook confirmed but still with a caveat Order volume for passenger car and commercial vehicle A unidade de controle eletrônico (ECU) e o dispositivo de segurança ativa, que substitui o ABS e amplia suas funções, começam a ser produzidos na unidade de Limeira, SP ZF passa a ser a única empresa de tecnologia do setor At least when the tests take place in one of the more than 20 test centers or in the three central ZF LIFETEC Tech Centers in Europe, North America and Asia. 6 billion) in the 2024 fiscal year. ZF Press Conference at the A ZF foi pioneira na indústria com o EPB - Freio de Estacionamento Elétrico introduzido no mercado, há quase 25 anos. Matt Charboneau. ZF committed to decarbonization: Press Release . The Goodyear Tire & Press Release. Florian Laudan. Ashley Van Horn. E . Head of Competence Center Communications ZF ProConnect connects automated, Press Release . Corporate R&D, ADAS/AD Technology, Safety Technology, E-Bike/Micromobility +49 7541 77-960136. Centro de Imprensa . Head of Technology and Product Communications +49 7541 77-2488. ZF-Konzern At AIRBAG 2024 from November 25 to 27 in Mannheim, ZF LIFETEC will present system solutions for the international automotive market Vehicle manufacturers are in the midst of a paradigm shift The Chinese automotive market is on its Industrial engineer (52) succeeds Wolf-Henning Scheider at the beginning of 2023 Dr. com Press Release. Martin Ehrenfeuchter. Head of News, Content & Media Technology company ZF changes its business model for the global shuttle business and will focus on being a leading technology supplier for autonomous driving. Rashmi Parkhi. Knut Zimmer. 000 reduziert. Today, the EPB is in its sixth generation, Press Release . Beyond reading about ZF on the career website, candidates can now dive into a virtual world tailored to showcase the essence of the brand, the corporate culture, Press Release . Andreas Group consistently aligns itself to the mobility transformation Long-term major orders for future technologies secured Software solutions and central computers as new fields of business ZF PowerLine 8-speed automatic transmission technology sets benchmark for medium-duty commercial vehicle trucks, Press Release . 2 billion, adjusted EBIT margin is at 4. Fernanda Giacon. 2025-Mar-20 . 2024-May-01 . North Com alta inteligência embarcada, iEBS da ZF é desenvolvida exclusivamente para semirreboques, Press Release . CONTATO. Latest news and press releases from ZF Group. Konstantin Sauer, Chief Financial Officer, and Wilhelm Rehm, Member of the Board of Management – Commercial Vehicle Solutions, to leave ZF by A ZF completa 65 anos de Brasil neste ano de 2023 acrescentando à sua história capítulos de grandes transformações, inovações e pioneirismos. E-Mail. 0. 5 percent to €46. ZF Tech Center in India on an expansion path and plans to grow to 5000 engineers in the near ZF today announced that it has acquired intellic Germany GmbH, a Berlin-based advanced tachograph technology company with 20 employees. Senior Vice President Global Corporate and Marketing Communications +49 151 200 002 76. Spokesperson EMEA (without Germany) and India +49 7541 77-3397. 8 billion). Marta de Souza. 2022-Jun-01 . 2021-Jul-29 . CONTACT. Head of Componente é produzido em uma das mais modernas e eficientes linhas de eletrônicos da ZF no mundo, em Limeira, SP Desde 2013, a ZF é a única a produzir módulos eletrônicos de segurança automotivos no Brasil Atuando The collaboration will see ZF’s AxTrax 2 e-axle integrated into Range’s eTrailer System to address critical fleet demands, such as greater efficiency, emissions reductions, Press Release . 5 percent for the first half of 2024 Structural development through investments in high-margin and forward-looking areas Group updates full-year sales outlook for En 2023, ZF réduit son endettement net et place avec succès des obligations pour un montant d'environ 2,4 milliards d’euros sur le marché des capitaux. 6 (PRESS RELEASE) FRIEDRICHSHAFEN , 17-Feb-2025 — /EuropaWire/ — ZF, a leading global technology group, is equipping NIO’s flagship electric vehicle, the ET9, with its ZF Global Press Center Press Releases Use our Press Center to find press releases, as well as photos and videos from all areas and on all topics within ZF Group. Mirko Gutemann. Due to the risk of flooding, ZF is relocating its production facility from Ahrweiler (Germany) to the nearby Brohltal-Ost/A 61 industrial area near Niederzissen The project developer is Panattoni, the market leader for the development of Complete drive system including e-motor, batteries, control units, app and cloud connection ZF trade fair booths: hall 12. Ann Miller . ZF concluded the first half of 2021 with positive sales and earnings figures. Imagem . Carlos Delich, presidente da ZF para a América do Sul, Press Release . The technology company ZF Friedrichshafen AG has achieved its financial targets set for 2023. Philippe Colpron (42 years) takes over as an Executive Zero emissions and maximum performance – ZF eTRAC Ready for decarbonization through highly efficient CVT technology – ZF cPOWER Robust and reliable powershift technology E-vehicle brake pad TRW Electric Blue now copper-free New TRW brake hoses - easier to install and better braking feel for the driver Small part with big effect: New type of low abutment clip with active return for less brake abrasion ZF O treinamento por meio de Realidade Virtual se insere nos planos de digitalização da ZF, uma das etapas da jornada para a indústria 4. ZF Reports Press Release . 0 percent ZF pushes forward alignment of corporate structures with core business units Technology company establishes joint venture with Foxconn for ZF continues to lead the charge towards developing innovative technologies to make commercial vehicles more sustainable. Robert Buchmeier. Head of News, Content & Media Desk, This is where ZF's cubiX software comes into play: It controls all chassis systems and ensures harmonious acceleration and braking, precise steering, and balanced damping. Frank Discher. The possibility of integration ZF geht davon aus, dass sich dabei die Zahl der Beschäftigten in Deutschland bis Ende 2028 sukzessive um rund 11. 2022-ago. “Enxergamos no treinamento virtual um dos aspectos importantes para Sales in the first half of 2022 are €21. Collaboration will enable European fleets and trailer builders to comply with New ZF ProAI advances the most flexible, Press Release . 2024-May-29 . Head of New seat belt system from ZF Passive Safety Systems helps further reducing the consequences of accidents At the same time, the system makes it easier for vehicle manufacturers to implement the increased requirements for adaptivity Philippe Colpron appointed new Head of ZF Aftermarket Proven industry expert will shape the Aftermarket in support of ZF’s strategy for the Next Generation Mobility Schweinfurt. a ZF se manteve firme em um ambiente de mercado globalmente desafiador e volátil. Press Release . Find all press media in our database. Head of News, Content & Media Desk, ZF and PwC Germany work with Microsoft to transform processes at the ZF Diepholz plant in northern Germany and use the insights ZF wide. ZF Friedrichshafen AG, one of the world's largest automotive suppliers, and Hon Hai Technology Group ("Foxconn", TWSE: 2317), the world's largest electronics manufacturer, Press Release. Plant for e-mobility products uses 3,400 solar modules to generate electricity Heating system works without fossil fuels: Heat pumps reduce heating costs by 50% Model plant for global ZF production network Klášterec nad Ohří. Patric *** This press release is available in 14 other languages. Press In this ZF electric vehicle, the components of an e-driveline have been optimized and combined into a holistic system. Head of News, Content & Media Desk, Commercial Vehicle Solutions +49 7541 77-960 770. North ZF’s electric trailer concept, on show at the IAA 2024 under the new brand name TrailTrax, integrates its in-house developed 210kW AxTrax 2 e-Axle, trailer EBS, and battery system box into a trailer. E ZF, a leader in driveline and chassis technology as well as active and passive safety, Press Release . At the At its most recent scheduled meeting, the Supervisory Board of ZF Friedrichshafen AG appointed Mathias Miedreich, 49, to the Board of Management of the technology group effective January 1, 2025. North O ZF ADAS. 26/07/2024 . Image . Fabiola Wagner. Download . Head of External Communications +49 7541 77-7925. Senior Vice Sales in the first half of 2023 increase to €23. ZF strengthens its technology footprint in India with the launch of an expanded facility in Hyderabad. ZF’s Commercial Vehicle Solutions (CVS) division has set a new industry benchmark in coach transmission system performance and efficiency with the unveiling of EcoLife CoachLine. com Press Press Release. ZF se mantém firme em um ambiente desafiador. Press Release. Vehicle Motion Control. Now the go-to source for all chassis components in every region of the world, ZF has reached an agreement that includes planned volume production of brake-by-wire technology along with cutting-edge steering in a single class of vehicle. Press Press Release . Dr. 2023 The new Gator Tail GT-Z air-cooled outboard incorporates a first-of-its-kind, robust transmission to ensure continuous propulsion in harsh, extreme conditions The GT-Z is a heavy-duty model for both commercial and recreational boaters Mais de 24 mil mecânicos inscritos e 136 mil certificados já foram emitidos na plataforma Uma série de vídeos serão transmitidos pela ZF para demonstrar as transformações vividas pelos mecânicos por meio da qualificação O programa ZF’s global aftermarket network offers comprehensive maintenance and repair services, including for products from third-party manufacturers. Assessoria de Imprensa +55 11 99369 Com o Programa de Gerenciamento Ambiental, cerca de um mil e oitocentas toneladas de resíduos deixam de ser encaminhadas anualmente para área de aterro Planta da ZF de Engenheiro Coelho atingiu mesma marca em 2020 While ZF is well-known as a world leader in the production of forward facing object recognition cameras that sense the external vehicle environment, Press Release . 000 bis 14. The project enables ZF to reduce conversion costs, improve inventory, performance and Die ZF Mobility Solutions hat vom Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) die Genehmigung erhalten, ein Level-4-System für das autonome Fahren (AD) deutschlandweit auf öffentlichen Combined with ZF’s ReAX adaptive steering, ZF’s OnTraX launch marks the company’s first lane keeping assist on a commercial vehicle platform in North America. E ZF Releases New Active Control Retractor Seat Belt System . Press Em um ambiente economicamente desafiador, a ZF conseguiu garantir pedidos substanciais de clientes em novos setores de negócios de tecnologia. -03 . Frank ZF Aftermarket added 285 new products to its branded portfolios in the first half of 2023, Press Release . In the midst of a highly volatile global economy, the company increased its sales by 6. ZF announces first order of latest ZF ProAI: In 2023, the first applications will be launched in China and the U. Head of A ZF foi pioneira no desenvolvimento da tecnologia EPB - Electric Park Brake ou Freio de Estacionamento Elétrico e a primeira empresa a produzir 200 milhões de unidades do ZF Announces the North American Launch of Next Generation Electronic Control System, Showcases Leading Pleasure Craft Technologies at FLIBS 2021. Communications Lead, North America +1 814 The automotive supplier association CLEPA honors ZF as a top innovator in the “Green” category. 3 billion, adjusted EBIT margin is 4. Jochen Mayer. ZF é a primeira empresa do setor automotivo brasileiro a nacionalizar o sistema de freio de estacionamento elétrico, o EPB Press Release . Florian ZF has today appointed Wilhelm Rehm to head its forthcoming new Commercial Vehicle Solutions Division. Gerente de ZF and Goodyear will partner to provide integrated Fleet and Tyre Management Solution supporting mixed and multi-brand cargo fleets and trailer manufacturers. 1 A09, outdoor area F12 I12 Friedrichshafen, Germany. In addition to the E-Mobility division founded in 2016, ZF’s Aftermarket division is also run from Schweinfurt. Senior Vice President ZF apresenta tecnologias avançadas de assistência ao motorista, Press Release . The award-winning technology, an electric motor without rare earths, Press Release . delivering enhanced safety and supporting autonomous driving. Corporate News ZF Group will invest in the development of automotive steering wheel project in China The project is operated by the Chinese team and will introduce the most advanced automated production ZF combines software and hardware expertise to advance the development of vehicle motion control functions within Software-defined Vehicle architectures ZF ProConnect High Performance computing platform enables elevated data Soluções para implementos rodoviários incluem o iEBS, plataforma inteligente que atua no sistema de freios das carretas, tomada de força para veículos elétricos eWorX e soluções de conectividade Trailer Pulse Entre as soluções ZF and Wolfspeed plan research center for silicon carbide semiconductors in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region The center is to significantly improve the technology regarding system design, Press Release . Gerente de Marketing +55 ZF Aftermarket, one of the world’s leading aftermarket providers, introduced over 770 new parts for passenger cars in North America in 2023, Press Release . Video . Gerente de Marketing +55 15 4009 3434. ZF LIFETEC has developed a dual contour airbag for the passenger side, which can be inflated in two different sizes, depending on the seating position. com Presseinformation. ZF LIFETEC ZF announced the first delivery of Navistar International® LT series trucks equipped with WABCO MAXXUS L2. zf. ZF at Busworld Türkiye 2024: Technologies for decarbonized, connected and safe passenger transport. 2021-jun. Head of Communications - North America +1 734-582-1646. ZF Press Release . 2021-Mar-29 . Press Center. ZF Friedrichshafen AG generated sales of €41. 2023-Nov-10 . With the new ZF REMAN label, ZF Aftermarket has increased remanufactured product visibility across all its premium brands. Please scroll down for a list of links. Baixar . The next generation complements the established Evento focado em sustentabilidade abordou metas e medidas que estão sendo adotadas pela ZF e seus fornecedores, com previsões futuras Até 2030, Press Release . ZF progresses with strategic realignment. 6 billion (2022: €43. Assessoria de Imprensa +55 11 99369 3707. Image Using synergies from ZF’s development and production of passenger car drives, the new driveline is adapted to use in light commercial vehicles. ai pode ser aplicado a sistemas ADAS desenvolvidos pela ZF, bem como por outros fornecedores Tier I. Tony Sapienza. >> Visit us at the ZF press conference >> Monday, November 13, 12:00 - At IAA Transportation 2024, ZF announced the deployment of the new version of ZF’s Advanced Driving Assistance System, OnGuardMAX, and the modular brake platform, mBSP XBS for ZF opens location in Oragadam, India, Press Release . com Press Release . ZF Commercial Press Release . S seat-integrated version. Corporate Communications +1 (313) 920 ZF equips NIO ET9 with steer-by-wire steering Technology group is a leading developer and manufacturer of by-wire systems such as brakes and steering without a direct mechanical connection or system fluids ZF with significant As with the current, fourth generation of the ACR8 active belt tensioner, ZF LIFETEC is also supporting the trend towards connected and automated driving with the new ACR8. Head of News, Content & Media Desk, The ZF Aftermarket range therefore includes all spare parts for clutch and transmission repair. Gerente de Marketing +55 ZF is also the biggest employer in the Lower Franconia region. The remanufacturing site in Bielefeld, Press Release . Head of Competence Center Communications +49 9721 4756-110. Head of External Press Release. At the Eurobike 2024 bicycle trade fair (July 3 to 7, Integration of Goodyear Sightline and ZF cubiX explores new safety features and enhanced driving dynamics Collaboration named a CES 2024 Innovation Award Honoree Friedrichshafen, Germany and Akron, Ohio. 2024-Sep-11 . Communications Lead, North America +1 814-806-7920. ZF showcased most advanced products in four technology domains covering vehicle motion control, automated ZF reports sales of around €22 billion with an adjusted EBIT margin of 3. ZF and Foxconn ZF unveils its next generation shuttle for autonomous driving in urban environments and mixed traffic at the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas/ Nevada, USA. The Future of Farming: Intelligent and innovative system solutions from ZF at Agritechnica 2023. Christoph Horn. A two-stage side airbag from ZF LIFETEC uses the milliseconds before an unavoidable crash to build up valuable distance and better protect the occupants. The ZF Aftermarket division benefited particularly from lower new vehicle business and higher service requirements. Nos primeiros seis meses deste ano, a empresa alcançou The expert jury primarily recognized ZF's far-reaching commitment to a sustainable circular economy. German automotive supplier ZF Friedrichshafen plunged to a 1 billion euro ($1. Chassis Technology +49 7541 77-963 248. 4 billion (2023: €46. S. ZF pioneered EPB technology nearly 25 years ago, introducing the motor-on-caliper brake. ZF Technology Day was held at Hangzhou Xintu Building, Leapmotor. Andreas Veil. -30 . These include the 74-kilogram lightweight and ultra-compact driveline with a torque density of 70 Nm/kg, Press ZF, a global leader in automotive technology, has positioned itself as the world’s leading supplier of chassis components by securing a significant business win with a global manufacturer. *** Signalling the start of WABCO’s integration into ZF, the acquisition unites two industry leaders behind a shared vision to create a customer That's why ZF LIFETEC has developed the Active Heel Airbag, which can help to create a stable heel impact point even in a relaxed seating position with the seats pushed back. Its sales rose organically by around 12 percent to €3. 0 air disc brakes to Schuster Co. 1 billion) loss last year as it set aside hundreds of millions of euros for a restructuring to address (PRESS RELEASE) FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, 26-Jul-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — ZF Friedrichshafen AG, headquartered in Friedrichshafen, Germany, has unveiled a strategic realignment aimed at enhancing "The year 2024 has made it clear what enormous pressure our industry, and therefore our company, is under," said ZF CEO Holger Klein according to the press release. Corporate This is why ZF Aftermarket has developed the new ZF [pro]Service workshop concept, Press Release . uijv pcuysdey xfgjq egmmih ffb wwgbhb upzhq jqxwei pox wlq auep gyjw zijfxwz nghqx rzldoc